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Leo's 360 Topic -- Six Months Later...
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Mon, 27 Sep 2010 20:34:58

I think that a game where you have to die and restart with your stats, again and again is fundamentally flawed. Your character should be balanced to take on the game's difficulty in a natural way. I don't like the time system of the first game because if you do some missions, you miss others and then have to replay the game again.

And again.

And again.

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Mon, 27 Sep 2010 20:46:16
gamingeek said:

What about the whole time mechanic, limited time to do missions and then replay the game once you die. If the survivor AI is still as bad, it will be maddening.

Survivor AI is better. They'll actually fight back at times and are generally smart enough to avoid conflict.

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Mon, 27 Sep 2010 23:41:23
gamingeek said:

I think that a game where you have to die and restart with your stats, again and again is fundamentally flawed. Your character should be balanced to take on the game's difficulty in a natural way. I don't like the time system of the first game because if you do some missions, you miss others and then have to replay the game again.

And again.

And again.

Huh? You didn't have to die and restart the whole game carrying over your stats, you play through the game to one of the endings then start a new game with a stronger character who is able to get through the game more easily giving you more time to rescue more survivors and stuff. That's how I did it with Dead Rising.


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Tue, 28 Sep 2010 06:07:07

Yo Leo!

You tried Geometry Wars or Zuma yet?

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Tue, 28 Sep 2010 11:03:50

I know what to expect from Geometry Wars already. I LOVE that game! I am just wrapped up in all the new stuff for now. Zuma, I haven't tried at all... Isn't it basically Magnetica? I've been playing Mass Effect... a lot!

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Tue, 28 Sep 2010 11:10:46
phantom_leo said:

... Zuma, I haven't tried at all... Isn't it basically Magnetica? ...

Yeah, now I look at it I guess it is.  But with a console controller it's much better than KB.M.

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Tue, 28 Sep 2010 12:04:54
Yeah you'll likely be in gaming overload for awhile now. The 2 Geometry Wars are great games and Zuma's pretty fun.


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Tue, 28 Sep 2010 15:04:47

I just saw a Dead Rising 2 video review, they said that the loading times almost ruin the whole game and marked it down to 7/10.

Also, WTF, this TV show reviews Halo Reach and says "If you wont play multiplayer take 2 points off the score." And they gave it a 9/10. So if I take two off I'm playing a 7/10 game? Wut.

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Tue, 28 Sep 2010 22:30:14
Archangel3371 said:
Yeah you'll likely be in gaming overload for awhile now. The 2 Geometry Wars are great games and Zuma's pretty fun.

Probably won't help that I got Dead Rising 2 and Front Mission Evolved (PS3) today then...

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Wed, 29 Sep 2010 03:38:20
gamingeek said:

I just saw a Dead Rising 2 video review, they said that the loading times almost ruin the whole game and marked it down to 7/10.

Also, WTF, this TV show reviews Halo Reach and says "If you wont play multiplayer take 2 points off the score." And they gave it a 9/10. So if I take two off I'm playing a 7/10 game? Wut.

That's around what Level 3 gave it. Happy

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Wed, 29 Sep 2010 21:59:42
gamingeek said:

I just saw a Dead Rising 2 video review, they said that the loading times almost ruin the whole game and marked it down to 7/10.

Also, WTF, this TV show reviews Halo Reach and says "If you wont play multiplayer take 2 points off the score." And they gave it a 9/10. So if I take two off I'm playing a 7/10 game? Wut.

I've never taken Halo 3 online, and yeah, I'd say taking 2 points off is being kind.  If I was to judge Halo 3 for the campaign content alone, it wouldn't come close to a 10.  Probably an 8, I dunno, I'd have to go back and replay it.

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Thu, 30 Sep 2010 10:13:30

Just became a Spectre and now the Galaxy is my playground.

Wow! Where do I go next?!


I didn't realize until I played Mass Effect just how sick I was of Dungeons and Dragons and 20-sided dice!

It's sooo refreshing to play something different for a change!


