Huh I bought GTA.
Bayonetta FUCK YES day one. Hello its like DMC. It is made by the man, the myth, the legened Kamiya, it will be the best DMC style action game of this gen.
Punch-Out is PUNCH-OUT! But you hate NES games so you could never understand. It is one of the most true tests of reflexes and gaming skills. Its simple yet incredibly hard. Its an all time classic and its being reborn, I cannot miss out on it.
Dvader said:Skylock is another LKS fan, he was sad that I wasnt going to get it. But he is nice and isnt going to pressure me, he is sad that it seems another quality third party game for the Wii is just going to be ignored. He said by the end of the year he may have 45-50 Wii games.
GG pressuring is the same on you get to do in the game. GG is a little dictator himself
P.S. Vader implement the sister protocol. Get her to buy the game, so you won't have to. How do you think I got Wii Fit .
Iga_Bobovic said:Dvader said:Skylock is another LKS fan, he was sad that I wasnt going to get it. But he is nice and isnt going to pressure me, he is sad that it seems another quality third party game for the Wii is just going to be ignored. He said by the end of the year he may have 45-50 Wii games.GG pressuring is the same on you get to do in the game. GG is a little dictator himself
P.S. Vader implement the sister protocol. Get her to buy the game, so you won't have to. How do you think I got Wii Fit
Thats how she learned about Animal Crossing. Though a huge SRPG is really not her thing.
Dvader said:Iga_Bobovic said:Dvader said:Skylock is another LKS fan, he was sad that I wasnt going to get it. But he is nice and isnt going to pressure me, he is sad that it seems another quality third party game for the Wii is just going to be ignored. He said by the end of the year he may have 45-50 Wii games.GG pressuring is the same on you get to do in the game. GG is a little dictator himself
P.S. Vader implement the sister protocol. Get her to buy the game, so you won't have to. How do you think I got Wii Fit
Thats how she learned about Animal Crossing. Though a huge SRPG is really not her thing.
You know that, I know that, but she does not know that. Watch out you can only do it a few times before she is on to you! Use it wisely!
Iga_Bobovic said:Dvader said:Iga_Bobovic said:Dvader said:Skylock is another LKS fan, he was sad that I wasnt going to get it. But he is nice and isnt going to pressure me, he is sad that it seems another quality third party game for the Wii is just going to be ignored. He said by the end of the year he may have 45-50 Wii games.GG pressuring is the same on you get to do in the game. GG is a little dictator himself
P.S. Vader implement the sister protocol. Get her to buy the game, so you won't have to. How do you think I got Wii Fit
Thats how she learned about Animal Crossing. Though a huge SRPG is really not her thing.
You know that, I know that, but she does not know that. Watch out you can only do it a few times before she is on to you! Use it wisely!
Thats just mean... I'm calling her now.
Dvader said:Rag just said he is going to sell some games and his PSP to buy a Wii for this game and Excitebots. So love him again.
That's the kind of commitment that makes GG jealous. All he can do is harass people, yet here we see somebody actually doing something meaningful! It brings a tear to the eye.
(In other words get Excitebots GG, and bask in a game as good as Mario Kart but with pies.) I'm interested...whatever it is!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
ASK_Story said:Edge gave it a 9!? I'm interested...whatever it is!
Proof that no one reads the news section.
Okay, before I read any replies I want to give my first impressions.
You almost know that the game is going to be great within the first few seconds. Literally, when the CING logo pops on the screen, it's artistically designed to look like a artist has fantastically painted the logo on an elaborate chalkboard. It's a sign of quality that instantly hooks you.
From there it gets better, yes before the game has even begun the game title is on the screen, surrounded by operatic music and a light shines from left to right. It's almost like the door Alice steps through into a whole new world.
And then the music hits you, Land of Hope and Glory, a special song always used at BBC's closing song at the night at the proms. Your little patch of land is etched out in front of you, the game title unfurls like a banner on the land and the music plays. This is the land of hope, the land of glory and your kingdom is ripe before your eyes, this is mine to make, to conquer, to love.
And then you actually press your first button.
More to come later.
travo said:Because it's freaking Punchout with motion controls and co-op. Maybe not online, but that's ok.
That's not good enough. If there was a buxom female fighter with massive comedy boobs to box I would at least consider renting it.
Dvader said:Huh I bought GTA.
Bayonetta FUCK YES day one. Hello its like DMC. It is made by the man, the myth, the legened Kamiya, it will be the best DMC style action game of this gen.
Punch-Out is PUNCH-OUT! But you hate NES games so you could never understand. It is one of the most true tests of reflexes and gaming skills. Its simple yet incredibly hard. Its an all time classic and its being reborn, I cannot miss out on it.
I'm talking in general man. Analysts and gamers who peg poor sales of some of these games on casuals are wrong, because even hardcore gamers aren't picking them up and this is the key point that third parties have to work out. You are an example of a consumer they have to cater to. They have to work out how to put their games at the top of your list, so I find it particularly interesting to see what the 7s and above want (on the mainstream vs niche scale).
So lets say Madworld was made by Kamiya and was made in colour with realistic graphics. Would that be a day one where Madworld as it currently exists is a "when its cheaper"?
I want to know why gamers don't buy Okami and so forth.
Dvader said:Rag just said he is going to sell some games and his PSP to buy a Wii for this game and Excitebots. So love him again.
Until he posts topless pics of his manly chest online, I cannot love him again.
