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Madworld, thread of Bloody madness, chainsaws, comedy and deathwatches
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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 10:33:28

I'll go look at the GS review.  This MF is sitting in my forwarding service right now, I can't wait to play this, or hear what Foolz and other trusted sources have to say about it.

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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 10:40:21

aspro73 said:

I'll go look at the GS review.  This MF is sitting in my forwarding service right now, I can't wait to play this, or hear what Foolz and other trusted sources have to say about it.

You'll be waiting awhile for my "trusted" opinion. Sad

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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 11:15:32
I get it this Saturday, dont know how much I can play though as I will be with family all weekend.

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Tue, 17 Mar 2009 22:42:25

gamingeek said:
I get it this Saturday, dont know how much I can play though as I will be with family all weekend.

And by family you mean a gang of horny, hairy and sweaty bikers ready to defile your butt in unspeakable ways, right? LOL

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Wed, 18 Mar 2009 10:36:22

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:
I get it this Saturday, dont know how much I can play though as I will be with family all weekend.

And by family you mean a gang of horny, hairy and sweaty bikers ready to defile your butt in unspeakable ways, right? LOL

You got it.

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Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:53:38
got an email today saying my copy was dispatched.  i should have it hopefully by tuesday/wednesday same as chinatown wars.  i'm really looking forward to both


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Wed, 18 Mar 2009 13:40:29

I'm getting close to the end of the game and it's been very enjoyable.  There have been a few things that I think could have been better like a ranking system and more rewards for higher scoring.  But overall it's great.  Platinum has recreated the old Beat 'Em Up genre and finally brought it back into modern gaming.  

For those of you thinking about picking it up all I can say is buy it, do not rent it.  This is a game that, while short, is something you're going to want to go back and play.  If you rent it, you're just going to kick yourself for not having your own copy of it.  

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Wed, 18 Mar 2009 16:11:26

robio said:

I'm getting close to the end of the game and it's been very enjoyable.  There have been a few things that I think could have been better like a ranking system and more rewards for higher scoring.  But overall it's great.  Platinum has recreated the old Beat 'Em Up genre and finally brought it back into modern gaming.  

For those of you thinking about picking it up all I can say is buy it, do not rent it.  This is a game that, while short, is something you're going to want to go back and play.  If you rent it, you're just going to kick yourself for not having your own copy of it.  

Where is Archie? Damn sucker.

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Wed, 18 Mar 2009 19:32:35

gamingeek said:

robio said:

I'm getting close to the end of the game and it's been very enjoyable.  There have been a few things that I think could have been better like a ranking system and more rewards for higher scoring.  But overall it's great.  Platinum has recreated the old Beat 'Em Up genre and finally brought it back into modern gaming.  

For those of you thinking about picking it up all I can say is buy it, do not rent it.  This is a game that, while short, is something you're going to want to go back and play.  If you rent it, you're just going to kick yourself for not having your own copy of it.  

Where is Archie? Damn sucker.


I'm too busy enjoying RE5. Nyaa Anyway I have too many other games I'm more interested in right now to be concerned about Mad World so I don't even know when I'll get around to even renting it.


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Wed, 18 Mar 2009 19:39:21

Archangel3371 said:

I'm too busy enjoying RE5. Nyaa Anyway I have too many other games I'm more interested in right now to be concerned about Mad World so I don't even know when I'll get around to even renting it.

LOL You want to give GG an aneurysm, right?

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Wed, 18 Mar 2009 20:22:53

SteelAttack said:

Archangel3371 said:

I'm too busy enjoying RE5. Nyaa Anyway I have too many other games I'm more interested in right now to be concerned about Mad World so I don't even know when I'll get around to even renting it.

LOL You want to give GG an aneurysm, right?


Sure why not. Nyaa It's like pulling a band-aid off, get it over with quickly. No sense in lying and saying, "I'm planning on picking up the game sometime soon" only to let time go by and he's left wondering if I tried it yet and what I thought about it. If I do end up trying it soon then it will be a surprise now won't it. It's just that it isn't on my "to do" list for the foreseeable future right now.


