Forum > Gaming Discussion > Imagine Peace in Our Time
Imagine Peace in Our Time
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Sat, 05 Nov 2011 15:54:08

Let's imagine this is a perfect world. That there's no need for competition, money is no object and everyone worked for the greater good. Imagine the Console Wars have come to an end and all Developers and Publishers all decided to work as one. Who would run things? Who would design things? What studios would remain and which would be split up to work elsewhere? If you were in charge of it all, who would you put where and why? What would the name of your new console be? What would it focus on and what games would you make? Gimmicks or no? Just out of curiosity I would like to see what everyone here would imagine to be their perfect gaming world.  

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Sat, 05 Nov 2011 15:55:51

I already have ideas in my head, but I don't want to influence anyone else, one way or another. I'd like to hear what you all think first!

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Sat, 05 Nov 2011 15:58:11

Get as crazy as you want. If you want to produce an open-world, Bethesda-developed Mario RPG, so be it!

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Sat, 05 Nov 2011 16:00:27

Taking the genres of Sports, Action-Adventure, Action-RPG, Puzzle, Open-World RPG, MMORPG, First Person Shooter, Racing, Casual, etc, etc... Who would you place in what department to develop what games?

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Sat, 05 Nov 2011 19:25:42
phantom_leo said:

Get as crazy as you want. If you want to produce an open-world, Bethesda-developed Mario RPG, so be it!


Edited: Sat, 05 Nov 2011 19:26:02


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 05 Nov 2011 19:39:45

Bethesda Zelda and a Nintendo TES. Nyaa

Obviously I would like Nintendo to make a Sonic game. Epic helping Naught Dog get gunplay right in Uncharted.

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Sun, 06 Nov 2011 01:19:24

Epic helping Naughty Dog to clone Gears properly lol.

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Sun, 06 Nov 2011 02:17:05

I've always wanted a Zelda multiplayer game.   So I'm thinking Naughty Dog can provide Nintendo the template for a multiplayer deathmatch game.   Bows can be long guns, with different types of arrows: regular, flame or explosive.  Slingshots provide short range weapons, with swords for close range combat.  Bombs replace grenades and crossbows with an explosive bomb can replace RPGs.  Link would have all the moves that Nate has:  Climbing walls, taking cover, blindfire with bows and slingshots, hanging from ledges and firing, grabbing someone and pulling them off the ledge.  You can even have boosters like collecting more rupees per kill, see enemies through walls (Eye of Truth).   Perhaps magic spells, large shields, smoke bombs to escape.  It's the good citizens of Hyrule Vs. the Ganonites battling it out across many exotic locales of Hyrule. Nyaa

Of course there are other modes, Four Swords type co-op where each participant has special powers.  One can lift stones and move them to pressure switches.  One can fire magic to open portals.   Treasure hunt becomes rupee hunt, etc.

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Sun, 06 Nov 2011 12:03:35

If I had to choose ONE of the three major players to coordinate everything, I still don't know who I would pick... Sony has had too many bad decisions, industry embarassments and general fuck ups this generation. Microsoft still cannot capture a significant portion of the market outside of the US... forget about Japan. Nintendo... They are the ones I thought of initially, but they always seem to focus on one aspect so strictly, they let others go lacking.

Maybe another major Publisher or even Develoment studio?!


In my company, Microsoft would be in charge of development software tools and Online functionality. Nothing Sony nor Nintendo has done even comes close to the Online Perfection that is Xbox Live. Ease of Sociability and Stability that is unmatched. THAT is their forte! The concept of Gamertags, Achievement bragging rights and CONSOLE online-multiplayer ALL belong to Microsoft! In game chat, gameplay coordination and notification, Live Arcade (at least for non-Classic titles) all stand head and shoulders above everyone else! How's that Wii Speak workin' out for ya Nintendo? *shudder!*

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Sun, 06 Nov 2011 19:20:45

Fuck Microsoft and their online. They make you pay to play. If one company should do online it would have to be Valve.

I am going to do something more realistic, somewhat.

Treasure should do the next Starfox

Retro should team up with Team Ninja to make Other M this time we do not fuck up version. Retro should hire David Wise and let him do all the music in Donkey Kong Country Returns 2. Aonuma and Koizumi (Mario Galaxy guy) should team up and make an new IP about ninjas (read the Iwata Ask about Ocarina of Time 3DS to see why)

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Sun, 06 Nov 2011 19:34:23
Iga_Bobovic said:

Fuck Microsoft and their online. They make you pay to play. If one company should do online it would have to be Valve.


The VG Press

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Mon, 07 Nov 2011 01:22:38

Valve online is great unless you have a download limit. PSN updates have nothing on Valve online games FFS.

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Mon, 07 Nov 2011 07:15:01

Lack of competition makes any industry stagnant.  Be careful what you wish for.


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