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MegaCon pics - The good ones
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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 04:45:53

Street Fighter porn?

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 04:54:29

Go read one of my older blogs. You'll understand.

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 04:57:31

I have to click on shit.

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:00:34
robio said:

Okay, Street Fucker, not Street Fighter.

Don't you remember the search results? Not weird enough.

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:06:28

Oh shit

Sad Ah I am too late

QuorraISO said:
Hi, the Black Cat costume photo you have in your megacon gallery is MY photo. And I don't appreciate the really rude comment you have as the caption. I don't mind you posting the photo, but I'd appreciate it if the caption was changed. I don't appreciate basically being called a slut. So thanks.

There is your problem, you see slut as a bad term. I for one thinks the world needs more sluts. The more the merrier.

robio said:

Sorry about that folks. I'll bow out of this now before it turns into another dumbass cosplay threadwar, as they typically go in every other corner of the internet.

Nooooooooooooooooooooo. Need more drama

Foolz said:
robio said:

By the way if you want to every talk about video games this is a great forum for it. With the exception of myself everyone here is a delight to talk to..

I think you're forgetting about Iga.

But deep down you can't live with out me. You need a guy like me, so you can point your judgemental finger and call me a bad man!

Yodariquo said:

To note, I'm the adminstrator, so the Contact page submissions come to me.  Given this is a forum post by another user, and within the rules of the forum, any changes are up to the individual's discretion.

We have rules? Why am I not banned yet?

The VG Press
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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:06:57
"Assuming this really is you, I didn't actually call you a slut. I made a general statement about women who dress as Blackcat, and I still stand by it. It may be a bit harsh though. "Attention whore" is really a more accurate term. Sadly the costume is typically done by women who just want to show off in the costume, rather than those who really enjoy the character. (For everyone else reading this Poison Ivy is another great example of that) For the record I have a feeling you fall into that category as I did see you get quizzed about a few details of the character or rather some characters Felicia Hardy has been teamed with and I saw you have no clue. Stuff that an actual fan would know. I for one really don't like cosplayers like that, but I know it comes as part of territory so I don't bitch about it much these day.  And since I don't know you so I'll just leave it as the general statement it was always meant to be."

Yes, it is really me. And the statement is made under a photo of me, and I don't like it. I am in no way an attention whore and will not be treated as such. Sure, the costume may be done by people solely for that purpose, but I'm not one of them.
As for being quizzed, I don't really know what you're talking about. I'm quite familiar with the character and Spider-Man comics as a whole. Just because someone doesn't know every little detail about a character doesn't mean they're not actually a fan, and to say such is ridiculous. I'm sure there are characters you like that you don't know every detail about. I will openly admit I don't know every tiny thing about her, but I know enough to call myself a fan, and want to do the costume for that reason.
I only do costumes of characters that I really love. One of the costumes I'm best known for is Red Mist, hardly a costume to show off the goods in.

I respond, not to argue, but because I would like the negative connotations kept elsewhere, along with people who they actually refer to.
And I have a really big problem with the comment about "putting out" underneath an image that belongs to me. Regardless of whether or not it's a general statement, it's linked to a specific photo. And I'm asking you in a kind manner to change that.

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:08:52
Iga_Bobovic said:

We have rules? Why am I not banned yet?

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:15:37

It wouldn't kill you to take off the comment Robio.

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:41:18

Oh wow how did I miss this.

Welcome her with some man ass guys. Nyaa

(We really aren't all that bad, except Iga of course)

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:42:07
Dvader said:

Oh wow how did I miss this.

Welcome her with some man ass guys. Nyaa

(We really aren't all that bad, except Iga of course)

You are even worse. You like ME2 over the first one.

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:42:45


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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:43:13
SteelAttack said:

You are even worse. You like ME2 over the first one.

Like a normal person should.

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:43:58
Dvader said:

Like a normal person should.


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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:45:51
SteelAttack said:


And better gameplay as well. Nyaa

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:50:52
Dvader said:

And better gameplay as well. Nyaa

You mean better shooting. And yeah, I'd take shitty shooting in exchange for a wider, more free skillset.

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:51:23

Tried googling vgpress and man ass. Got nothing, so this will have to do:


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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:54:32
SteelAttack said:

You mean better shooting. And yeah, I'd take shitty shooting in exchange for a wider, more free skillset.

The skill sets are not that different at all. Also since now combat works much better the choices you make have a better impact.

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 06:06:14
Dvader said:

The skill sets are not that different at all.

Gee, thanks. I thought I was starting to hallucinate.

Dvader said:

Also since now combat works much better the choices you make have a better impact.

How? How does the game having better shooting mechanics affects something that pertains to writing?

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 06:20:40
SteelAttack said:

How? How does the game having better shooting mechanics affects something that pertains to writing?

You said skillset, that only effects the gameplay.

As for the image, all weapons have their own upgrades that you find and spend elements to upgrade in ME2, does the same basic function as those skills. Charm and intimidate are handled by your actions which makes much more sense. First aid is just like weapons, armor upgrades are available that increase health. The rest are the same powers you find in ME2, just simplified to focus on changes that matter.

Yes you can customize more in ME1, no denying that. The big difference is that guns are removed from the skill set equation so that you dont have to choose between weapons or powers. In ME2 weapons are good by default (which I agree with as the effectiveness of the gun should be on the players skill and not stats), it allows you to really focus on powers which is what makes the combat interesting and so different from other shooters. To me they refined the system to put emphasis on the areas that will enhance the gameplay.

Clearly many like the choices in ME1 so Bioware is finding a middle ground in ME3 with the weapon mods returning and more choices in power upgrades.

Edited: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 06:24:55
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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 06:21:50

Shepherd got a kickarse tan between ME1 and ME2.

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