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Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3DS Official Thread of reliving a masterpiece
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Fri, 24 Jun 2011 20:28:39
Iga_Bobovic said:

Do you mean the wandering marathon man that later becomes the postman in Majora's Mask? The one you sell the bunny hood to when you are younger? The one who challenges you to race from Gerudo Valley to Kokiri Forest? There is a secret you must know!

Tell me. Nao.

SteelAttack said:


Why is that thing so freaking big?

Angry_Beaver said:

Okami is a wonderful game, but I'm not really excited about Okamiden at all. My feelings about it are similar to the ones I have about the DS Zeldas: It just doesn't live up to the rest of the series (I have Spirit Tracks, so I've at least tried the formula). I'm not a big handheld gamer in the first place. Okamiden is extremely low on my list of wanted games.

Spirit tracks is weaksauce compared to Phantom Hourglass, but most reviews disagree with me.

Dvader said:
At least the DS Zeldas try something very different. They still ended up as interesting great games to play. This feels like Okami babies. What posses me off is that it has awesome new gameplay mechanics that are never fully explored.

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Fri, 24 Jun 2011 20:38:59
gamingeek said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Do you mean the wandering marathon man that later becomes the postman in Majora's Mask? The one you sell the bunny hood to when you are younger? The one who challenges you to race from Gerudo Valley to Kokiri Forest? There is a secret you must know!

Tell me. Nao.

Okay. You cannot beat him. No matter how fast you go, he will always be a second faster!

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Fri, 24 Jun 2011 20:50:48
Iga_Bobovic said:

Okay. You cannot beat him. No matter how fast you go, he will always be a second faster!

What? Sad

He said his record was 1:41 then I creamed him in just over a minute and he said he was faster. Asshole!

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Fri, 24 Jun 2011 20:53:08

This thread is now about orcas.

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Fri, 24 Jun 2011 20:57:19


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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 00:04:24
Killer whale is such a better name.

Did GG say ST is worse than PH??? NO, ST is way better.
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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 02:24:13

Time to elaborate on Okamiden. Please note I dont remember much of Okami, I just remember that I loved it but it wasn't as good as Zelda. I do remember that i enjoyed the combat, it was fast paced and challenging, not so in this game. The fights are still started by running into a scroll so it feels like an RPG. Most fights involve only 2 or 3 enemies that have weaknesses to certain elements which you can control. My main issue with the fights is that the enemies life bar is too long so they become tedious rather than fun. Outside of using the brush there isnt much to the combat system, you just mash attack. Okami was far faster paced and defense was important, the fights were fun.

"Dungeons" are still simplistic, often only having one direction to go and all puzzles spelled out. There are more elemental skills in this game and a partner system where you get to control your partner with the brush. You'd think that would be used for some really cool puzzles but its never more complicated than stepping on a different switch while avoiding enemies.

I am nearing the end of the game and this is what I played last night. First I had a 10 minute cutscene, a fight and another 5 minute cutscene. Then I needed to enter an enemy area, you go up the only path to a door which is closed. You cant enter so you clearly see another path to the right. Take that and its a small one way road, midway through you reach a door which is guarded by imps saying only imps can enter. So you need to find your way in, well just keep going down the linear road and you eventually end at a fight which gives you a mask. Run back to the imps and enter, no thinking involved, just one way to go.  In contrast in Zelda to get inside Jabu Jabu you need to figure out how to open its mouth. You get no real clues and access to every item and a whole world of possibilities, you need to realize that bringing it a fish to eat would open its mouth, an actual puzzle.

Once inside you need to go up and down an elevator to get keys, again there is only one clear way to go. At pont point you enter a kitchen where a cook needs water in a pan, of course there is water next to it so you simply draw a line from the water to the pot. Those are the kinds of puzzles you get. Everything is spelled out for you. The overworld exploration kind of stuff is decent but there aren't any noticable mini games, its a lot of fetch quests.  Its all very basic.

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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 12:34:58
Dvader said:
Killer whale is such a better name.

Did GG say ST is worse than PH??? NO, ST is way better.

Choo! Choo! Asshole!

I am now at Ganon's castle, those golden gauntlets are well hidden.

Also the fishing........ I hate it. I can't land the big one.

Edited: Sat, 25 Jun 2011 12:35:22

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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 12:52:31
SteelAttack said:

This thread is now about orcas.



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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 14:15:45
I don't know if I'll ever get around to picking up Spirit Tracks. I did enjoy Phantom Hourglass as a game on it's own but I'd rank it kind of low in the Zelda heirarchy. The train thing seems kind of hokey to me and something I would feel was out-of-place in a Zelda game.


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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 17:11:22

Spirit Tracks has wonderful dungeon designs and puzzles.  and the choo choo bits are not that bad if you look at them as mini games you need to do to get to your next destination (sounds worse than it is).  Personally I thought is was stronger than Phantom Hourglass though I loved both games


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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 17:58:42
Yeah I'd probably enjoy Spirit Tracks it's just the thought of a train being in a Zelda game that throws me for a loop.


