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Mass Effect 3 OT: I am Commander Shepard and this is my favorite thread on VGP.
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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 05:43:40


Release Date:

NA - March 6

EU - March 9

Regular edition - $60


Collectors Edition - $80 and it comes with all this


An unpresidented series from Bioware is finally coming to an end. A planned trilogy where all your choices carry on from game to game ultimately changing the way the story plays out reaches its conclusion. Now the entire galaxy is under attack and it is up to you to fight back, how will it all end, well it may be different for all.

The story so far:

Evil robotic aliens are coming to make all life in the galaxy extinct. You are Commander Shepard, the biggest badass in the galaxy and your crew will lead the fight to stop the Reapers cycle of destruction against impossible odds.

Gameplay improvements:

The best action the series has seen, new dodge button and much improved melee attacks.


Return of weapon customization but without the clutter of ME1. Weapon restriction lifted for ****s.


More options in leveling up your powers


Kinect version allows for voice command squad teamate controls



Mass Effect 3 is the first game of the series with multiplayer and its awesome. Basically a "horde mode" which allows you to level up multiple characters in all clases. You level up the same exact way you do in the campaign and each clas has different powers depending on the species you play as. You and three other players have to survive waves of enemies, teamwork is essencial. The multiplayer effects the Galaxy at War feature in Mass Effect 3.





When they come

Edited: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 06:18:55
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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 11:48:57

My cock is so hard its brittle.


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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 12:19:45

Just a little over a week to go. Bring it. Can't wait to see how it all ends.

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Fri, 02 Mar 2012 17:21:35

Greatest game trailer ever?


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Fri, 02 Mar 2012 19:53:54
Oh man that trailer was awesome. Only 4 days left. I've got goosebumps. Grinning


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Sat, 03 Mar 2012 02:17:58

I am so there Tuesday morning at 12 am.

Edited: Sat, 03 Mar 2012 02:20:22
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Sat, 03 Mar 2012 02:58:53

I believe I have my 360 save data for ME2 on a memory stick. I am not sure if it is there or not. I don't have a 360 at the moment though. I can't have more than two console systems at a time; don't ask why. I chose to keep the Wii for XenoBlade over the 360 for ME3. I figured I could just play it on the PS3. I thought there would be some kind of details of a digital comic or some manner of making choices from the first two games to prepare for the third. That's not what I am gathering these days though. It seems BioWare went ahead and made the choices FOR people who didn't play or don't have saves from the first two games. I've been stressing and stressing about whether or not the game would have the same choices I made as the "defaults" for ME3.

I'm done stressing.

I'm not the kind of person to replay games, really. If I do, it's RARE.

Tonight I started a play-thru of ME2 on the PS3, fully intending to finish by Tuesday, 12AM.

Yeah, Mass Effect is --THAT-- kind of game. That's not something I say all too often.

Edited: Sat, 03 Mar 2012 02:59:13
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Sat, 03 Mar 2012 19:21:15
So what class will everyone be playing as?   I think I'm gonna try to upgrade to the CE later tonight.
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Sat, 03 Mar 2012 19:55:48

I'm sticking with my Infiltrator to the bitter end.


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Sat, 03 Mar 2012 20:01:58

I always played as a Solider and its upgraded class, so this time I thought I would try something different. I believe I chose an Adept, or whatever the all Biotics class is called. I can never remember the ME classes very well.

So far I have Archangel (not that one, Garrus), Mordin, Zaeed, Kasumi and Jack. I've done Kasumi's Hidden Memories, gone to the Citadel and done quite a bit of research. Not bad for one day, but the day is not over and I still need to pick up the pace for Monday night!

Edit: ...and I just realized this would be better suited for the playthru thread!

Edited: Sat, 03 Mar 2012 20:04:20
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Sat, 03 Mar 2012 21:45:38

Leo there are many sites that have game saves you can download, i am sure they have one for every situation.

