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Mass Effect 3 OT: I am Commander Shepard and this is my favorite thread on VGP.
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Sun, 18 Mar 2012 00:11:24
edgecrusher said:

Is the ending bad or something?

Welcome to the insanity. Apparently it is the most horrible thing in the history of gaming, It signifies the end of Bioware. It apparently makes the entire trilogy completely worthless. People are trashing all their copies. Cats and dogs living together...

The ending is weird, not the best but my god it is just like 10 minutes of this epic adventure.

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Mon, 19 Mar 2012 15:26:23
Finished the game last night and wow was it ever freakin' amazing. I saw all three endings and I really don't understand the backlash at all. They seemed like fine endings to me.


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Wed, 21 Mar 2012 07:44:30

I really enjoyed the endings.  At first I was perplexed but the more I thought about it, the more I liked them.  Aside from a little more input on the aftermath I couldn't see what really needed changing.

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Sat, 24 Mar 2012 21:42:03
Dvader said:
edgecrusher said:

Is the ending bad or something?

Welcome to the insanity. Apparently it is the most horrible thing in the history of gaming, It signifies the end of Bioware. It apparently makes the entire trilogy completely worthless. People are trashing all their copies. Cats and dogs living together...

The ending is weird, not the best but my god it is just like 10 minutes of this epic adventure.

Yeah I saw it last night. I can see why people aren't happy with WAS kind of cheesy for such a great franchise. No closure, total cliffhangar, didn't make much sense...and it seemed like no matter what you choose, its not a "good" ending. It was still an incredible game though....tons of memorable moments, and a few really sad ones.

One of the editors on IGN made a point that I agree with though; as great as the game is, it doesn't make you wanna replay it as soon as its done like ME2 and even ME1 did. And I don't know why.


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Sun, 25 Mar 2012 17:06:44
edgecrusher said:

Yeah I saw it last night. I can see why people aren't happy with WAS kind of cheesy for such a great franchise. No closure, total cliffhangar, didn't make much sense...and it seemed like no matter what you choose, its not a "good" ending. It was still an incredible game though....tons of memorable moments, and a few really sad ones.

One of the editors on IGN made a point that I agree with though; as great as the game is, it doesn't make you wanna replay it as soon as its done like ME2 and even ME1 did. And I don't know why.

Cause the end bumbs you out. Plus once you realize your choices mean nothing it doesn't help the replay thing.

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Sun, 25 Mar 2012 22:52:38
Dvader said:
edgecrusher said:

Yeah I saw it last night. I can see why people aren't happy with WAS kind of cheesy for such a great franchise. No closure, total cliffhangar, didn't make much sense...and it seemed like no matter what you choose, its not a "good" ending. It was still an incredible game though....tons of memorable moments, and a few really sad ones.

One of the editors on IGN made a point that I agree with though; as great as the game is, it doesn't make you wanna replay it as soon as its done like ME2 and even ME1 did. And I don't know why.

Cause the end bumbs you out. Plus once you realize your choices mean nothing it doesn't help the replay thing.

Good point. lol


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Tue, 27 Mar 2012 22:00:40

The more I play ME3, the more I see current age gamers as whiney, spoiled, entitled, unappreciative brats with way too much time on their hands and a penchant for always getting what they want.

I don't remember any other game or series in history that makes sooo many of your choices relevant and makes you feel more a part of a universe than this one does. Every step I take, I either meet characters from past games, reminding me of my deeds, or something I did in the past shows itself through the course of the story. I don't --CARE-- how --BAD-- the ending may or may not be... It's --NOT-- the Destination, mother-fuckers, IT'S. THE. JOURNEY!

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Tue, 27 Mar 2012 23:29:44
phantom_leo said:

The more I play ME3, the more I see current age gamers as whiney, spoiled, entitled, unappreciative brats with way too much time on their hands and a penchant for always getting what they want.

I don't remember any other game or series in history that makes sooo many of your choices relevant and makes you feel more a part of a universe than this one does. Every step I take, I either meet characters from past games, reminding me of my deeds, or something I did in the past shows itself through the course of the story. I don't --CARE-- how --BAD-- the ending may or may not be... It's --NOT-- the Destination, mother-fuckers, IT'S. THE. JOURNEY!

Believe me I have confronted guys at gaf about this, how can you let 10 minutes ruin 100 hours of ME and they don't care, they let the ending ruin it. I am starting to see that many of these people don't even want a game, they see this as a movie or something. They don't want boss fights cause it is too video gamey. They feel the end nullifies everything they did. So stupid.
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Wed, 28 Mar 2012 01:47:24

Having just played ME2 (again) recently and the DLC (twice), I can't even begin to explain how much all of the little touches the game throws at you means to me and my enjoyment of the game. Little things like an e-mail from Feron (Shadow Broker) to Thane mentioning how his Son visiting him regularly in the hospital to Mordin mentioning Saving Maelon's Genophage cure... Going back to my decisions from ME1 is probably even more mind blowing, having the discussion about letting the Rachni Queen go with Wrex, reminiscing with the Salarian Commander about "holding the line" on Virmire or the Asari who was aiding Saren after being indoctrinated dying in prison... Sure there's big things like having Kaidan with me rather than Ashley, but it's the little touches that mean sooo much more!

