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Kirby's Epic Yarn
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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 19:12:02

Now, through first-hand experience I can confirm: The amount of Happiness this new Kirby game will be bring you will be...

*resist! resist! I can't... I can't resist...!*


It is masterful in its simplicity. It just simply brings a smile to your face. Seeing the fabric world in motion is incredible!

The story is typical Kirby, but the gameplay is not!

Kirby is transported to Patch Land because he Ate an Evil Wizard's Metamato. There, sadly, he loses his ability to suck as wind passes right through his Yarn body! He is equipped with a Lasso instead which can be used to grab enemies, grapple points, zippers and other objects in the background, as well!

Seems the Metamato Kirby ate ALSO gave him the power to transform into other shapes "seamlessly" as the game puts it. Double tapping in one direction turns him into a Speeding Car. Jumping in water turns him into a mini-submarine. Pushing down while in the air turns him into the familiar Weight. Pushing the jump button a second time while in the air turns Kirby into a Parachute so he floats slowly down and can control his direction some more. There are other shapes like the Giant Tank that are introduced at certain points in the stages just to break up the gameplay and give you something fun and different to do!

That's not TOTALLY necessary however, as the game in itself gives you quite a bit to do on its own! You can earn one of Four Medals in each level dependant on your Gem collecting. In each level there are Three Treasures to find as well. One is the CD for that stage and the other Two (I believe) are pieces of Furniture you can use to Decorate the Apartment Prince Fluff gives you to live in while staying in Patch Land. This (totally Gay) diversion is SURE to capture the attention of all the (totally Gay) fans of Animal Crossing out there!

It's just one of those TOTALLY RELAXED gaming experiences! The very epitome of a "Nintendo" game, it can be enjoyed by a Youngster who will just be awed by the fanciful world --OR-- the seasoned Gamer who will NEED to collect every last gem, CD, piece of Furniture... Log each and every enemy, find every last piece of Fabric... and 100% each and every Last Stat the game thoughtfully tracks for you.

If you have the Cash, do NOT hesitate! This is the kind of game the inner-Six-Year-Old in you is YEARNING to play!


Edited: Sun, 17 Oct 2010 19:15:28
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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 19:40:21

Just played as the UFO! Fun little transformation. Kirby gets the ability to Abduct his enemies with a Tractor Beam. When he gets enough foes, he can emit a Lightning-like field around his body which obliterates bad-guys and opens unreachable areas to boot!


Besides that, one of Fluff's buddies needed help decorating a room *snicker!* and once I found the furniture he needed, a little Sprite moved in, opening up the ability to play Mini-Games within the stages I've already beat! The one that opened immediately was a "Hide and Seek" game where I need to locate a number of friends within a previous stage within a certain amount of time. Cool!

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 21:56:00

What's up with that first screenshot? Nyaa  Is this game a lengthy one if I don't go back and collect every item?

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 22:07:52

Oh yeah it's lengthy...

Wait. Are you talking about the game now?

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 22:12:57

I think they said it was about 6 hours just to play from beginning to end.

If you try to get EVERYTHING, it lasts a while.

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 22:13:05

I might can get it with some Gamestop credit.  Yeah, what is the length?  ....Of the game.

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 22:15:36

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 22:18:55

That video makes me think of things they could've added to the Paper Mario series.

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 22:22:52
Kirby's Epic Yarn is one of the prettiest games on Wii, and it's also one of the best. The joyous platformer might not be difficult, but it's fun, inventive, and outrageously imaginative.
Game Informer
Honestly, the only crowd that I can imagine not enjoying Kirby is jaded gamers who are too cool for something so whimsical. Whatever the case, they're missing out on a colorful, unique game that reminds me of why I fell in love with gaming back on my NES: imagination, challenge, and fun.
Kirby's Epic Yarn is a fantastic game that might skew a little younger than experienced gamers might be comfortable with, but the subtle level challenges and the incredibly creative art direction is well worth the experience.
Even with the deviations from what you might expect from the plucky pink puff, Epic Yarn most assuredly feels like a Kirby game; you have solid platforming, off-the-charts cuteness, and even throwbacks to familiar Dream Land characters and settings.
I spent around 10 lovely hours exploring the intricately detailed, painfully cute Patch Land in co-op, and came away feeling, well, lovely. Kirby's Epic Yarn makes a convincing case for the idea that we don't have to be challenged every single time we play a video game. Occasionally, it's enough to be happy.

Edited: Sun, 17 Oct 2010 22:28:29
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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 23:34:45

he the game is near perfect i think that everyone knows that, to bad i don't have the money for it this month

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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 00:57:06

A few people have questioned: "What does Wii have this year for the holidays to match New Super Mario Bros. from last year?"

Well. That game came out today.

Yeah. It's THAT good!

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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 01:04:25

Just got up to this part:

I guess you could call this Surfing Kirby? Whatever it is he is doing, it is in a Forced Scrolling section of a level. Kirby needs to trick and bounce off enemies in the air to get all the Gems/Treasures in this stage. Needless to say, this is the FIRST stage I didn't get 100% of everything my first time through!  blush

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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 01:06:56

Beating the first Hide and Seek mini-game netted me a new WALLPAPER!



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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 01:23:29
phantom_leo said:

A few people have questioned: "What does Wii have this year for the holidays to match New Super Mario Bros. from last year?"

Well. That game came out today.

Yeah. It's THAT good!

...Oh! Wait a second! I forgot about the 800 lbs. Gorilla in the room!

This is gonna be an interesting showdown!



Who WILL the victor be?!

Edited: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 01:24:12
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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 13:39:11

I am trying to find videos that include more than just the title screen music.


Can't seem to find anything on YouTube yet --BUT-- this trailer shows off the game's diverse stages a bit more than the other video did!

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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 13:40:30

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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 15:35:50

In something I didn't see coming, Giant Bomb gave the game 5 out of 5 stars.

"That Kirby's Epic Yarn left me a smiling, cooing, mushy-brained mess of happy by the end of it says an awful lot about how well-constructed and almost painfully pleasing this game is to play."
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Tue, 19 Oct 2010 11:09:59

Leo, why didn't you just quote the reviews I posted in GG Weekly? Gameinformer second opinion was 9.5 as well.

5/5 for Giant Bomb? surprise

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Tue, 19 Oct 2010 11:46:05

Those reviews weren't up yet when I posted the few reviews I did for Travo's sake.

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Tue, 19 Oct 2010 12:37:51

I'm pretty sure I had the reviews up before Metacritic.


Destructoid review Kirby's Epic Yarn 9.5 - could this be GOTY?

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