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Just what do you want from a Next Generation Console?
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Mon, 18 Jul 2011 19:58:27

Please, don't cop out - no "I'm happy with my current blah blah"

Let's talk features.


Since we already know about Wii U, what do you want to see from Microsoft and Sony?

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Mon, 18 Jul 2011 21:10:32
gamingeek said:

Since we already know about Wii U, what do you want to see from Microsoft and Sony?

Really? Their presentation was one step away from vaporware.

Anyhow, I'm happy with the current gen, and the last gen. The software continues to get better.  I would like Nintendo to create a XBL or PSN style online interface. I'd MS to make hardware that doesn;t fail as much and I'd like Sony to be more realistic with their pricing (which given the price of the Vita they seem to have gotten that message).

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Mon, 18 Jul 2011 21:24:58

I would like Sony to go back to what made PS1 and PS2 great; amazing exclusive 3rd-party games. And I would like them to build a solid system around Wii 2 capabilities and rip off Nintendo's controller yet again. I've been using the Dual Shock almost unchanged since the fucking PS1 here folks...time for an upgrade.

Microsoft....I would like to ditch Xbox and focus on making PC gaming all it can be.


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Mon, 18 Jul 2011 21:37:11
I'd be fine with just the typical upgrade in specs ie. faster CPU, better graphics, more RAM, etc. The Wii U controller looks great so if Microsoft and Sony want to copy that I certainly wouldn't mind that either.


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Mon, 18 Jul 2011 21:42:24
Archangel3371 said:
I'd be fine with just the typical upgrade in specs ie. faster CPU, better graphics, more RAM, etc. The Wii U controller looks great so if Microsoft and Sony want to copy that I certainly wouldn't mind that either.

Hrm  I don't understand how two seemingly reasonable people can so consistently disagree on everything.

In the spirit of the OP, I will say that recently I've become really annoyed with spinning dics being the delivery format for games.  It's a ludicrous demand on the developers and is always the first thing to die on a console.  Because of internet caps, I don;t want a digital distribution world either though.  So I guess I'd like to see games distributed on cards, or if they are on discs an expansion of the 360's install option, so you can bring it home, install it and not have to worry about the disc.

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Mon, 18 Jul 2011 22:37:28
Yeah I think doing away with spinning discs would be great and go a long way to keeping systems lasting longer. I definitely don't want it to be replaced by digital distribution. Carts or cards if you will would be best but are likely too expensive of an option especially if games go into the 8+ GB range. The full-game install feature for the 360 is a fantastic feature which I totally love. I'm surprised Sony doesn't use it as well. It should definitely be a feature all systems have going forward. You can't just have it install though and forget about the disc entirely as you need to still verify that you have the disc and it's legitimate. If there was no verification checks on start-up and shut-down then people could just rent, borrow, etc. and keep the games forever. It's basically as good as it gets right now.


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Tue, 19 Jul 2011 00:29:38

I want a really big graphical leap but clearly that is not happening so... why move on. I would love to see something that totally blow my mind.

Nintendo had to move on, I am sick of PS2 graphics, so as long as its on par with PS3/360 I am happy. They need online, they need achievements, and they need a real plan on how the system is going to control not just throw everything at once and see what sticks. How are games going to use IR if it uses the Wii U controller, questions like that need to be answered.

I want the PS4 to have wii like controls integrated from the start. But come up with something better, there needs to be a way to still get the dual stick  control format with the wiimote style system. I love that they are making 3D games, in the future the TVs will be far more common and its going to be awesome to go back and play PS3 games in 3D. I like discs, keep with blu ray, we better stay with blu ray for like 10-15 years.

MS needs to totally shatter the line between PC and console. I see rumors of Windows 8 supporting 360, do it. Make the 360 and future console a PC and make the PC a 360. I know that means the "console" wont sell. Well do something where the new console has tons of features of a PC running on your TV with a controller, also make all Windows games playable on the console. Make it an affordable alternative. All future Windoews PCs become 360 players, you will have the largest install base by far. And ditch Kinect, but there is no chance for that.

As for the games, keep pushing boundaries. This gen we kind of got stuck into the action blockbuster mode, FPSs and TPSs that were "EPIC".  Thats nice but I want to see something really fresh or just have more variety between my big blockbuster games.

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Tue, 19 Jul 2011 01:18:34

I'd like to see Motion Control tossed out the window once and for all. Nintendo seems to be moving away from it a little bit with the tablet controller so that's promosing. MS will probably stick with it due to the Kinect success (though I still anticipate a backlash with it).  At the very least though I'd like Sony to just say "fuck it" to motion controls and stick with a regular old fashioned controller. Cars have pretty much had regular steering wheels for 100 years now. Why?  Because it worked. To date the only time any motion controls have genuinally improved an experience for me were the steering wheel controls for the Wii racing games. Other than that, stick with what's worked.

I'd like to see greater emphasis on digital back catalogs. After downloading Infamous, I'm confident that just about every PS2 and Xbox game could be downloaded provided they find proper emulation. I think it's safe to say Nintendo will go that route since the Wii U will not be bc with GC games anymore, though they'll have to dump the now archiac notion of small download limits. That would also allow a greater number of N64 games. Then again I think once again they opted for a small harddrive, so I guess we'll see how that goes.

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Tue, 19 Jul 2011 04:36:40

More backwards compatability, more old games available for download.

