Its dumb, seems like some people don't like that style of game but instead of just realizing its not their cup of tea. As you pointed out all those arguments can be said of various genres. They get hung up on the term RPG, as if that required a certain play style, forget the term judge a game based on how good a game it is.
It's just another of the tired shticks that gaming analysts pull off on a regular basis to appear edgy and cool, and attract clicks at the same time.
Then forumers with more attitude than critical thinking lift the war banner from the analyst's hands and make his cause their own.
Turn-based battle systems; I find them tedious, boring, and they hurt my head trying to figure 'em out. Give me hack 'n slash/button-mashing gameplay over strategy and menu navigation any day.
JRPGs also tend to be heavily story focused, and I just don't care for video game story lines (I skip most cut-scenes if I can). That's primarily because I find 99.9% of all video game story lines to be lame; not just JRPGs either. Besides, I play a video game to actually play a video game, not scroll through tons of text dialogue or watch hours of CG cut-scenes filled with bad voice acting. This probably stems from my youth when video game stories were nothing more than a paragraph of text in a two-page manual. When I want to experience a good story, I'll read a book or watch a movie instead. Video games should be about killin' stuff, racin' stuff, and jumpin' on stuff. Period.

Ravenprose said:I dislike JRPGs because of:
Turn-based battle systems; I find them tedious, boring, and they hurt my head trying to figure 'em out. Give me hack 'n slash/button-mashing gameplay over strategy and menu navigation any day.
JRPGs also tend to be heavily story focused, and I just don't care for video game story lines (I skip most cut-scenes if I can). That's primarily because I find 99.9% of all video game story lines to be lame; not just JRPGs either. Besides, I play a video game to actually play a video game, not scroll through tons of text dialogue or watch hours of CG cut-scenes filled with bad voice acting. This probably stems from my youth when video game stories were nothing more than a paragraph of text in a two-page manual. When I want to experience a good story, I'll read a book or watch a movie instead. Video games should be about killin' stuff, racin' stuff, and jumpin' on stuff. Period.
Get Yakuza 3! You can even skip the cutscenes.
Rave, turn-based battles can be a component of JRPGs but there are also action JRPGs. I like turn-based, but then I also like playing Magic the Gathering.
aspro said:Rave, turn-based battles can be a component of JRPGs but there are also action JRPGs.
You mean like Super Paper Mario? I did enjoy that one. I could have lived without 90% of the dialogue, though. Someday I will finish it. Same with the only other JRPG that I own, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. I've had this game since its release, and I fully intend to finish it . . . someday (maybe).
Ravenprose said:they hurt my head trying to figure 'em out.
Avast! Demon spawn!
I'll pass on this topic as I have no other means to participate but ad hominem attacks on a stereotype.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYodariquo said:Ravenprose said:they hurt my head trying to figure 'em out.Avast! Demon spawn!
Yeah, we get it. You don't like anti-virus programs. Not sure what it has to do with my comment, though.
Ravenprose said:Yeah, we get it. You don't like anti-virus programs. Not sure what it has to do with my comment, though.
It means your opinion is irrelevant. I use Norton, so imagine what he thinks of me
gamingeek said:It means your opinion is irrelevant. I use Norton, so imagine what he thinks of me
I just found why nothing works on your computer.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileaspro said:"You know what to expect" - also applies to sim racers, military-shooters, sports games.
"You have to grind" - and this is any more worse than trial and error platforming or FPS.
"The characters are all the same" - Unlike the space marines?
"The stories are lame" - Unlike all those great stories in the other genres?
Discrediting other genres doesn't refute any of those arguements. RPG's are suppose to have rich stories and characters, which is all a lot of JRPG's have going for them, as they still rely on turn-based combat systems. If the characters, plot, and cinematics aren't unique and interesting, there isn't much reason to invest 30+ hours into the game.
Regardless, I agree the JRPG bashing has gotten out of hand. WRPG's seem to have made a comeback this generation, and are among the hip games to play. I was rather irked myself when players started bashing FF13 for being linear when it's no more linear than the Final Fantasies before it which are still present in website top 100's everywhere. After being so prominent in gaming for the last three gens, JRPG's are probably going to have to take a back seat for a while until they get their second wind. Right now, adventuring and dungeon crawling is what's "in".
Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom
It's only certain vocal groups who condemn them to promote WRPGs because they're gaming noobs who think WRPGs are doing something new when in fact they have been in decline and getting progressively worse (and less RPG really) for the last decade, they just don't know that because WRPGs were few and far between on consoles before this generation and PCs were too complicated for them. It's the same reason for this whole Eastern devs suck, Western devs rule sentiment that we see lately, even from Japan sadly (fuckers, just do what you do best, don't try to become Americans or something). Also, I take it they don't even play JRPGs, they just look at FFXIII and pass everything, when in fact plenty JRPGs have been quite unique or at least damn good in their mechanics, both on consoles and on handhelds. Hopefully by next gen people will get tired of space marines, military shooters, and generic D&D wannabe fantasy and will call out both West and East for their failings, as well as not ignore the things that either of them do well due to just skipping the games altogether out of xenophobia/racism or whatever else.
Coopersville said:aspro said:"You know what to expect" - also applies to sim racers, military-shooters, sports games.
"You have to grind" - and this is any more worse than trial and error platforming or FPS.
"The characters are all the same" - Unlike the space marines?
"The stories are lame" - Unlike all those great stories in the other genres?Discrediting other genres doesn't refute any of those arguements. RPG's are suppose to have rich stories and characters, which is all a lot of JRPG's have going for them, as they still rely on turn-based combat systems. If the characters, plot, and cinematics aren't unique and interesting, there isn't much reason to invest 30+ hours into the game.
Regardless, I agree the JRPG bashing has gotten out of hand. WRPG's seem to have made a comeback this generation, and are among the hip games to play. I was rather irked myself when players started bashing FF13 for being linear when it's no more linear than the Final Fantasies before it which are still present in website top 100's everywhere. After being so prominent in gaming for the last three gens, JRPG's are probably going to have to take a back seat for a while until they get their second wind. Right now, adventuring and dungeon crawling is what's "in".
Well, i fwe are going to talk about what RPG's are supposed to have I guess you'd have to go back to the original D&D -- which is what started all of this. Yes story is very important -- of paramount importance, and on that front JRPGs fail a thousand times over for the most part. But in terms of turn-based play, wouldn't that also be what RPG's are supposed to have?
The difference is that with many video game RPG's, the actual roleplaying is taken away and you're told what character to play as and what his goals are. After that, all that's left from the classic pen and paper experience is the (sometimes) slow, boring, and limited turn based combat systems. These are video games, and some people would rather just do away with the numbers and attack menus, much like the general FPS player doesn't want to deal with having to clean and maintain a firearm-- or anything remotely resembling real world combat, for that matter.
Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom
I've seen this mostly only in forums. What is to hate about JRPGs? All the arguments could be made of any well-worn genre.
"You know what to expect" - also applies to sim racers, military-shooters, sports games.
"You have to grind" - and this is any more worse than trial and error platforming or FPS.
"The characters are all the same" - Unlike the space marines?
"The stories are lame" - Unlike all those great stories in the other genres?