Forum > Gaming Discussion > Just Got Torchlight - Anyone else find looting games addicting?
Just Got Torchlight - Anyone else find looting games addicting?
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Fri, 20 Nov 2009 05:25:32
Diablo II, Titan Quest, Phantasy Star Online/Zero, Borderlands, and now Torchlight...anyone else addicted to these kinds of games?

What's it about these looting games that make them so addicting? When you think about it, they are pretty repetitive. You just go around and kill baddies, pick up loot, kill more, pick up more loot, etc., for the next 70 hours or so and then you start over with another character class and do the same thing all over again! Whether it's single player or multiplayer, they're addictive and fun even though we've done it all before.

Torchlight Picture

Like this new game I just got off of Steam, Torchlight. I'm sure you guys heard of this by now but it's a great Diablo-clone, I mean one of the best modern-day Diablo-like games I've played. Well, it is made by ex-Diablo and Fate vets, so it's obvious that these guys know how to make these kinds of games. But that goes to show that even these types of games need talented game designers who know what they're doing. Have you played "bad" Diablo-clones? They stink and they're boring. And most of all, THEY ARE repetitive.

Torchlight Picture

I think even with a simple premise as games like these, there's a design to it that makes them fun to play. Repetition is probably its biggest enemy. So what makes the good ones addicting and fun while the badly designed ones are repetitive and boring?

Some of the bad ones are really unplayable. You can just tell that they're developed by amateurs or developers who really don't know what they're doing. They probably think, "it's just going around different areas, killing enemies and getting loot, what's so hard about that?" Wrong! Even these games have an art to them and I think they're harder to make because of the nature of the gameplay.

The guys who made Torchlight really know looting games inside and out. Titan Quest was also good. And of course, Borderlands is a great evolution of this tried and true, addicting, gameplay style. And finally, when Diablo III comes out, I'm sure the divorce or break-up rate with significant others will increase threefold! Nyaa

What about you guys? Do you guys like these types of games?
Edited: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 05:27:50


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Fri, 20 Nov 2009 10:16:52
Are you kidding? Loot games are the epitome of addictive.  I first got hokoed with a late release game for the Dreamcast called Record of Lodoss War, which I guess was a Diable rip-off based on an established manga.

It is an easy genre to emulate for the developers and endlessly compelling for the gamer.

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Fri, 20 Nov 2009 12:28:44

I like endlessly looting bad guys in Oblivion and Fallout and selling their crap. 

Tell me do you like stealing stuff in those games?

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Fri, 20 Nov 2009 16:00:37
was so addicted to diablo and diablo II i lost sleep (and skipped college) just to play.  haven't tried any of the clones (for a reason)


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Fri, 20 Nov 2009 18:41:14
I've been meaning to get the Titan Quest games for ages on Steam, and this game looks insanely fun as well. Yeah, I dig loot games. Thanks for the heads-up.
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Fri, 20 Nov 2009 21:45:50

I am currently addicted to Sacred 2: Fallen Angel for the PS3 for this very reason. A VERY underrated game imho!

Of course, I am playing Phantasy Star 0 too --AND-- I'm still struggling with the ultra-buggy Borderlands --ONLY-- because I looove loot games.

I would NEVER have as much patience as I have had with Borderlands with a game of any other genre!

I WISH Sony would make a new Norrath game or Stormfront Studios would make another Baldur's Gate game for current systems.

The moment I saw Torchlight, I checked to see if it was DL'able for MAC... sadly... no!

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Fri, 20 Nov 2009 22:45:12
Hell yes I am. There's a reason why I've put, and haven't removed, Diablo II from my portable HDD.

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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 01:44:59

SteelAttack said:
I've been meaning to get the Titan Quest games for ages on Steam, and this game looks insanely fun as well. Yeah, I dig loot games. Thanks for the heads-up.

They're both totally worth it and for $20!

That's hours of addictive looting for a low price. Torchlight is awesome! But Titan Quest is also a great game. They're both incredible Diablo-clones.

Edited: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 01:45:11


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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 01:46:17

darthhomer said:
Hell yes I am. There's a reason why I've put, and haven't removed, Diablo II from my portable HDD.

Same here. I have the trinity of Blizzard games ALWAYS installed on my PC, Starcraft, Warcraft, and Diablo II.

