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Is the PSP my signficantly older woman that I'm ready to dump?
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Sun, 27 Jun 2010 00:34:30

I was looking at my PSP today. I haven't touched it in a few weeks.  And based on the games that were announced or profiled at E3 I'm not sure how much more I'll be touching it from this point on. . .

Don't get me wrong, even in the short time I've had with the PSP we've had some good times. Great times in fact.  Over the years it knew how to please a gamer, and built up a good library worth of tricks.   And over the course of a few months, those years of experience provided me with months of pleasure. In fact, for a few months I didn't touch my DS or my Wii. It was the PSP day and night.  I don't a have a single regret in buying it. But now that I've gone through all that it has to offer I'm wondering if there's a future for us.  

Valkyrie Chronicles II, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and maybe the new God of War game.  Those are the only things I'm interested in. Maybe not even that God of War game.  I mean it will only be 6 hours long and I've got no intention of paying for it until it drops under the $20 mark and that still won't be for a while. So really, there's 2 games coming out for it over the rest of the year.  

I can get $100 for it if I sell it now with the few games I still have for it.  6 months from now that's unlikely to be the case. And I know it won't get much play time over the rest of the year. Games like Dragon Quest IX, Other M, and Epic Mickey are already going to get priority. Hell I've still got Trauma Team and Galaxy 2 to play through. The PSP is likely to get none of my time.  Plus in less than a year a younger and sexier handheld will be released and once that's out the PSP won't do anything other than gather dust.

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Sun, 27 Jun 2010 02:46:17
Sell it. Spend the earnings in booze. 
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Sun, 27 Jun 2010 09:23:00
Or you could...give it to me for free. Nyaa

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Sun, 27 Jun 2010 09:40:53
I switch off between my two hand-helds for months at a time.  I think the problem for me is that I ran out of engaging JRPGs for it.

There are going to be plenty of under-the-radar games worth buying for it.  You may consider Half-Minute Hero, it's a budget title (and there is much more than 30 seconds of game play in it).

There are the two Star Ocean RPG's for it that are decent. Popolocrois is also good -- it's actually 2 or 3 games in one.

I'd go stare at the used PSP game section at your local Gamestop for a while, you can get some good deals there.

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 14:40:43
Let me just adjust your post Robio. If you replace select words, it can sound really dirty.
robio said:

I was looking at my penis today. I haven't touched it in a few weeks.  And based on the games that were announced or profiled at the BDSM show I'm not sure how much more I'll be touching it from this point on. . .

Don't get me wrong, even in the short time I've had with a penis we've had some good times. Great times in fact.  Over the years it knew how to please a guy, and built up a good library worth of tricks.   And over the course of a few months, those years of experience provided me with months of pleasure. In fact, for a few months I didn't touch my anus or my third nipple. It was the penis day and night.  I don't a have a single regret in buying the extension. But now that I've gone through all that it has to offer I'm wondering if there's a future for us.  

Jerking, stretching, rubbing.  Those are the only things I'm interested in. Maybe not even that cock ring.  I mean it will only be 6 hours long and I've got no intention of paying for it until it drops under the $20 mark and that still won't be for a while. So really, there's no cumming over the rest of the year.  

I can get $100 for it if I sell it now with the few lotions I still have for it.  6 months from now that's unlikely to be the case. And I know it won't get much play time over the rest of the year. Games like poke the finger up the ass are already going to get priority. Hell I've still got sex doll Dolly to play through. The penis is likely to get none of my time.  Plus in less than a year a younger and sexier orifice will be released and once that's out the penis won't do anything other than gather dust.

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 14:57:43
Clearly you have an abundance of free time of your hand.
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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 14:59:07

robio said:
Clearly I have an abundance of free time for my hand on my penis.


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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 20:35:49


Destructible clothing!

I'd keep it just for this! Grinning


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 21:50:29
I watched the 3rd Birthday footage and the game is just not for me.
Edited: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 21:56:34
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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 21:55:10

robio said:
I watched the 3rd Birthday footage and the is just not for me.

It's because it's a shooter, right?

