This game blends some of the best action from some of the biggest game series:
Shooting from Gears of War.
Online play from Halo.
Driving from Smugglers Run.
Hijacking and Rescuing from Grand Theft Auto.
Action Sequences that mimic the infamous motorcycle scene from Metal Gear Solid 4.
...throw all of this together with the incredible GeoMod 2.0 engine and you get action bliss!
...watching the charges you set take down a tower or building from a distance and seeing them crumble realistically in real-time --NEVER-- gets old!
Although all of the weapons are useful, fun and satisfying so far, a definite nod goes out to Nano-Rifle that basically melts (technically deconstructs) it's target!
I love electric weapons --depicted above is the Arc Welder in action-- but the Nano-Rifle even trumps THAT!
Vehicles are as diverse as the rest of the game:
You've got your typical two-seater, Smart-Cars. You've got the Martian versions of the Mini-Van and Dump-Trucks. You've got Armored Patrol Cars and Tanks. Things start getting even cooler with the Buggies, the Trikes and the Raider Motorcycles...
...but at the top of the heap are the Jump-Jet Sporting, Construction Mechs and the (even larger) Demolition Mech Monstrosities! These things literally fling other vehicles a couple of hundred feet and take down buildings with the flailing of their arms!
**I am 99% sure there are Aircraft also, but I haven't gotten that far yet!**
OMG. Duh! This game and Saint's Row are from the same development team! NO WONDER it has the whole Respect/Influence/Obtaining Followers vibe going on in it!
Read a VERY GOOD, TOTALLY IN-DEPTH interview about the similarities between the two (and about RF: G, in general) HERE!
Snippety-snip, snippets:
TC: Going back to the three factions again, I want to tell you about one of my favorite touches. There's an EDF outpost in the Badlands. It's a sort of walled fort, a frontier outpost. If you attack it, a lot of times the marauders will join in, or maybe they're already there when you show up. You end up with these epic three-way battles. Obviously, it was built intentionally that way. You knew some of us would find it and be really delighted at how it expresses the world. However, it's completely optional. You can get through the missions and never see that outpost. Is it hard to build a world with these touches when you know many players will miss them?
JH: We made a decision that we weren't going to hold people's hands. We weren't going to force you to do this raid, then attack this convoy, then attack this base. We didn't want to do that. In fact, in Dust, there's 380 control points that you need to reduce [to advance the storyline]. But there's almost a thousand control points in Dust. You could play through Dust twice and still not see all of it. From one point of view, it's hard to make content that someone may never see. But it give you that massive freedom. We've got people in the community forums saying "Hey, I went to that outpost in the Badlands and the marauders attacked" and other people say, "What are you talking about? I finished the game and I never saw that". It's all part of the overall philosophy of not forcing anything on you. As designers, it's really hard. I think it's possible to beat Dust without attacking the Dust Town Hall. And that's one of the coolest things in Dust. But it's our overall philosophy that we want the players - not us - to control the experience.
TC: Destroying buildings is a huge bullet point for the game, of course. This is obviously something you've all worked very hard to do, and it's something you should be very proud of. But one of the things that most surprises me is how seamlessly it fits into the world rather than feeling like a gimmick, like a bullet point for the back of the box. A lot of times, a feature this new, this highly promoted, would stand out like a sore thumb. I'm amazed that's not the case in Red Faction Guerrilla. The destruction feels so natural. Is that something that happened of its own accord, or was it a struggle to make it that way?
JH: We've been in development with this game since 2004. It's a ridiculously long time. Going back and thinking where I was in 2004, I can't believe that we're done with this game. That's a long period of time. And for the first few years of the project, we were focused on destruction as a gameplay mechanic. Everything in the whole game was based on destruction. When we started talking about combat, about missions, the first thing on the table was how to make it all revolve around destruction. So we'd be thinking about things like if you're fighting inside a building, you can shoot air conditioners that are hanging over people's heads, and it would fall of them. That sort of thing. But after a while, we realized we were forcing it too much. We were thinking of destruction as the primary game mechanic. And at some point, we backed off and decided what we really needed to be doing was just making a really good game, and then take advantage of what destruction gives us. So we'll have an extremely interactive world that lets the player do all sorts of stuff they can't do in other games, but the design team is not going to be fixated on destruction. Once we decided that, everything got a lot easier. We could have a mission where the mission is not necessarily to go blow up this building or destroy this tower. But the destruction makes it play differently every time. It gives you a lot of options for how you approach a mission. And the accidental stuff spices it up. You miss the turn and your vehicle tears through a building.
TC: Do you guys find that it messes up how you look at other games? For me, after just a couple of weeks of playing Red Faction, it's weird seeing games that don't have that destruction, that interactivity. I can't imagine what it must be like for you guys having worked on the game for years. I shoot a rocket at a wall now and I expect the wall to break.
JH: I can't even do it anymore. There are so many games I can't even play now. Games where you shoot a rocket at a wall and it doesn't even scratch the paint. But even games where they have special effect destruction, where maybe you call in an air strike and it blows up a factory, but it blows up the same every time. It might as well be a cut scene. I just tune that out. That doesn't even count anymore. I've gotten very sensitive to games that have so-called destruction, but the destruction is irrelevant to the gameplay. I have a lot of trouble with that.