I will play as a soldier first as it is the base class, I like to do that first. Later I will mess around with the other classes.

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Sat, 03 Mar 2012 22:07:34

Did you guys know that ME3 on 360 comes on 2 discs and on gaf they are saying it goes mission by mission so if you do a main mission then a side mission you have to switch discs, then switch again when you do a main mission. You will be switching discs a ton of times.

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Sat, 03 Mar 2012 22:40:35
Dvader said:

Did you guys know that ME3 on 360 comes on 2 discs and on gaf they are saying it goes mission by mission so if you do a main mission then a side mission you have to switch discs, then switch again when you do a main mission. You will be switching discs a ton of times.

Unless you install. ME2 also did come in 2 discs and there was no disc swapping whatsoever. At any rate, it doesn't bother me.

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Sat, 03 Mar 2012 23:15:31
I doubt Bioware would be stupid enough to put main missions on one disc and side missions on another.  I hope I don't eat my words.   I have very little memory, but I'll surely make room if that is the case.
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Sat, 03 Mar 2012 23:18:49
phantom_leo said:

I always played as a Solider and its upgraded class, so this time I thought I would try something different. I believe I chose an Adept, or whatever the all Biotics class is called. I can never remember the ME classes very well.

So far I have Archangel (not that one, Garrus), Mordin, Zaeed, Kasumi and Jack. I've done Kasumi's Hidden Memories, gone to the Citadel and done quite a bit of research. Not bad for one day, but the day is not over and I still need to pick up the pace for Monday night!

Edit: ...and I just realized this would be better suited for the playthru thread!

See, I'm considering doing the same thing.  I've always, always played as a soldier, but having powers/biotics does seem awfully tempting at the moment.
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Sun, 04 Mar 2012 07:39:29
SteelAttack said:

Unless you install. ME2 also did come in 2 discs and there was no disc swapping whatsoever. At any rate, it doesn't bother me.

Since I have 1 and 2 on 360 I wanted to get 3 for the same as well, but since I have a Core unit (albeit with beefy USB sticks) installation won't be an option for me.  I hope this doesn't turn out to be true.

EDIT: Then again, (I'll save Foolz the post to point this out), when TF have I ever done a side mission? This won't effect me.

Edited: Sun, 04 Mar 2012 07:41:38

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Sun, 04 Mar 2012 07:47:13
SteelAttack said:

Unless you install. ME2 also did come in 2 discs and there was no disc swapping whatsoever. At any rate, it doesn't bother me.

Nope if you install you still need to change discs. Check neogaf, everyone is talking about it, even on the citadel if you switch missions you have to change discs.

Edited: Sun, 04 Mar 2012 07:49:14
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Sun, 04 Mar 2012 11:54:20
Dvader said:
SteelAttack said:

Unless you install. ME2 also did come in 2 discs and there was no disc swapping whatsoever. At any rate, it doesn't bother me.

Nope if you install you still need to change discs. Check neogaf, everyone is talking about it, even on the citadel if you switch missions you have to change discs.

I can't see them setting the game up that this coming from someone that's actually played it? That would be completely retarded. The only game I have EVER experienced like that was Tiger Woods 2004 on the Gamecube. It came on two discs, and you had to switch discs every time you went to a different golf course. lol

Considering how well Bioware know the 360 hardware though...I really can't see them designing the game this way. Changing discs every mission? That would destroy the game. If they ARE stupid enough to do that, I am twice as glad I am going with the PC version.


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Sun, 04 Mar 2012 12:33:17

I'm gonna be seriously pissed if the disc swapping thing is true because all of my previous ME saves are on 360.  The Bioware site seems down right now. :x

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Sun, 04 Mar 2012 15:06:39

Ok, did some digging around for answers on the disc swapping and this is what I found.....Just second-hand info.



Actually, it's a minor spoiler

If you try to do the sidequests before unlocking the Tuchanka planet, then you will have to swap a lot.  Wait until that planet is unlocked before doing everything in the galaxy.

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