Forum > Gaming Discussion > Justify Game Piracy
Justify Game Piracy
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Fri, 08 Jan 2010 07:29:31

I was reviewing the piracy numbers from that torrent site (the ones that came out last week).  Something like 4.1 million DLs of MW2 for PC with another 960K for 360 (and no PS3 numbers -- does that mean the BRay has not been hacked?).  Something like 1.5 million copies of NSMBW DLd.

What's going on? If I was a publisher I'd desert the PC and make nothing but PS3 games just to screw the pirates.

So I guess my question is, if you support piracy of games, why?

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Fri, 08 Jan 2010 07:50:25

Do what

you want

Cause a Pirate

is free

You are



Edited: Fri, 08 Jan 2010 07:52:35
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Fri, 08 Jan 2010 07:53:34

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Fri, 08 Jan 2010 10:24:13
But the two games you mentioned both sold a shit load, will sell a shit load more, and will make a ridiculous profit.

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Fri, 08 Jan 2010 12:05:35
The PS3 has not been hacked.  at least not in any real useful or meaningful way.

I have my psp soft-modded.  i enjoy the freedom that gives me to get the most out of the machine ... and even then I hardly ever use it.  I have a collection of over 35 games for it, so i can't say i feel guilty.

Soon i will have a soft-modded wii.  For the same reasons


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Fri, 08 Jan 2010 12:48:14
Note that game publishers offer
-No way to backup games
-No way to run games without the disk
-No way to backup game saves
-Require DRM software on PC games
-Don't offer many games in full downloadable

If I were a PC gamer, even if I bought the game I'd download the torrent to get the non-crippled version.

All media companies now as opposed to developing an appropriate business model, are actively contributing to making piracy not only a cheaper option for consumers, but also making it a better overall product.

I "support" piracy in some respect, as it is serves several purposes:
-Demonstrates the goal they have is an impossible one
-Promotes what consumers want (convenience and control)
-Legally it needs to be the case that only for-profit distributors are culpable, just from a practical standpoint, and it isn't yet and going the opposite route
-And (not so much the gaming side, but movie and music) the big media companies are actively evil. This is not an exaggeration or a joke

But if you want somebody to come along and say, "Free games, woooooo!" well of course we know that's wrong.  If all your only goal is to avoid buying any games by downloading, yeah, that's kinda low.  But hey, I've downloaded some games I wasn't sure about, hated them, and put the money toward something worthwhile.

As well, the opposite has been the case.  I've done the same with games which led to a purchase.  Without online availability, I never would have bought Osu Tatakae Ouendan or seen Azumanga Daioh, which would have stopped me from buying...
-Ouendan 2
-Ghost in the Shell both seasons and Innocence
-Pani Poni Dash
-Love Hina
-All the Ghibli movies


It's not at all linear.

And of course, I'd be remiss not to refer you to my Piracy: Morality and Rationale series of blog posts.
Edited: Fri, 08 Jan 2010 12:50:52


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Fri, 08 Jan 2010 13:38:44

It would be very very difficult to justify piracy. Maybe in the case of old games with no modern release, by defunct companies where the legal rights are mish mashed and unknown.

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Fri, 08 Jan 2010 18:26:28

I'll share with you guys my piracy experience.  Currently I have soft-modded Wii.  Part of my original reason for doing this was to be able to back-up some of my games.  Over the summer I bought Wii Sports Resort, and within two weeks it was damaged.  I believe it was done by my son, but not entirely sure.  Whatever the cause of the scratch it was very small, but very nasty.

Needless to say I wasn't happy.  So I looked into it and learned about softmodding and backing up games.  And it wasn't too long before I got curious and started downloading other games.  I've always made it a point to go after games that I wouldn't have considered buying in the first place or had severe reservations about buying.  To date I've downloaded the following:

The ones I've bought

Muramasa: The Demon Blade - It looked good, but the previews never quite sold me on the gameplay.  I bought it one month after downloading it.

Rabbids Go Home - Once again I thought the gameplay might be too limited. I bought a copy 2 days after downloading it.

