Forum > Gaming Discussion > Legend of Zelda Art Gallery Showing
Legend of Zelda Art Gallery Showing
The poe salesman
I didn't care for the picture of Ganon but I did like the frame
.... Eat more bomb-chu's??
And last but not least a simple, elegant, wooden triforce. Loved how it was painted.
I'm surprised the concept of this kind of bar hasn't taken off yet. The place always has people and gets real busy at peak times. They're doing well.
You should. The Zelda artwork will be gone on about 3 weeks, but they'll have a neq showing after that. But the games are always there. And oddly enough this place is popular with women. Last time I went there were more women than men. Granted there was one table of lesbians so that sort of rebalances things.
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BeaverOfAnger (3m)
A couple weeks ago I mentioned this bar I went to call BART that was billing itself as a bar/arcade/art gallery. When I first went there the art was kind of lacking. They had some artist's work on the walls, but I was really not impressed by whatever the hell it was. As of last week though they've made good on their art gallery promise in my mind. Some local artists are doing a Zelda themed show. It wasn't high art by any means, but it was pretty cool all the same. Plus, once I was done looking.... beer and Burger Time! Here's a quick look at some of the pieces that I liked:
These first two are paintings done on wooden blocks.
This is one of my favorites. This skulltula is actually a preserved tarantula with a skull attached to it and then mounted onto a plaque. My wife the arachnaphobe did not care for this:
Drink more Lon Lon Milk....