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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 21:50:19
Finished the cave of ordeals the second time. If you finish it the second time a postman appears on the very last room. But that is not the only thing that changes. An extra Darknut appears. So before you fought two, well now you fight three. The final room is extra challenging. Now insteed of three Darknuts you fight four at the same time.

And the AI of these enemies is pretty tricky. Not like in OoT where only one attacks simultaneously. They stay close to each other and work as a team. One knocks you of balance and the other three start to rape you with their oversized swords. And sometimes when you want to roll behind them, you end up in the middle of the group, only to be raped from multiple directions at once.

when I entered the cave of ordeals I had 1000 rupees to power my magic armor. Two faeries in bottles to revive me and one fairy tear that would restore all my health and give a short attack boost.

Once I was done I used up all my bottles, all my rupees and only had 5 hearths left. But man was it fun. Fighting four Darknuts is awesome. Using bombs to knock of their armors. Using the increased speed of the armorless ones against them, in order to separate them from the group. And of course using the helm splitter, jump strike, shield bash and back slice techniques. Can't wait to fight these enemies in Skyward Sword.
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Sun, 26 Jun 2011 14:44:56

I started the Master Quest, never tried it before. First off, everything is reversed, a cheap but effective trick, it throws off your familiarity with the layout. Anyhow, I thought the Master Quest rejigged dungeons would be pretty crapola honestly and the Deku tree alone changed my mind. For a start my life bar was beeping within 10 seconds of being in there. But also the way you complete the dungeons is completely different. The room layout may be the same but the way you complete each room is totally different. I wish I could just play the rejigged dungeons and not have to go through the rest of the overworld.

Anyway I got the end of the Master Quest Dondongos cavern and there is something off about one puzzle and I am flummoxed. You know that part where you throw the bombs down to light up the eyes in the giant skeleton? Well in the Master quest you have no bomb bag yet and the bomb flowers are too far away to drop down. I have even counted down how long it takes for the bomb to explode and counted how long it takes for the rising platform to raise. The math just doesn't add up.

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Sun, 26 Jun 2011 18:33:17
gamingeek said:

I started the Master Quest, never tried it before. First off, everything is reversed, a cheap but effective trick, it throws off your familiarity with the layout. Anyhow, I thought the Master Quest rejigged dungeons would be pretty crapola honestly and the Deku tree alone changed my mind. For a start my life bar was beeping within 10 seconds of being in there. But also the way you complete the dungeons is completely different. The room layout may be the same but the way you complete each room is totally different. I wish I could just play the rejigged dungeons and not have to go through the rest of the overworld.

Anyway I got the end of the Master Quest Dondongos cavern and there is something off about one puzzle and I am flummoxed. You know that part where you throw the bombs down to light up the eyes in the giant skeleton? Well in the Master quest you have no bomb bag yet and the bomb flowers are too far away to drop down. I have even counted down how long it takes for the bomb to explode and counted how long it takes for the rising platform to raise. The math just doesn't add up.

If there is one thing I have learned from years of Zelda experience is that the game never makes you do really crazy skill based things or make you really think outside the box. Many times that I get stuck its because I  am over thinking something and making the solution far more complicated than it really is. Odds are you missed something, go back and look around.

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Mon, 27 Jun 2011 08:30:55
Dvader said:

If there is one thing I have learned from years of Zelda experience is that the game never makes you do really crazy skill based things or make you really think outside the box. Many times that I get stuck its because I  am over thinking something and making the solution far more complicated than it really is. Odds are you missed something, go back and look around.

That's the thing about the master quest though, it does make you do skill based things, like light a deku stick, set fire to a wall bomb flower so it drops, then before it explodes, put away the deku stick, grab the bomb, run across two moving platforms then throw at an angle.

I just wanted to mention the ending of Ocarina, it left me with the same feeling having completed it all those years ago. That moment when you go back in time and see zelda in the courtyard when the screen goes black and white. Nearly brought a tear to my eye. And the big party in hyrule field, everyone is celebrating but Mido and King Zora are sitting together by themselves in sorrow that their loved ones are gone. Then the camera swoops majestically to the top of death mountain and the sages stand triumphant. It's beautifually done.

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Mon, 27 Jun 2011 13:45:55
Oh shit son

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Mon, 27 Jun 2011 21:23:06
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Tue, 28 Jun 2011 03:37:47
Iga_Bobovic said:
Oh shit son

Wow. LOL

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Tue, 28 Jun 2011 21:16:45

Done with Twilight Princess. Finished the rollgoal, so now I can use frog lure, got the sinking lure and caught the Hylian Loach. Did beat Ganondorf again to seal the deal. Beat Phantom Zelda with a empty bottle and Ganondorf with a fishing hook!

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