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Its amazing how different we gamers can be.
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Fri, 09 Apr 2010 07:14:23
Steel showed me something this week with his playthrough of RE5. We only played once but those 2 hours together opened showed me how different we approach games. He gets RE5 and puts it on easy and almost immediately is getting stuck. Just starting the game on easy is unfathomable to me, already I feel like he can't enjoy the game like that. And to top it off he got stuck, I would say figure it out yourself, where is the fun in getting told what to do.

So I get on to play with him and he is very thankful to have me there. Now I am still in my frame of mind, when I come into Steel's game I come there to guide him. I don't want to do all the work, I don't want to lead him to the objective, I want him to experience it all himself. My weapons are all maxed out and I have access to all of them, I felt the need to choose the weakest weapon I could so not to "cheat" in his game. I got my first indication that we were not on the same page when Steel was tell me to bring out the best guns I can, it was almost like he couldn't understand that I didn't want to do everything.

We start playing and I try to be laid back, Steel follows me around like a puppy, I purposely try not to kill things to let him have is fun and i think I did a good job of that. During this section I was trying to explain some of the game mechanics to steel and give him some tips on how to play better. I explained to him how to use the inventory quicker, stuff like how it is better to equip ammo with square and hand it to your teamate, rather than go into the menu and pick exchange cause that takes longer and is more dangerous. I quickly realized that what I was saying was probably going into one ear and out another so I made my advice more simple, kill things that move.

Steel was there just to have fun and I had a hard time grasping that. He didn't want some stupid tip that would save you like 0.5 seconds of reaction time which you may need on the hardest difficulty setting, he is never going to play that. He is not looking to S rank every level, or make the leaderboards, he just wants to play. I bet he would have been perfectly happy to have me blow everything up and sort of take him on a ride through the game.

That is so strange to me cause I can't do that. He posted about how much more fun he had playing co-op, with me and Solid, I can't do that. I cannot have my first experience of a game be with someone else, I need to be in full control. I need to do everything myself, I need to kill every boss, I need to find all secrets on my own cause if I don't I feel like I missed something. Also I need the challenge, I need goals to achieve other than finish the game. What a difference, Steel you have an ability I don't, the ability to simply enjoy a game experience without restrictions or goals outside of simply finishing it.
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Fri, 09 Apr 2010 07:30:37
On top of that you finish 5 games a week, and he finishes 5 games a year. Nyaa

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Fri, 09 Apr 2010 07:32:03

Foolz said:
On top of that you finish 5 games a week, and he finishes 5 games a year. Nyaa

He has changed this year, I think he is beating me in finished games. Which is good, at least he has a goal of finishing the game in some way. I can't imagine the people that play until they are satisfied and then stop. Do you watch an hour of a movie and say "yeah I enjoyed it enough already, ok next." Nyaa

Edited: Fri, 09 Apr 2010 07:33:43
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Fri, 09 Apr 2010 07:41:10

Dvader said:

He has changed this year, I think he is beating me in finished games. Which is good, at least he has a goal of finishing the game in some way. I can't imagine the people that play until they are satisfied and then stop. Do you watch an hour of a movie and say "yeah I enjoyed it enough already, ok next." Nyaa

Does that mean you keep playing after you're satisfied and are bored? Grinning

But as for me I generally try to finish games, and usually do. Much more than I used to.

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Fri, 09 Apr 2010 08:09:40
I used to be more like you, Vader. I used to have to play the game all by myself, no cheats or spoilers; I had to get the highest score or rank on every level; I did my best to 100% complete every game; and I used to thrive on challenge, even putting most games on the hardest difficulty setting the first time through so that it would last longer. Somewhere along the line (mid-2005), I stopped caring about that stuff. It was a lot of fun when I was younger, but I just don't have the patients to play games that much anymore. I only play for fun now. If the fun stops, I stop. Sometimes I miss being a "hardcore" gamer, but don't think I can ever be like that again. I just don't have that drive anymore. I'm now stuck in the hell I call the "in-between" gamer: half core, half casual. LOL
Edited: Fri, 09 Apr 2010 08:17:19

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Fri, 09 Apr 2010 08:58:17

My wife is the only person I've known who plays games.  We play differently, that's for sure.  She plays MGS the proper way, I get frustrated because I try to run and gun it - heh.  

I'm pretty sure that if someone who knew how to play Fable properly could see how I'm playing right now they'd take the controller out of my hand and slap me in the face, then take the copy of Fable, Fable Collector's DVD, Fable: The Lost Chapters and Fable 2 and place them in protective custody, far, far away from me.

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Fri, 09 Apr 2010 10:32:10
I like your wife then.
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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Fri, 09 Apr 2010 12:23:52

i used to be very obsessive compulsive when playing games: from do every side mission, to getting every last item and skill, learning every secret, to rescuing every hostage to the more annoying stuff like breaking every last crate, smashing every last window, cutting every single blade of grass.

then the time came when i had many more games to play than the time to put in. so i try to be more like steel.  get at least whatever good i can from every game in a time efficient manner.

but the golden standard should be iga.  get no more games than you need and get as much enjoyment as you can out of each.  i buy way too many for my own good.