The ones I threw away

Animal Kingdom: Wildlife Expidition - Arguably the worst game I played this generation. In my mind this piece of shit game and the complete lack of reviews for it justifies piracy.  

Toy Story Mania - Mindless shooting game that even my 3 year old got bored with after 10 minutes.

Marble Saga Korinpa - Would have made a great $8 WiiWare game, but I never would have spent the full $30 or $40 on it.  

So there you go.  At the very least Ubisoft and Vanilliaware should be happy that I downloaded their games.  I probably either never would have bought them or waited until they were at hobo or used prices.  And it hasn't stopped me from blindly making day one purchases either.  Wii Fit Plus and NSMB Wii were both day one buys for me.  

I pirate to make me a more informed shopper and ultimately a happier gamer.  You can judge whether I'm right or wrong to do so.  

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Fri, 08 Jan 2010 19:11:48
That pirate song will never leave my head.

If a game is no longer available and never will be available have no problems downloading it. If I want to play X-Men on the Genesis I have no choice but to get it online cause it will never be released in digital form.

Getting the most money out of your purchase is something I will always do even if it is borderline piracy. PSN sharing, screw it, they allow me to share with friends I am going to do it. I lend out games, friends lend me games, its the same thing only digitally oh and they get to keep it... but yeah same thing.

In the DC days some dude sold DC games for $3 out of his trenchcoat, seriously it was like RE4. I bought some games I would have never bought, this was piracy but in the end I don't feel guilty cause there is no way in hell I would have ever payed for those games.

What I wont do is pirate brand new games, I like to collect and own my games. I wont mod my system so that I can download every game free. I have been paying for games I WANT all my life I am not going to stop now.
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Fri, 08 Jan 2010 19:34:07

Dvader said:
In the DC days some dude sold DC games for $3 out of his trenchcoat, seriously it was like RE4.


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Fri, 08 Jan 2010 21:01:00

robio said:


So there you go.  At the very least Ubisoft and Vanilliaware should be happy that I downloaded their games.  I probably either never would have bought them or waited until they were at hobo or used prices.  And it hasn't stopped me from blindly making day one purchases either.  Wii Fit Plus and NSMB Wii were both day one buys for me.  

I pirate to make me a more informed shopper and ultimately a happier gamer.  You can judge whether I'm right or wrong to do so.  

So you use it as a demo service? So demos would make this piracy redundant?

Dvader said:
If I want to play X-Men on the Genesis I have no choice but to get it online cause it will never be released in digital form.

In the DC days some dude sold DC games for $3 out of his trenchcoat, seriously it was like RE4. I bought some games I would have never bought, this was piracy but in the end I don't feel guilty cause there is no way in hell I would have ever payed for those games.

What I wont do is pirate brand new games, I like to collect and own my games. I wont mod my system so that I can download every game free. I have been paying for games I WANT all my life I am not going to stop now.

Why wont X-men Genesis ever come out? If it comes out on VC will you delete your pirated version and buy it?

So you pay for what you really want, but pirate the rest? That's still not good dude, isn't that what rentals and 2nd hand games are for? Or libraries?

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Sat, 09 Jan 2010 01:39:45

gamingeek said:

So you use it as a demo service? So demos would make this piracy redundant?

Probably.  Though I'm note entirely sure how likely that will ever be.  Even if real demos were available on the Wii, most of the games I've downloaded have been nichey games. Not the kinds that ever have demos made of them.  

gamingeek said:

Why wont X-men Genesis ever come out? If it comes out on VC will you delete your pirated version and buy it?

Licensing issues.  It's same reason why all of those excellent Disney games that Capcom made for the NES will never show up on the VC.  Technically I suppose it's not impossible for it to happen, but there aren't any great examples of companies who jointly hold rights to an old game or series getting together and rereleasing the games they worked on together.  