I still have fun with Diablo II. It's still the best one.

Edited: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 01:46:34


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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 01:53:10

phantom_leo said:

I am currently addicted to Sacred 2: Fallen Angel for the PS3 for this very reason. A VERY underrated game imho!

Of course, I am playing Phantasy Star 0 too --AND-- I'm still struggling with the ultra-buggy Borderlands --ONLY-- because I looove loot games.

I would NEVER have as much patience as I have had with Borderlands with a game of any other genre!

I WISH Sony would make a new Norrath game or Stormfront Studios would make another Baldur's Gate game for current systems.

The moment I saw Torchlight, I checked to see if it was DL'able for MAC... sadly... no!

That's why I couldn't resist PS Zero. Also, it's really incredible for a DS game. I have to try online one day.

I always wanted Sacred 2 as well, but I would rather play it with a keyboard and mouse. But Sacred 2 will play like dirt on my medium/high PC, so I guess I'll pick up the console version when I can. And I definitely need to pick up Borderlands. I want it even more with that new zombie DLC which is supposed to add 6 more hours! I hope Gearbox supports it with more DLCs and classes.

And as for Torchlight, Mac sux! Nyaa


I'm still wondering why Steam doesn't support Mac, which is stupid of them IMO. All my cousins have a Mac and I'm looking to get one for graphics design and film editing.

The only reason why I still use Windows is for the games of course. But I wish Mac games weren't insanely expensive.


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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 01:55:43

bugsonglass said:
was so addicted to diablo and diablo II i lost sleep (and skipped college) just to play.  haven't tried any of the clones (for a reason)

You really should, especially Titan Quest and Torchlight. Torchlight plays exactly like Diablo II and in some ways, I like it more. Titan Quest is also amazing. I love it because of the Greek mythology setting.

They're both GREAT Diablo alternatives and will hold you over till' Diablo 3 comes out.

Also, Divine Divinity is also pretty good. It's more role playing in it, kind of like the Baldur Gate games with Diablo hack-n-slash loot action. It's a pretty good marriage of both gameplay styles.


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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 01:58:40

gamingeek said:

I like endlessly looting bad guys in Oblivion and Fallout and selling their crap.

Tell me do you like stealing stuff in those games?

Yes and no because usually I tend to try to be a good guy in these games. I love it in Fallout and how a bounty is put on me and I have to kill off these mercenaries trying to kill me. I love that! It makes the game so fun!

But I do steal once in awhile when I get desperate. Which is stupid of me when I first played it because I didn't know that I could fix my weapons if I had more than one of the same weapon. So I had to steal for money to fix them. Then I found out you can fix them on your own! I was pissed off of course, but at myself for being such an idiot for not knowing about this!

Edited: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 01:59:15


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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 02:00:59

aspro said:
Are you kidding? Loot games are the epitome of addictive.  I first got hokoed with a late release game for the Dreamcast called Record of Lodoss War, which I guess was a Diable rip-off based on an established manga.

It is an easy genre to emulate for the developers and endlessly compelling for the gamer.

I saw that game and I really wish I was into looting games when that was out. I knew about Diablo but never really played it till' later on.

I'd love a PC version of Record of Lodoss War.

But those games look so identical I really can't tell them apart. I'm just glad I finally got a chance to play Diablo II which got me hooked on these games!


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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 02:28:00
In my opinion, the greatest loot game of all time is:

I played this game a lot in the arcades with my friends, but I didn't get addicted to it until my dad bought for me to play on the family's Tandy 1000 HX home computer. Man did I love playing that game. Happy

I also liked Diablo 1 & II, but I never finished either of them.

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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 03:34:47
"Ravenprose needs better taste badly."
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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 03:51:45
I used to, but I don't really have the dedication to do it anymore. Possibly MMOs have burned me out!

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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 19:11:59

phantom_leo said:
"Ravenprose needs better taste badly."

"Elf -- shot phantom_leo!"

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Mon, 23 Nov 2009 02:12:40
Well guys, I couldn't resist so I got Borderlands today. It really is the modern-day Diablo for people raised on FPSs like Cliffy B. says.

Also, what do you guys think about the whole RPS "Role-Playing Shooter" thing Gearbox is coining? Should we start making this a genre of its own? I felt Fallout 3 was also a RPS.


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