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Little Big Planet has devoured my soul.
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Tue, 30 Sep 2008 18:59:10

You know that feeling when you play a game and it complete takes over your thoughts, your dreams, its so good you want to play it every moment of free time you got.  You know that feeling of not caring about any other gaming news, any other game releases cause at the moment you are 100% satisfied. Those feelings are rare, I was extremely lucky to already have it once this year with MGS4 which I played for about a month straight. And now I have it again, but this is different. This is not just a game like MGS4 or RE4 or Zelda; no this goes beyond having just an excellent game, its also its own community, its own planet of creativity, of innovation, its a game changer.  

Not since the switch from 2D to 3D have I felt that feeling of wonder, your eyes opened to a whole new experience you could have never dreamed of. Little Big Planet maybe that embodiment of where all this online co-op gaming, all this connectivity between players have been leading us, to a point where we are the designers, we are the artists, we make the game and we can play and share with others at the simple press of a button. Its unlike anything I have experienced in my many years of gaming.

I have had the beta for less than a week and already I think I can say its going to be in my top 5 favorite games ever, hell it may be #1 by the time the full thing hits.  I am playing a beta and its doing this to me, I cant imagine what the finished product will be like. I sit around dreaming of what I should add to my level, today on my car ride home I wondered what if I could make a level that rotates, you are in this giant square and you can rotate the level, what could I do with that? Well I am about to try it out. I drew a damn diagram of my level, I CANT DRAW, I never draw, but still I whipped out a paper and drew up this monstrosity of a level which I am in the middle of bring to life. And when I get tired of making my level, when I need a breather, I can hop into the sea of other levels, of which there is always something that surprises me or even inspires me even further.

So that’s all I have been thinking of gaming wise this past week, I need to let it out, I need to shout it out, I love this game!!!

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Tue, 30 Sep 2008 20:31:58
Stop lying man, we all know that you have no soul! Begone demon!
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Tue, 30 Sep 2008 21:36:14
Game wholeheartedly sucks.


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Tue, 30 Sep 2008 22:08:04
I enjoy games that allows for player creativity. That's one of the reasons I like Animal Crossing so much. I'm always liked changing things in my town. I once wrote my first name out with flowers (it took a LOT of flowers), just to see if the game would allow me to do it, and it did. I've done a ton of weird things like that with ACWW.

LBP sounds like it takes that "player creativity" concept, and expands upon it a 100X. I'd buy it if I had a PS3.

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Wed, 01 Oct 2008 19:38:15
Can you use a mouse to create the levels?

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Wed, 22 Dec 2010 19:17:38

I found an interesting quote in EDGE 200 from April 2009.  They were interviewing a bunch of top-tier developers and talking up user generated content (UCG).  Molyneuz said, "I'm going to be very negative about UGC.  We've had user-generated content for years; anyone can be the author of a book or pick up a video camera and make a film, but they don't because it's such a refined talent.  I do think there is an opening for what I'd call private UCG though, so as me making a level for my son, Milo."

Okay, I added the last word but I think what he's saying is pretty right on -- in that most of us don't create.

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Wed, 22 Dec 2010 19:18:45
gamingeek said:
Can you use a mouse to create the levels?

This would be a good use of the Move controller.

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Wed, 22 Dec 2010 23:09:49
aspro said:

I found an interesting quote in EDGE 200 from April 2009.  They were interviewing a bunch of top-tier developers and talking up user generated content (UCG).  Molyneuz said, "I'm going to be very negative about UGC.  We've had user-generated content for years; anyone can be the author of a book or pick up a video camera and make a film, but they don't because it's such a refined talent.  I do think there is an opening for what I'd call private UCG though, so as me making a level for my son, Milo."

Okay, I added the last word but I think what he's saying is pretty right on -- in that most of us don't create.

Its Molyneuz so its a lie. Nyaa

Its true, most of us dont create. But there are a select few that do and they make up hundreds and hundreds of excellent levels to play.

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Fri, 24 Dec 2010 02:28:06

I am hallucinating the recent kill list on the bottom left of the screen in Killzone 2. I win.

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