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Tue, 19 Jul 2011 09:48:09
aspro said:

I've become really annoyed with spinning dics being the delivery format for games.  

I agree, if spinning dics delivered games to me I would be concerned too.

Dvader said:

As for the games, keep pushing boundaries. This gen we kind of got stuck into the action blockbuster mode, FPSs and TPSs that were "EPIC".  Thats nice but I want to see something really fresh or just have more variety between my big blockbuster games.

There was variety, on Wii. You just didn't buy it.

aspro said:

Really? Their presentation was one step away from vaporware.

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Tue, 19 Jul 2011 09:51:02

^C'mon. The hardware is not nailed down yet. They showed two Wii quality demos and couldn't answer any substantive questions about it.

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Tue, 19 Jul 2011 10:11:48
aspro said:

^C'mon. The hardware is not nailed down yet. They showed two Wii quality demos and couldn't answer any substantive questions about it.

We broadly know what the power is and we've heard enough from 3rd parties to know what it can do. There are a few questions left, price, release date but we already know the release period, it will be from April 2012 to summer unless its delayed. We know exactly what the controller does and how it functions. We know of more than several games coming out for it, we know the name, we know what it looks like, the hardware design. We've read several Iwata or Miyamoto interviews on it. There's not much we don't know about it.

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Tue, 19 Jul 2011 13:58:57

Sony experimenting with Virtual reality headset

This could be awesome. The only problem I have is with how you change your viewpoint. I know from the 3DS that if you have 1:1 motion controls for moving your viewpoint it can be awkward depending on your starting point and where you need to turn to. For instance you have to literally stand up and turn 180 degrees to look 180 degrees behind you.

This sony device is experiementing with 3D and headtracking but if you want to play sitting in a chair they will have to adopt a bounding box approach to changing your view, it wont be total immersion, you'll turn your head to a certain point and wait for the display to scroll there.

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Tue, 19 Jul 2011 14:07:06

^Fuck that.

The only way VR will ever work is standing up and doing full simulations of actions....otherwise, what's the point? May as well play with a Wii 2 controller.


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Tue, 19 Jul 2011 14:19:49
edgecrusher said:

^Fuck that.

The only way VR will ever work is standing up and doing full simulations of actions....otherwise, what's the point? May as well play with a Wii 2 controller.

Well that's the problem. If you have access to a 3DS try playing face raiders and see how you have to move yourself to change the viewpoint. As I see it for games where you would sit on the couch you would have to have a limited perspective and then either use the stick to change the viewpoint or having a bounding box where you tilt your head to a certain point and have the viewpoint scroll like the bounding box wii IR system.

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Tue, 19 Jul 2011 17:29:57
gamingeek said:
aspro said:

I've become really annoyed with spinning dics being the delivery format for games.  

I agree, if spinning dics delivered games to me I would be concerned too.

LOL I bet Leo doesn't want this generation to end.

As for me, I don't know. I've been seriously contemplating going PC only this coming gen. The only reason that keeps me from doing that is that I have to think about my family as well.

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Tue, 19 Jul 2011 17:32:19
SteelAttack said:
gamingeek said:
aspro said:

I've become really annoyed with spinning dics being the delivery format for games.  

I agree, if spinning dics delivered games to me I would be concerned too.

LOL I bet Leo doesn't want this generation to end.

As for me, I don't know. I've been seriously contemplating going PC only this coming gen. The only reason that keeps me from doing that is that I have to think about my family as well.

Well you can solve your family problem by watching Married with Children.

Al Bundy FTW.

The VG Press
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Tue, 19 Jul 2011 18:05:53
SteelAttack said:
gamingeek said:
aspro said:

I've become really annoyed with spinning dics being the delivery format for games.  

I agree, if spinning dics delivered games to me I would be concerned too.

LOL I bet Leo doesn't want this generation to end.

As for me, I don't know. I've been seriously contemplating going PC only this coming gen. The only reason that keeps me from doing that is that I have to think about my family as well.

Do the smart thing. PC and Wii 2.


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Tue, 19 Jul 2011 19:22:30
SteelAttack said:

LOL I bet Leo doesn't want this generation to end.

As for me, I don't know. I've been seriously contemplating going PC only this coming gen. The only reason that keeps me from doing that is that I have to think about my family as well.

You should get your family an original 80s gameboy and tell them to like it or lump it.

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Tue, 19 Jul 2011 21:41:31
gamingeek said:
aspro said:

^C'mon. The hardware is not nailed down yet. They showed two Wii quality demos and couldn't answer any substantive questions about it.

We broadly know what the power is and we've heard enough from 3rd parties to know what it can do. There are a few questions left, price, release date but we already know the release period, it will be from April 2012 to summer unless its delayed. We know exactly what the controller does and how it functions. We know of more than several games coming out for it, we know the name, we know what it looks like, the hardware design. We've read several Iwata or Miyamoto interviews on it. There's not much we don't know about it.

We do? Can it use more than one? Do the Wii-motes have to be motion plus? Can you use it outside of the same room? What is the battery life like (which will determine it's usefulness) What is the final weight with batteries (which also determines it's usefulness)?

As you said, we broadly know about the power, but the release is so far off, all of that could change.  Summer 2012? Says who? Everyone I've heard says November.

EDIT: Not trying to be a prick here or anything, it's just that IMO we really don;t know all that much about the U.

Edited: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 07:48:39

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