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Metroid: Other M
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Sat, 04 Sep 2010 15:27:44

Yeah I thought about that, having the screen locked makes the 1st person/3rd person transition smoother.

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Sat, 04 Sep 2010 16:29:37
GG is playing a game! Woo!
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Sat, 04 Sep 2010 17:05:11
Dvader said:
GG is playing a game! Woo!

F*** you lol

But it is the first time in 4 weeks.

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Sat, 04 Sep 2010 17:21:51

Edited: Sat, 04 Sep 2010 17:22:21
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Sat, 04 Sep 2010 17:24:05

This is like a guy finally getting back into the dating circuit after a horrible breakup. GG is back!

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Sat, 04 Sep 2010 17:34:00
Dvader said:

This is like a guy finally getting back into the dating circuit after a horrible breakup. GG is back!

You're making me feel like the father figure in the Regain hair growth commercials, where the children hand him a Regain pack and tell him to go out dating again.

Like Steel.

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Sat, 04 Sep 2010 18:34:51

Been to the PyroSphere, then to the CryoSphere, then BACK to the PyroSphere.

My opinion on this game so far is this:

My initial worries about this being Metroid Gaiden are mostly untrue. Samus was NOT sexualized and was not made to be weak either. Team Ninja did not mess with the character in THAT way. It's a teeny-tiny bit Gaiden-like though in the cinematic style gameplay and the way in which you HAVE TO fight certain enemies in CERTAIN ways to beat them. This isn't a negative thing really. I am just not used to a Metroid game being so... challenging. Not that it's HARD... I am just not used to dying so much against common enemies in a Metroid game.

I miss the old-style of progression --BUT-- I do love the way almost each and every room presents a puzzle to be solved. I'm not so sure I'd like every Metroid to be like this from now on; I do love my exploration, but this game is not about that, It's about fleshing out Samus' story and I can totally live with the changes. The linearity of this and Fusion and the fact that they are both practically the same game kind of worries me; it almost seems like Sakamoto is running out of ideas... I prefer HIS stories to Prime's stories but the last two games with him at the helm haven't been all that different.

I have kinda mixed emotions right now. I completely and utterly loved the Prime games, but I DID NOT like the whole Phazon storyline. They seemed so... Western-ized to me. Metroid: Other M seems like a truer game to the whole Metroid mythos than the Prime series, but the game is not as strong imho.

I don't know how far, if AT ALL, this game addresses the 'X' Virus and the Metroid 'Cure' the SA-X and the Federation Conspiracy... Other M gives birth to many ideas used in Fusion...

...I just don't know, right now, if I want the Next Metroid (Dread?) to be this exact style of game...

...Samus has A LOT to answer for at the end of Fusion and it may very well lead to a case of the Hunter becoming the Hunted --AND-- I can't WAIT to see how all that resolves itself...

...Do I want to see another collaboration between Team Ninja and Nintendo? I dunno. Pure Nintendo? Dunno. Nintendo and some other team? Dunno.

I don't know how far I am into the game at this point and I don't know how much my opinion will change or solidify as I play more...

I've said it before, I'll say it again: We'll See!

Edited: Sat, 04 Sep 2010 18:39:44
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Sat, 04 Sep 2010 23:05:17

Nice impressions Leo, I'm ejoying the game as well. I like just about everything in the game , though some of the transitions to FP view are annoying.  It is challanging.

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Sat, 04 Sep 2010 23:12:02

I'm so smart! I'm so smart! SMRT... D'oh!

My guess was 100% correct about the evil chick-thing!

Of course, said evil chick-thing proceeded to grow up and repeatedly kick the living crap out of me more times than I cared to count!

The fight is enjoyable enough and I probably could have beaten him rather quickly, but I spent 4 of my 6 Energy Tanks just trying to figure out what the hell Adam said to shoot before the fight, all the while getting blasted by fire-breath!


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Sun, 05 Sep 2010 00:58:22

This game is supposed to be like 16 hours or so... Right...?

I'm at the 8 hour mark and I've just learned about Sector 0...

I can't only be half-way through, right?

Is the game shorter than everyone thought, or do they add post credit content to the clock to get the 16 hours...?


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Sun, 05 Sep 2010 01:18:09

It's not 16 unless you try to find all items. More like 9-10 for a normal play. It took me around that with 55% items.

Edited: Sun, 05 Sep 2010 01:20:00
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Sun, 05 Sep 2010 15:55:59


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Sun, 05 Sep 2010 15:56:59

As much a Metroid as any other...!

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Sun, 05 Sep 2010 15:59:58

It's no wonder this game is getting as much flak as it is.

These days, kids have no idea about repect, respect for authority or the simple concept of love.

They say Samus is weak because she shows her emotions when all is said and done.

I say the abilty to love and want to protect someone is the strongest strength there is.

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Sun, 05 Sep 2010 18:22:46

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Sun, 05 Sep 2010 19:35:00

Like this game a lot, nothing wrong with it at all and its better than we had any right to expect from a team ninja, nintendo mash up. Personally any review below an 8/10 I would disregard.

Controls are fine too, I shake my head at any journo who has problems switching to first person.

I don't play metroid for story so I have no qualms with what I've seen so far. I dunno what some reviews are complaining about, there aren;'t that many cutscenes interupting gameplay. And there are large swathes of remote gameplay there.

How do you kill those giant eyes with tentacles?

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Sun, 05 Sep 2010 19:37:05

You don't until you get the Plasma Beam.

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Sun, 05 Sep 2010 19:38:49

I LOVE how there's a brief Super Metroidio Galaxy segement in there!  lol

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Sun, 05 Sep 2010 19:39:55

Music is lacking though

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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 02:44:02
phantom_leo said:

It's no wonder this game is getting as much flak as it is.

These days, kids have no idea about repect, respect for authority or the simple concept of love.

They say Samus is weak because she shows her emotions when all is said and done.

I say the abilty to love and want to protect someone is the strongest strength there is.

Damn those kids! angry

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