*This doesn't mean I suddenly dislike Dragon Quest IX. That will NEVER happen. If I were to start a Dragon Age or Final Fantasy right now, I think I'd vomit!*

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Thu, 30 Sep 2010 11:13:42
aspro said:
gamingeek said:

I just saw a Dead Rising 2 video review, they said that the loading times almost ruin the whole game and marked it down to 7/10.

Also, WTF, this TV show reviews Halo Reach and says "If you wont play multiplayer take 2 points off the score." And they gave it a 9/10. So if I take two off I'm playing a 7/10 game? Wut.

I've never taken Halo 3 online, and yeah, I'd say taking 2 points off is being kind.  If I was to judge Halo 3 for the campaign content alone, it wouldn't come close to a 10.  Probably an 8, I dunno, I'd have to go back and replay it.

I'm in the same situation would agree on Halo 3. But these guys would have you demote Halo Reach (said to be the best in the series) to a 7/10 for the campaign.

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Thu, 30 Sep 2010 17:20:54
phantom_leo said:

Just became a Spectre and now the Galaxy is my playground.

Wow! Where do I go next?!


I didn't realize until I played Mass Effect just how sick I was of Dungeons and Dragons and 20-sided dice!

It's sooo refreshing to play something different for a change!


*This doesn't mean I suddenly dislike Dragon Quest IX. That will NEVER happen. If I were to start a Dragon Age or Final Fantasy right now, I think I'd vomit!*

Nice to see you're enjoying the ride. Steer very clear of those inane metals/disc/whatever collection stuff, and approach only sidequests that catch your eye (like the ones related to character development and progression of your crew). Be warned, though, a LOT of the interiors of bases and stuff look exactly the same regardless of the planet.

Interior design will probably be monopolized by one company in the future.

Also, EXP earned diminishes greatly when killing foes with the Mako. Whenever you can, try to take them down by yourself.

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Mon, 04 Oct 2010 18:57:32
SteelAttack said:

Also, EXP earned diminishes greatly when killing foes with the Mako. Whenever you can, try to take them down by yourself.

I tend to soften them up using the Mako, then jump out and finish them off!

Works like a charm!  WinkWink

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Mon, 04 Oct 2010 19:01:34

Just added Deadly Premonitions ( Thanks, AssPro! Nyaa )...

...and Alan Wake to my collection...

...impressions coming soon!

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Mon, 04 Oct 2010 19:09:58

I was away this weekend at a friend's house in Upstate NY. He also has a 360. I encouraged him to download the Limbo Trial, and then gave the controller to another one my my friends. This guy is very artistically inclined, but doesn't play games all that often. He's the kind to jump and flinch and get startled in horror movies... Watching him play this game was PRICELESS...!

The "OMG Wut Happened?!" look he had on his face every, single time the little boy died a horrific death was something impossible to put into words! The genuine gasps, screams and jumping two inches of the couch cushions as he played only added to the experience more! It was one of those moments where a non-gamer gets bitten by the bug and you can just read his mind, telling himself: "I just HAVE TO play this game!"

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Mon, 04 Oct 2010 20:01:50

*Checks PSN again for Limbo* ...







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Mon, 04 Oct 2010 20:11:39

Wut? :LOL

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Tue, 05 Oct 2010 00:16:43

The List as of 10/04/10:


Disk Based

  • Alan Wake
  • Deadly Premonitions
  • Dead Rising 2
  • DeathSmiles
  • Fable 2
  • Gears of War
  • Gears of War 2
  • Halo: Reach
  • Mass Effect
  • Mass Effect 2



  • Alien Hominid
  • CastleVania: HD
  • Darwinia +
  • Dead Rising: Case Zero
  • Geometry Wars Evolved 2
  • Ikaruga
  • The Maw
  • Pac-Man CE
  • Plants vs. Zombies
  • Rez HD
  • Shadow Complex
  • Space Giraffe
  • 'Splosion Man
  • Winterbottom
  • Zeno Clash UE
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