gamingeek said:The Uk reviews I've seen have sort of trashed it for a lack of imagination, repetition and junk. I know the US reviewers love destruction and stuff though. I'm not really interested. RE5 is in the mail
! ?
Yeah. This is a good old fashion U S of A destructo-thon ! !
If you can't appreciate THAT, then get the HELL out of my country... OR STAY OUT...! ! !
FIND SOME EURO-PEON dumpsters to sift through!
HOBO ! ! !
phantom_leo said:gamingeek said:The Uk reviews I've seen have sort of trashed it for a lack of imagination, repetition and junk. I know the US reviewers love destruction and stuff though. I'm not really interested. RE5 is in the mail! ?
Yeah. This is a good old fashion U S of A destructo-thon ! !
If you can't appreciate THAT, then get the HELL out of my country... OR STAY OUT...! ! !
FIND SOME EURO-PEON dumpsters to sift through!
HOBO ! ! !
Funny you should say that because the dumpsters here are all filled with Red Faction boxes.
You like ExcitePenises. You are devoid of ANY standard, and should refrain from having an opinion on any matter, ever.
The gaming world has its fair share of 'graphics whores'. I'd better label myself as a 'physics whore'. The better the physics are, the more fun I'm going to have with the game. Red Faction Guerilla was satisfying. I haven't played an open world game that let me drive my car off a cliff and crash it through the second floor of a building for a surprise hostage rescue. Also, strapping charges to the bottom of your vehicle is a new and lulzy take on rocket jumping.
Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom
SteelAttack said:Iga_Bobovic said:I HAVE HIGHER STANDARDS THAN THAT!
You like ExcitePenises. You are devoid of ANY standard, and should refrain from having an opinion on any matter, ever.
Big words for a man that likes Ass. Creed.
SteelAttack said:Iga_Bobovic said:I HAVE HIGHER STANDARDS THAN THAT!
You like ExcitePenises. You are devoid of ANY standard, and should refrain from having an opinion on any matter, ever.
. Doesn't Leo like ExcitePenises too...
Iga_Bobovic said:SteelAttack said:Iga_Bobovic said:I HAVE HIGHER STANDARDS THAN THAT!
You like ExcitePenises. You are devoid of ANY standard, and should refrain from having an opinion on any matter, ever.
Big words for a man that likes Ass. Creed.
That might be, but I didn't say I had any HIGHER standards. I'm your friend, after all.
SteelAttack said:Iga_Bobovic said:SteelAttack said:Iga_Bobovic said:I HAVE HIGHER STANDARDS THAN THAT!
You like ExcitePenises. You are devoid of ANY standard, and should refrain from having an opinion on any matter, ever.
Big words for a man that likes Ass. Creed.
That might be, but I didn't say I had any HIGHER standards. I'm your friend, after all.
With friends like you, who needs enemies?!
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Metacritic Average: inFamous (PS3): 85% / Red Faction: Guerilla (PS3): 86%
Metacritic Average: Prototype (360): 78% / Red Faction: Guerrilla (360): 85%
- The GeoMod 2.0 Engine that makes everything you can destroy crumble and crack as it should, naturally and realistically.
- Weapons that feel just right, that are up-gradeable and varied and can destroy people as well as the environement!
- Online play with lobbys, ranks and unlockables.
- A
diverse set of side-missions that stomps ALL over eating zombies or
climbing buildings to shoot red alarm lights. (Racing that feels like
Smugglers Run, Shooting that feels like Metal Gear Solid 4.)
___________________________________________________________________________________The story is mostly cheese-ball, cookie-cutter revolution fluff, but the game plays so well, you're not gonna care!
Praise for Red Faction:
- Gaming Age: "An essential game to play if only to see Volition's exemplary game
design in action. Failing that, the sheer amount of fun derived from
taking on an entire military yourself with some of the most over the
top weaponry every to find itself into a game should seal the deal."
- Game Focus: "By delivering a solid campaign mode, an incredibly vast open world,
destructible environments and addictive multiplayer modes, THQ and
Volition brings you a high quality game that you can�t miss. Red
Faction: Guerrilla is a must have in your collection and it won�t be
forgotten when award season starts somewhere by the end of the year.
While people aren�t expecting the game that much, they will be
extremely surprised by it. We highly recommend it."
- "This is explosive, balls-to-the-wall action that makes no concessions
in delivering the ultimate playground in which to wreak havoc. The
almost limitless potential for reckless mayhem is what makes Guerrilla
such an unashamedly fun game to play, which is why this is without a
doubt the biggest summer blockbuster so far this year and consequently
an essential purchase. Now go on, get your ass to Mars."
- Game Informer: "No matter what mode you enter, Red Faction: Guerrilla delivers on its
promise of destruction, and offers an experience unlike anything else
out there."
- 1Up: "Guerrilla isn't a terribly deep game, but as a "summer blockbuster," it
works just right. It doesn't expect you to get lost in a deep, engaging
sci-fi world -- you're on a mission to Mars to watch stuff explode. A
deeper story might have made it more enjoyable in some respects, but it
might also have killed the momentum of the demolition action."