I suppose I'm guilty of this as well as I do have numerous ROMs for games like Duck Tales, Willow, and others.  And while I'm confessing my soul I also have a collection of translated ROMs like Seiken Densetsu III (one of the greatest games of all time and its lack of a translating is an absolute crime against the Western world), Mother 3, and Dragon Quest Monsters III: Caravan Heart. That's probably more of a gray area, but technically it is piracy.

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Sat, 09 Jan 2010 02:00:30
One other thing that I've been somewhat coming around on, though still not sure about is the idea of the purpose of laws.  Laws are meant to protect society and serve its interests.  It is clear that filesharing, whether it's data, media or otherwise, it's part of popular culture.  It's is the majority of people, and when the law serves to criminalize the majority of the populous, there's something wrong there and it's no longer serving the public interest.  This is legally speaking, and not ethically speaking, however.


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Sat, 09 Jan 2010 03:07:35
^I'm only talking about why people think it's okay to steal games.  I'm not concerned with finding technical solutions to prevent it.  There is no way to  prevent people from stealing, particularly when digital assets are concerned.

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Sat, 09 Jan 2010 03:35:51
To get right to the heart of it for arguments on the pro side,

-A download doesn't preclude a sale and can lead to sales otherwise absent
-You likely wouldn't condemn borrowing or lending physical copies for a friend to play or lending a movie to watch or CD to play
-Legitimate purposes such as back-ups are counted in those stats as downloads, and can be considered "piracy" by media companies
-If not legitimate avenue is a available, there is no moral impetus not to obtain an illegitimate copy

Pedantry side-note: It's not theft, it's copyright infringement.  Better, worse or the same, you can decide, but they're two different things.


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Sat, 09 Jan 2010 04:10:02

Yodariquo said:
To get right to the heart of it for arguments on the pro side,

-A download doesn't preclude a sale and can lead to sales otherwise absent
-You likely wouldn't condemn borrowing or lending physical copies for a friend to play or lending a movie to watch or CD to play
-Legitimate purposes such as back-ups are counted in those stats as downloads, and can be considered "piracy" by media companies
-If not legitimate avenue is a available, there is no moral impetus not to obtain an illegitimate copy

Pedantry side-note: It's not theft, it's copyright infringement.  Better, worse or the same, you can decide, but they're two different things.

Bub,bubububut: "“It may be infringement, but even the government is calling it theft."

Anyway this is a great article on it (well I'll assume the rest of it is great as I'm too lazy to read the wohle thing) that someone at GS linked me too.

Jon Rose PC game piracy.

Definitely worth a read.

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Sat, 09 Jan 2010 05:40:17
Foolz said:

Bub,bubububut: "“It may be infringement, but even the government is calling it theft."

Anyway this is a great article on it (well I'll assume the rest of it is great as I'm too lazy to read the wohle thing) that someone at GS linked me too.

Jon Rose PC game piracy.

Definitely worth a read.

Had to stop, because I've been reading for half an hour and I'm not even halfway done.  Seriously, that's a novel.  Thusfar,

Part 1 - Developers say stupid things about piracy
Part 2 - Demos are too large and often too sucky
Part 3 - DRM sucks
Part 4 - International markets get screwed

That's where I left off.


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Sat, 09 Jan 2010 06:50:16

Yodariquo said:
Foolz said:

Bub,bubububut: "“It may be infringement, but even the government is calling it theft."

Anyway this is a great article on it (well I'll assume the rest of it is great as I'm too lazy to read the wohle thing) that someone at GS linked me too.

Jon Rose PC game piracy.

Definitely worth a read.

Had to stop, because I've been reading for half an hour and I'm not even halfway done.  Seriously, that's a novel.  Thusfar,

Part 1 - Developers say stupid things about piracy
Part 2 - Demos are too large and often too sucky
Part 3 - DRM sucks
Part 4 - International markets get screwed

That's where I left off.

That basically summarises it.

You read more than me anyway. Nyaa

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Sat, 23 Jan 2010 21:37:16


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Mon, 25 Jan 2010 16:43:53

Most games are mere rental quality.

You can't rent PC games, yet.


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