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Fri, 09 Apr 2010 20:30:07

bugsonglass said:

i used to be very obsessive compulsive when playing games: from do every side mission, to getting every last item and skill, learning every secret, to rescuing every hostage to the more annoying stuff like breaking every last crate, smashing every last window, cutting every single blade of grass.

then the time came when i had many more games to play than the time to put in. so i try to be more like steel.  get at least whatever good i can from every game in a time efficient manner.

but the golden standard should be iga.  get no more games than you need and get as much enjoyment as you can out of each.  i buy way too many for my own good.

Iga does do it well, but I can't stay put on one game for too long. I am actually not a completion, trophies have changed my habits some what as now I have a new goal outside of just beating a game. I must finish the game, until then I am not satisfied, but after that I only play if I feel like it. Games like RE4 I played a ton of times cause I loved it, I mastered that game. Something like Yakuza I beat once and that was it, I felt I got what I wanted out of it. So it is completely up to the game how much I want to keep playing after a beat it, but beating it is a minimum requirement for me.

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Sat, 10 Apr 2010 04:34:35

The couple of co-op sessions that I had on RE5 with both vader and S0lid were the most fun I had with the game. in the entire playthrough. Alone, the game is an ok experience. With someone besides me, it brought me back to the days I would be in my room with a couple friends playing a game together, finding out stuff and yelling at each other playfully whenever someone screwed up. 

In my life, there have been only a handful of games that I've played competitively (even though not on a high-level). StarCraft comes to mind, maybe AoE2. More often than not, I shun multiplayer offerings because there's always going to be a douche in the team sucking the fun out of it with a twisted sense of badly channeled competitiveness. You know them, the guy that yells at you "UBER ME NOW, DUDE, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???" on Team Fortress 2, or the one that goes "WTF ARE YOU DOING, THROW THE TREASURE THIS WAY NOW!!!" on Uncharted 2. If you don't know anyone like that, chances are you're that guy, lol. 

I love winning, I don't play to lose, but to me, the chase is much better than the catch. Different games have to be played differently, but this one game showed me that playing with friends is always better and more fun. 

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Sat, 10 Apr 2010 20:20:56

Steel, following vader like a puppy. 

Aw, how cute. 

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Mon, 12 Apr 2010 06:24:46
I used to be like that. Remember that dumb blog I wrote about my taste in games changing?

Now I'm the puppy that follows others around! I just stopped caring. Having fun is the most important thing.

This is strange, but I guess this is why I'm enjoying FFXIII so much. If I played this five years ago, I'd be criticizing the game like a crazy JRPG mad man! But it's so relaxing to play, I just don't care if it's linear.

And sorry to Dvader for saying this, but I don't think I can play a game like MGS like the way I used to. Splinter Cell is another game that I don't think I have the patience to play anymore. Also, I love JRPGs but it's getting harder and harder everyday to play these. I got Resonance of Fate and haven't even played more than an hour! Same with most of my DS JRPGs! I'm doing my best to play SMT Strange Journey right now since I just got it. But even then, I have no idea how long I can hold out, to be honest.

Damn, I'm getting old I guess. I have no patience anymore. Sad

So I'm glad for online shooters: no commitment, time, stress, or any complicated mumble jumbo. Just play, shoot, and have fun!
Edited: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 06:27:44


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 12 Apr 2010 13:20:53

This is why shooters are successful. Instantly accessible, instantly gratifying. 

Merely change the scenary, add a different plot and you have a new game. 

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Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:53:59
It's a true brofist moment when you're playing co-op with someone, and they show you exploits and glitches that get you through several tough areas.

Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Wed, 14 Apr 2010 18:30:02

Coopersville said:
It's a true brofist moment when you're playing co-op with someone, and they show you exploits and glitches that get you through several tough areas.

See, I would get angry and probably quit. I don't want to cheat.

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Wed, 14 Apr 2010 18:51:45

Coopersville said:
It's a true brofist moment when you're playing co-op with someone, and they show you exploits and glitches that get you through several tough areas.

 Bro fisting? 

As in fisting between brothers? 

I think this is illegal. 

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Thu, 15 Apr 2010 04:36:09

gamingeek said:

Bro fisting?

As in fisting between brothers?

I think this is illegal.


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Thu, 15 Apr 2010 14:50:36

Dvader said:

See, I would get angry and probably quit. I don't want to cheat.

From my perspective:

We live in an age where games on any system are easily patched. If something's considered cheating, it's removed, if not it stays. Rocket jumping in Quake was an unintentional glitch, and it became the staple of the series.

Rules were made to be broken; Nice guys finish last, etc.

Edited: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 14:52:11

Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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