I can understand that. Not everyone likes shooters. But it does have RPG elements.

I'm looking forward to it though. But from one PSP owner to another, don't sell it. I understand we can get bored of a system once in awhile, but I don't think it's wise to sell it. Because I'm sure you may regret it later on when something crazy good hits the system like God Eater, or Prinny 2, and maybe even FF Agito XIII will be amazing. And maybe Front Misson 3 PSone classic will come out when that stupid Front Mission Shooter is released on consoles, or other PS One classics like Suikoden II or Chrono Cross. Who knows.

I haven't touched my Wii for a long time until SMG2 and Sin and Punishment 2 came around. I was bored of it but I knew I wouldn't sell it because of all the great games coming out for it. Same with the PSP. Even with MGS Peace Walker, I don't play it that much to be honest. But 3rd Birthday, Valkryia Chronicles 2, Kingdom Hearts, and Hot Shots Tennis make the system worthwhile.

Edited: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 21:57:00


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 22:30:07

ASK_Story said:

robio said:
I watched the 3rd Birthday footage and the is just not for me.

It's because it's a shooter, right?

I can understand that. Not everyone likes shooters. But it does have RPG elements.

I'm looking forward to it though. But from one PSP owner to another, don't sell it. I understand we can get bored of a system once in awhile, but I don't think it's wise to sell it. Because I'm sure you may regret it later on when something crazy good hits the system like God Eater, or Prinny 2, and maybe even FF Agito XIII will be amazing. And maybe Front Misson 3 PSone classic will come out when that stupid Front Mission Shooter is released on consoles, or other PS One classics like Suikoden II or Chrono Cross. Who knows.

I haven't touched my Wii for a long time until SMG2 and Sin and Punishment 2 came around. I was bored of it but I knew I wouldn't sell it because of all the great games coming out for it. Same with the PSP. Even with MGS Peace Walker, I don't play it that much to be honest. But 3rd Birthday, Valkryia Chronicles 2, Kingdom Hearts, and Hot Shots Tennis make the system worthwhile.

Well truth be told it's too late. Gamestop had a promotion this weekend to get an extra $25 on all PSP's traded in, and that was enough of a deal for me.  

Like I said, no regrets for getting the system. I did enjoy it.  But based on what's coming out for it the only thing I REALLY wanted was Kingdom Hearts, and I can do without that.  I may regret it down the road somewhere, but frankly next week when I get my hands on Dragon Quest IX (which is partially what I did with my trade in credit), I won't be thinking about it too much.

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Tue, 29 Jun 2010 08:47:06

gamingeek said:
Let me just adjust your post Robio. If you replace select words, it can sound really dirty.
robio said:

I was looking at my penis today. I haven't touched it in a few weeks.  And based on the games that were announced or profiled at the BDSM show I'm not sure how much more I'll be touching it from this point on. . .

Don't get me wrong, even in the short time I've had with a penis we've had some good times. Great times in fact.  Over the years it knew how to please a guy, and built up a good library worth of tricks.   And over the course of a few months, those years of experience provided me with months of pleasure. In fact, for a few months I didn't touch my anus or my third nipple. It was the penis day and night.  I don't a have a single regret in buying the extension. But now that I've gone through all that it has to offer I'm wondering if there's a future for us.  

Jerking, stretching, rubbing.  Those are the only things I'm interested in. Maybe not even that cock ring.  I mean it will only be 6 hours long and I've got no intention of paying for it until it drops under the $20 mark and that still won't be for a while. So really, there's no cumming over the rest of the year.  

I can get $100 for it if I sell it now with the few lotions I still have for it.  6 months from now that's unlikely to be the case. And I know it won't get much play time over the rest of the year. Games like poke the finger up the ass are already going to get priority. Hell I've still got sex doll Dolly to play through. The penis is likely to get none of my time.  Plus in less than a year a younger and sexier orifice will be released and once that's out the penis won't do anything other than gather dust.


I don't want it anymore. Sad

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Tue, 29 Jun 2010 20:58:18
At least someone laughed. Happy

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