If a game can make you feel guilty about cheating on your in-game love interest... Wow! I romanced Liara in ME1. I romanced Miranda --AT FIRST-- in ME2. Playing The Shadow Broker after finishing the game --ALSO-- let me romance Liara in ME2, too. She asked me about my feelings for Miranda in ME3 now and then took her old quarters on the Normandy (bitch!)... I told her I wanted to make it work with her (Liara), but then I just got an e-mail from Miranda, asking me to meet her at The Citadel. Oh boy. Glad I am gay in reality, as dealing with video game women is stressful enough!

I'll post my thoughts later about the options to be Gay in ME3 and why I am not doing it. Suffice to say, I am glad they are there. It's very comforting to me, but it's not something I feel I --NEED-- to do.

Edited: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 12:57:32
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Wed, 28 Mar 2012 03:39:12

Alright the time has come. Starting my first playthrough, Lv 30 infiltrator turned into vanguard, which is what I'll be playing for the time being in multi. First hour is spectacular.

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Wed, 28 Mar 2012 13:33:16

Just spent an hour playing, and didn't fire a single shot. I spent my time walking around the Normandy, speaking with everyone, gaining reputation points the whole time. I also like how you can just find random stuff in all corners of the ship. I think I have collected all of my Ship Models from my previous game doing this.

I love Javik. He fits right in.

I love EDI. She is AWESOME!

Just had the conversation with Cortez in the Armory about losing his husband. THIS was one of the things that set that little douche-bag, fucker from GameSpot off... A man, grieving the loss of his husband, and Shepard offering his ear and his support for another human being in his time of loss. When that little fucker from GS finally comes out of the closet, I am going to be there waiting for him to put a bullet between his eyes, Garrus-style, then shove his body back in and lock the door so he can rot there.


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Wed, 28 Mar 2012 15:15:42
Lol Leo. Glad you are enjoying the game. The best parts are the conversations. The Normandy is more alive than ever, make sure to walk around after every mission and you will see some great stuff.
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Wed, 28 Mar 2012 19:19:40

First impressions are great. I love the visual upgrade, and much to my dismay I have to admit the shift towards favoring combat does pay off. The game plays amazing like this, and the shooting mechanics are outstanding, not to mention the different kinds of strategies allowed by classes. Combat destroys both the previous games in the series.

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Sun, 01 Apr 2012 18:13:10

Just finished Tuchanka. Such mixed emotions. Thresher. Mordin. What a cinematic battle. So many of ---MY--- choices come into play in this mission. BUT -- The more I play this game, the more I feel dis-associated with current generation gamers. I didn't think I would ever say this, but I am feeling like I don't want to be a gamer anymore. I just don't want to be exposed to the negativity, entitlement and brattiness anymore. I know there are party-poopers everywhere, but there's something SO extreme about the haters and the fanboys... it comes across as obsessive and fanatical. I've never seen a more satisfying, moving and well-constructed game before in my life. I wouldn't blame BioWare for never WANTING to go through something like this "scandal" ever again. Who wants to throw so much time, effort and passion into doing something, only to face what they have endured in the last few weeks. They may NOT want to! Maybe they'll just start making Facebook games instead. ME3 SHOULD BE one of the high-points of gaming, instead it has turned into a new low for the gamer crowd.

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Sun, 01 Apr 2012 18:15:35
Well said Leo. The ending does suck though. Nyaa
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Sun, 01 Apr 2012 18:17:22

If, because of all the commotion, BioWare and other companies don't WANT to make games like ME anymore (and I wouldn't blame them), I don't think I wanna play games anymore. When the only choices people have to play are Angry Birds Kart and Mafia Wars 3, people will regret their ridiculous demands and ungrateful tantrums.

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Sun, 01 Apr 2012 18:21:05
Dvader said:
Well said Leo. The ending does suck though. Nyaa

The fanatics I am speaking of here were against ME3 every step of the way. From the script leak to Hepler, from Homphobia to Day One DLC, from the beginning to The End. The crazy thing is, it sounds as if ALL of the complainers STILL played the game... How can you be crazy enough to rally so strongly against a game if you hate it so much and then play thru it so quickly anyway...? People who were one day demanding BOYCOTTING the game due to the DLC were complaining about The Ending 2 days later... How does that even make sense?

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Sun, 01 Apr 2012 22:24:49

Thane.  Sad

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Sun, 01 Apr 2012 22:31:34

Look back when I was playing the game and you can see a string of Sad . That was one of them.

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Sun, 01 Apr 2012 22:36:14

I have come to a few conclusions about ME3 and it's insane trolls.

Mass Effect is a series for adult gamers. Adults can handle moral decisions. Adults can handle sex. Adults don't go all phobo-critical when someone mentions the word gay, or when a man talks about his husband or a woman about her wife.

Most important of all: Adults have lived long enough to learn --NOTHING-- ever goes as planned. Life will always throw you a curve ball. Even the best laid plans often go awry. Things didn't END exactly as you expected them to? If you hadn't been focusing on that END the whole time, maybe you would have enjoyed the whole ride along the way. Mature, healthy adults live in the moment, Kids are always focused on what's coming to them in the end.

I'm not saying it's wrong to dislike the ending, but to discount everything that came before? That's a child's game...

...and that's NOT what Mass Effect is all about.

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