Foolz said:Dvader said:Rag just said he is going to sell some games and his PSP to buy a Wii for this game and Excitebots. So love him again.That's the kind of commitment that makes GG jealous. All he can do is harass people, yet here we see somebody actually doing something meaningful! It brings a tear to the eye.
(In other words get Excitebots GG, and bask in a game as good as Mario Kart but with pies.)
ROFFLES you expect me to buy the pie throwing racer. Feck you assholes! Ahahahahaha. Well, its not out and I would get it if it hit a certain price. Oh snap, now I've become the very thing I detest Hypocrisy FTW.
Iga_Bobovic said:Dvader said:Skylock is another LKS fan, he was sad that I wasnt going to get it. But he is nice and isnt going to pressure me, he is sad that it seems another quality third party game for the Wii is just going to be ignored. He said by the end of the year he may have 45-50 Wii games.GG pressuring is the same on you get to do in the game. GG is a little dictator himself
I will get my kingly staff (which shoots stars from the tip) and shove it up his back passage till he cries. And then Steel will get on his knees and lick the the staff clean.
There's an unhealthy obsession with wangs and hairy assholes on this site.
travo said:There's an unhealthy obsession with wangs and hairy assholes on this site.
Dirty, dirty boy.
So, after you press A you are kicked into this cutscene, it's heavily filtered in a sort of brush stroke pattern way. A lonely little boy follows some rats into a hole and finds a crown which makes him the king. He's led into his kingdom. The kingdom is basically a shack with a bedroom.
And suddenly it reminds you a SNES game in a really great way. If you ever had a thing for SNES RPGs, the look, the tone etc. This looks immediately like a modern day version.
Then you sit on your throne and ask questions of your three advisors. Howser the bull knight almost seems like the real leader and you the puppet figurehead of this mini-empire but he always defers to you. It has lovely little touches like a baby cow that bites your ass and drags you back inside if you haven't talked to the people yet.
So your immediate concern is cash. You need to raise 100'000 and so you go out into your world. And now the Pikmin comparisons become evident. It controls pretty much exactly the same, Pikmin has better, more well thought out controls, but there's not a huge gulf here. The lack of IR seems somewhat baffling but the game controls fine without them.
Visually this game is beautiful, shame that it looks slightly cacky on an HDTV, because this has oodles of charm, large, bouncing trees, wonderful character designs, soft lighting and warm colours. You move out of the castle area -I use the word castle loosly as its a shack at this point- and out into the main town where unemployed layabouts live.
To recruit them, you walk up to them and wave your little staff, a mario like star shoots out and they join your ranks like little pikmin. Then, it's out into the world.
The music, by God the music. Why hasn't someone done this before? GTA uses real life licenced tracks to great effect. Now LKS uses original intepretations of some of the most famous classical music songs out there. It's wonderful, I'm no classical music buff, but the tunes here you will instantly recognise from many other places. For instance I know Johan Sebastian Bach concerto number 3, but you will recognise it as the music in Die Hard in Nakatomi plaza.
And they aren't stingy with it either. The first area is quite small and the music is always changing seamlessly from section to section, something like 4-6 different compositions within a tiny playably area. It's gorgeous, spring like music.
So then you have your lazy bums recruited and you send them off digging for cash. You get enough cash, head home and now you can build a workplace, which is a building. I built a guardhouse. So now I can throw my little lazy bums into the building and they come out bristling in knights armour and I'm off to battle! I fought some turnips enemies, they can chop through wood. You can organise them.
So next I built a farmhouse and I can have farmers. After reading the manual you can have construction guys to build things too.
One thing I noticed was the AI. It's beautiful to watch. So I dismissed my royal guards and they made their way back to the castle area and started practice fighting among the trees. Then I followed them and they started patrolling the bridge and saluting eachother when they passed. And they moved about in a completely natural way. It was beguiling just to observe them.
I can't wait to get this game back on an SDTV where it belongs and soak up the combination of gorgeous music, gorgeous visuals and compelling design. It's more than Pikmin, you have your own expanding kingdom and upgrades. It's sort of like if Pikmin had a purpose, was in a much nicer fantasy setting and you could sculpt your own future.
I think the biggest compliment would be that it feels like a first party title in all respects, polish, charm, addictiveness, attention to detail.
Missed these reviews
Games Master UK 91%
Funny, charming and a real meaty challenge, there's nothing else like it on Wii. [May 2009, p.81] |
games(TM) 8/10
With both its addictive, rewarding gameplay and the wealth of imagination that's been poured into the presentation, it's incredibly difficult to stop playing Little King's Story. [May 2009, p.112] |
Cing crowns Wii users as kings in a game which gathers the best of Miyamoto's Pikmin. Both strategic expert gamers and non-strategic expert gamers will enjoy a life simulator based on the experiences of the Harvest Moon's creator. If you are a Wii owner, then you can't miss Little King's Story. |
It sounds good and the reviews are unquestionably postive. I'm still having trouble getting interested in it though. I have a feeling this may end up being an RE4 for me. When RE4 came out it was excellent review after excellent review. . . but I just wasn't that interested. It just wasn't my kind of game. Horror and shooters are not really genres that I typically enjoy. But the reviews were just too good and a few weeks after it's launch I threw down and bought the game.
RE4 is easily one of the best purchases I've ever made. Easily in my top 10 games of all time and maybe top 5. It was a good reminder that sometime it's important to play outside of your comfort zone otherwise you miss out on some of the best games around. Right now LKS would be close to the bottom of the "must-buy" games. But you can only ignore good reviews and feedback for so long before you give in.
Of course, if LKS and Punch-Out were to come out at the same time, it wouldn't have a chance.