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Metal Gear Ex: Human Revolution
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Sun, 20 Nov 2011 03:32:11

His chin was the first thing they augmented.

Yeah, I'm playing a reasonably recent blockbuster release. So far in everything but the story it's not really anything like Deus Ex. At least the beginning isn't, which is a good thing. Deus Ex has one of the worst openings I've ever played, at least in terms of gameplay. it drops you in a world where you're relatively helpless and you just wander around. As bad as it is that's exactly what makes the game so great once you work out what the fuck you're doing. Metal Gear Ex does the opposite. Even in the tutorial you're a badarse rolling from cover to cover and slaughtering everyone (I hope the tutorial doesn't count towards my kill count). The level design is not very Deus Ex either. In Deus Ex there was no funneling in the levels. Sure there were the main areas you were meant to go, but there were many more ways to get there than in HR so far. Basically there's only two routes to each area so far, and there are not as many extra areas.

It's much more linear and focused and while it makes for a more engaging opening if it stays this way throughout the whole game then it simply won't be Deus Ex. I say Metal Gear Ex because clearly the game is designed around stealth. Going by the tutorial the gunplay is of a similar (probably a little worse) quality than in MGS games, which is to say it's not very good at all. You have to use cover of course or you'll get your face shot off, but the cover generally forms paths through the area to the next room rather than give you good vantage points for intense shoot outs.

On top of that there's no advantage to killing someone instead of knocking them out. When they're unconscious they don't wake up as far as I can tell, at least not so far. Plus at this stage the tranquilizer weapons are more powerful than bullets. It just takes one dart to knock out a gun. It takes a few shots with bullets. On the bright side the stealth gameplay is excellent. It's a lot of fun sneaking about from cover to cover and timing when to knock out a guard or snipe them, then drag their body to a hiding place. Throw in security cameras and it can be quite a challenge too.

The graphics are excellent. I don't care what anyone says the style is beautiful. The animation is absolutely terrible, though, and it's hilarious seeing the characters jerking around melodramatically while talking in slightly (only slightly) more serious voice acting than the original. Good to see all the stereotypes returning too, though the accents aren't as bad so far. The music is terrible compared to the first game. Deus Ex had so many memorable songs. So far this has none.

The story so far is good, but a litlte disappointing compared to the first one. There's not as much mystery, and the tidbits of information you find around don't shed as much light on the world. it's a step up from 2, but nothing compared to the original. Boss fights? I haven't got up to any. I don't think the latino hostage guy counts as one. Was hilarious picking a fight with him, though. he said he'd kill the hostage, but I just tranqed him at point black range in the neck and he didn't have a chance.

Hacking is fun. It's like simple, crappy RTS. Which is fun. Also not only do the aug-people look like a cross between Crysis suit dudes and Raiden in MGS4 (post-Ninja op obviously) they're not really augmented in the canon of the series so far as I can tell. They're virtually mechs. And yes, there is a difference. There better be some killphrases lying around.

One thing that it absolutely nails that 2 was completely lacking is that it's fun to go around doing random shit. Pissing off people, blowing up cardboard boxes, and dragging around dead bodies. It was a boring chore in 2. Here it's fun. For example Sarif wanted to do some analysis on this dead guy (see below). I took him to the helicopter, but Malik took no notice of him, and did not put him in the helicopter with us when we left. That's why you don't hire women as pilots. They might fly a helicopter just fine, but when it comes to carrying around dead bodies suddenly they're climbing on chairs and screaming.

I could have put him on board too, but I'd just dragged him halfway across the level. I was tired, augmentations or no augmentations.


I offered him to the swat team as well, but they just did what they do best: stand around and complain about how punctual I am. The black guy was grinning from ear to ear. Ain't nothing more a black man likes in a white guy than deadness. It's very endearing those people. Take note if you ever want to date a black guy. Die before the date and you'll be married in no time, guys. Except gay marriage isn't legal where most black guys live so I suppose not. Still, you can enjoy the wild ride while it lasts.


So in summary:

It's more Metal Gear Solid than it is Deus Ex so far, and it's vastly inferior to both. It's still a great deal of fun, though.

More impressions + pictures of dead bodies to follow as I play.

Now that the dust has settled and the hype has passed what does everyone think of it?

Edited: Sun, 20 Nov 2011 03:37:20

Country: US
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Joined: 2008-06-22
Sun, 20 Nov 2011 04:02:49
Foolz said:

Now that the dust has settled and the hype has passed what does everyone think of it?

Hype and dust have no effect on my thoughts on the game. The game is excellent, i wrote a review so its all there. Enjoy the game, its awesome.

Country: UN
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Sun, 20 Nov 2011 04:52:29
Dvader said:

Hype and dust have no effect on my thoughts on the game. The game is excellent, i wrote a review so its all there. Enjoy the game, its awesome.

Of course, i don't expect it to affect anyone here. Happy

"Human Revolution sticks close to the orginal's design while offering much improved shooting and stealth elements."

Interesting opening. Kinda the opposite impressions to what I've experienced so far in terms of design, but I've not really been let loose in the cities yet.

"he different endings have nothing to do with your choices throughout the game, you simply choose what ending you want."

That's basically how the first game ended. You just chose which ending you wanted at the end. I hated Deus Ex's ending. It was so badly done compared to the rest of the story, and completely anticlimactic.

Edited: Sun, 20 Nov 2011 05:03:52

Country: US
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Joined: 2008-06-22
Sun, 20 Nov 2011 08:28:42

^ I haven't played Deus Ex 1 to its ending since I beat it so many years ago, so I totally forgot that. Oops. Well throughout the game DE1's choice did change up the game much more than this one does.

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