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Thu, 19 Mar 2009 11:28:42
My ass just just exploded in shock.

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Fri, 20 Mar 2009 11:20:13

Well I played the first level last night, didn't even make it to the end, got killed by a train and had to quit.

And um............. I'm not sure I like it so far.

Firstly there is a big old technical issue and I hope that its a mistake or something wrong on my end but I'm playing on a 30" SDTV and............ is this game in letterbox mode? Because like RE4, half my screen is black. It was okay for RE4, as the camera was made around the extra width, leon shifted to the side. Here, I just dont understand it. I want to look at the gorgeous visuals, but can't because its squished into letterbox mode on a 4:3 TV. Already that has sucked 25% of the enjoyment out of the game because I can hardly see anything.

There are other finnicky things so far, but I will elaborate later. I want to know about this first^

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Fri, 20 Mar 2009 12:20:03

Sorry to hear it's not grabbing you.  As for the screen I'm not sure but I can see that being a problem.  The very first thing I said about this game was that you have to have a large screen to appreciate it.  If they force letterbox on you that sucks.  You need every inch of screen in this game.

As for the other issues, hopefully they'll work themselves out for you.  IF it's any encouragement the levels only get better as time goes on.  I'm at the final level in the game right now and it's pure nirvana.  

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Fri, 20 Mar 2009 14:33:30

FUCK SEGA. I just checked again and checked other forums.

They have screwed over Europe. I give this game 7.5, because I can only see 75% of the screen. MASSIVE black borders. To put things into perspective, we haven't had conversions this bad - massive black borders since the F-ing SNES and megadrive days.

This is appalling. I almost feel like phoning up customer service and ranting. This is a really poor show and I can't believe that I didn't read about this in any of the UK reviews.

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Fri, 20 Mar 2009 15:10:44
wow this sucks then.  it has all but killed anticipation right now but i will try to get over this by the time the game arrives so i can enjoy it as much as possible despite the fuck up


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Fri, 20 Mar 2009 15:36:54

No Uk review has mentioned this issue. So did SEGA hide the true Euro version from them? Did they let them review US versions or invite them into the offices to play the US version? What happened here? Did the PR hide the true Euro version?

It's shambolic.

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Fri, 20 Mar 2009 18:45:32

I just finished the game (nice thing about working from home is being able to play during lunch break).  Overall I enjoyed the game a lot.  Took me about 9 hours to complete the game, so it clocked in right at about the same length as God of War.  My gameplay was a little extended due to a couple levels that kept tripping me up and I had to replay those.  Next go around I could probably do it in about 7 1/2, though frankly the game is better when you're not rushing through it.  

As far as the initial impressions I had, most stay true.  The gameplay and levels only get better as time goes by and the final zone was nothing short of incredible.  I would have hung around longer than the 30 minute time limit allowed if I could because there's so much to do it in.  the last boss was very cool too.  Neat surprise as to who it is.  

For anyone who picks it up, be sure to play to the end.  The ending is good and all, but the end credits were some the funniest shit I've ever seen as it features the announcers making fun of the people who worked on the game.  

Overall I'd give it an 8.5.  It was a little slow getting started, I had a few camera issues and the hip-hop soundtrack more often than not was a little rough to listen to.  But for the most part I loved this game.  Definite a keeper in my collection.

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Fri, 20 Mar 2009 18:51:57

Well Robiot. I completed the first section and now, now that my anger has simmered down and I practiced the controls and camera a bit. This is pretty swish. It's very satisfying, the motion controls are generous and visceral, I love smashing them against spikes repeatedly.  I started to identify items and hotspots. It's very polished and enjoyable.

Good game that had me grinning a few times. I just lament the letterbox mode I'm forced to play in.  

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Fri, 20 Mar 2009 19:04:47

Blame Akiko O'Donnel (I think that was it).  She was the Head of European Development according to the credits.  

You're in for a treat though.  Each level gets better.  Asian Town is better than the first level. The Castle level is better than Asian Town, etc.  And just wait till the championship level.  I'm still giddy after playing it.

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