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Imagine it was 1977 and you were the only person who's seen Star Wars
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Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:26:29

I loved every single episode of Breaking Bad. I'd suggest watching the first three episodes. If you are not hooked by the end of the third episode, then it's probably not a show for you.

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Tue, 02 Dec 2014 20:11:58

The first season is definitely the "worst" of Bb.  It's still fantastic.  The roller coaster is just climbing the hill.

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Tue, 02 Dec 2014 20:17:26

Is it one of these 1 hour per episode (not including commercials) series? I have the whole series on DVD.

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Tue, 02 Dec 2014 20:32:35
gamingeek said:

Is it one of these 1 hour per episode (not including commercials) series? I have the whole series on DVD.

No its 43 minutes an episode cause of commercials.

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Tue, 02 Dec 2014 20:56:58

I could swear the first episode was like 55 minutes or something.

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Tue, 02 Dec 2014 21:52:05
gamingeek said:

I could swear the first episode was like 55 minutes or something.

A few are extra long.

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Wed, 03 Dec 2014 16:28:03
By watching FMA.B, Ravenprose has shamed you all and proved to be one of the coolest people on the site. Along with Iga.

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Thu, 04 Dec 2014 01:08:42

I may watch the original first just to annoy you. Nyaa

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Thu, 04 Dec 2014 03:44:13
gamingeek said:
By watching FMA.B, Ravenprose has shamed you all and proved to be one of the coolest people on the site. Along with Iga.

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Thu, 04 Dec 2014 10:13:45
Foolz said:

I may watch the original first just to annoy you. Nyaa

You can watch the original first, in fact I'd recommend it as once you watch Brotherhood the original will seem lame. But I worry that anyone who watches the original may not make it through as the first 13-ish episodes are mostly light, fluffy and early 90s style fluff and the story doesn't start getting interesting till Dr Marco shows up. There's still some decent stuff to see if you've watched Brotherhood first like Ed and Mustang facing off in a duel, the origins of Barry the Chopper and more.

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Fri, 12 Dec 2014 15:24:18
SupremeAC said:
I would, if it were not for the fact that I have never watched any true anime.  Thus, in order to truely, justly appreciate it's sheer magnificence, I would first have to withdraw into my chambers for years on end to watch inferior anime, living the life of a recluce, long winding nails and pots of piss and everything.

Obviously, with work, family and life in general, I can not make the appropriate sacrifice.  Rather than risking not being able to recognize FMA for it's true worth, I have decided against watching it at all.

It's been a tough decission.  I spent many a sleepless night pondering the pro's and cons.  I consulted the stars.  I paid many a visit to the local tarrot cards reader.  I wrote my guru and great inspiration, Shigeru Miyamoto, a letter asking for advice.  In the end though, the lines of cosmic energy that govern all in the universe have shown me that this is the route I must take.  

I am sorry GG.  I really want to watch FMA, but you must understand that it is not to be for reasons that are greater than my own puny being.

I forgot to congratulate you on this post, very good!

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Mon, 15 Dec 2014 07:22:02

To the topic question, my first honest response was, "I have to warn everyone how bad it is".

As to the spirit of the thread, I just can't be bothered tracking down non-game related content. Here in Australia I am sure there are pirated ways to get it easy on the internet, but I've honestly never even looked into torrents or anything because it seems like a lot of work for content I don't have time for.

I get my content through podcasts, Kindle (e-reader), and physical game stores and Steam.  Anything more than that requires more time and energy than I have.

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Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:46:19
I'm sure they sell it in stores. You can also pretty easily find it online, on youtube or animetycoon, Netflix etc.

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Tue, 16 Dec 2014 01:19:24
gamingeek said:
I'm sure they sell it in stores. You can also pretty easily find it online, on youtube or animetycoon, Netflix etc.

So now not only does he have to put in time and energy, but money, too? Nyaa

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Tue, 16 Dec 2014 16:39:36
Youtube and animetycoon as well as funimation website is free. Happy

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Sat, 20 Dec 2014 06:59:04

I tried one of the Fullmetal Alchemist manga once.

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Sat, 20 Dec 2014 13:05:28
Any good?

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Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:37:18

I don't remember much about it, which means, no. Is Brohood a special offshoot? Or is all the anime under that title?

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Sun, 21 Dec 2014 11:21:06
Fullmetal Alchemist in the name of the manga. "Brotherhood" is true to the manga whereas the first "Fullmetal Alchemist" series did it's own thing after a few episodes.

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Sat, 03 Jan 2015 17:03:40

Stop comparing FMA to Star Wars. FMA is actually good!

gamingeek said:
By watching FMA.B, Ravenprose has shamed you all and proved to be one of the coolest people on the site. Along with Iga.

I did not watch FMA. B. I read the manga. Whelp, get on my level!

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