Forum > Gaming Discussion > M.I.A Videogame Forumites you used to know - Former Gamespot etc
M.I.A Videogame Forumites you used to know - Former Gamespot etc
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Wed, 18 Jun 2014 20:58:19

Let's make a list and track these bastards down see what happened to them.


  • Shleco
  • JimmySunderland: On NeoGAF
  • Veni-vidi-vichi: a smart girl that left because she had stuff to do
  • SophinaK: lost contact with her
  • Talduras
  • Shameus Blackley became political, as a Democrat Edgecrusher developed a deep hatred of him
  • UpInFlames is on the current Ring of Fire
  • TheRagingGamer
  • JordanElek still on Gamespot
  • sp0ink
  • Spirit_of_87 (invited to vgpress - declined)
  • Toment
  • Webpoet Basic
  • g0ldenboy
  • selbie - GG thinks he saw him on NeoGAF
  • Articuno76
  • m0zart
  • OneWingedAngel - just disappeared - or was he abducted by aliens? Mulder wants to believe.
  • juradai started his own site and that's where the current Ring of Fire is housed
  • argianas - is on the current Ring of Fire
  • laus_basic
  • Brain3000
  • Greyhound222
  • joyer
  • Minda Cubed last seen briefly on XBL before snubbing Edgecrusher
  • Nopalversion
  • Skylock- is on the current Ring of Fire
  • Oilers - quit gamespot
  • Donutta
  • Pedro is still on Gamespot lol
  • Armyman
  • James Sinclair
  • Omni-slash (aka JeremyMravlja) - started his own gaming website, which Supreme could probably track down
  • SurlyYerby - last seen on Miiverse as SupremeACs friend
  • DarkCatalyst (aka PatM) - used to post on GS and later in the VU, owns a signed love letter from Reggie
  • Mystikvm - Dutch.  Last seen in the  Might or might not be Iga
  • Billy Amaro (aka RedMoses) - Xbox fanboy Sup came to respect
  • JonathanL - former mod, now posts in the, as does his wife (can't even escape the ball and chain virtually)
  • N3MO - will occasionally post in the
  • RubixCubed - dead
  • Crimsonpug - dead

EX-VGPRESS (anyone who ever used to post here)

  • HiResDes
  • k_smoove
  • Yarcoffin
  • Cooper
  • ASK_Story - Quit gamespot came here, enjoyed it but left to write an Erotic comic book
  • Darth Homer is constantly playing stuff - what does this even mean? He's watching a Neighbours marathon really.
  • Dencore aka PunkRebelEckes - last seen on Neogaf
  • Mekere - Last seen here in the anniversary thread - rarely posts anywhere
  • Hamzik -  last seen on Miiverse as GGs friend
  • Agnates - last seen on Neogaf, arguing with people lol
  • Godmodenabled is on the current Ring of Fire scratching his own Ring of Fire then sniffing his fingers
  • Mantorok - Last seen on Neogaf
  • rragnaar - is on the current Ring of Fire
  • SteelAttack (post more asswit) Nyaa

Shout out and I'll add them.

Edited: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 13:25:04

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Wed, 18 Jun 2014 21:13:54

Spirit_of_87 from gamespot.  He was like a more left-field and niche-nerd version of Leo with impeccable taste and great knowledge.  I invited him here to the VGP on a couple of occasions but he respectfully declined.

sp0ink from gamespot.  He disappeared from gamespot before I left


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Wed, 18 Jun 2014 21:22:57


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Wed, 18 Jun 2014 21:27:01

I've seen Minda Cubed a few sparse times on Xbox Live.....i mean VERY sparsely. I said what's up to him one time and he said hey what's up then signed off....hahaha.

He doesn't seem as social as he used to be on the internets.


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Wed, 18 Jun 2014 22:30:31

K_smoove joined here about 2009.

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Wed, 18 Jun 2014 22:32:29

Juradai started his own site and that's where the current Ring of Fire is housed there.  Godmode is there.

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Wed, 18 Jun 2014 22:36:38

I forgot all about HiResDes....he was a cool guy. And Webpoet was a big Opeth and Dream Theater fan.

Edited: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 22:37:25


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Wed, 18 Jun 2014 22:55:39

Skylock,rag, gme, argianas all in Rof Juradai's site.

Homer is constantly playing stuff. Pedro is the last remnant of GS, he is still there. Oiler and Ask quit.

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Wed, 18 Jun 2014 23:00:35

One winged angel just disappeared.

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014 00:32:07

Pedro is a douche


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Thu, 19 Jun 2014 09:26:21

Of all the people from GS, I never thought Pedro would be the one to outlast us all.  Anyway, here it goes:

  1. Omni-slash (aka JeremyMravlja) - started his own gaming website, which I could probably track down.  I think Kitkat, or whatever was his name, is also there.
  2. SurlyYerby - don't know where and if he still posts, but he has befriended me on WiiU
  3. DarkCatalyst (aka PatM) - used to post on GS and later in the VU, owns a signed letter from Reggie, thanking him for buying all VC games on Wii.  Biggest F-zero purist I've ever 'met'.
  4. Mystikvm - Dutch.  Last seen in the  Might or might not be Iga
  5. Billy Amaro (aka RedMoses) - Xbox fanboy who I developed a mutual respect for during dabates in the GC/Xbox days. Dissappeared long ago.
  6. JonathanL - former mod, now posts in the, as does his wife Kamberly
  7. N3MO - will occasionally post in the
  8. RubixCubed - dead
  9. Crimsonpug - dead
  10. Iga_Bobovic - hasn't been around much since he left on a spiritual journey for true friendship.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of them.

edit: also, GG, it's Shleco.  You make him sound like some evil oil corporation.

Edited: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 09:26:52
Country: GB
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Thu, 19 Jun 2014 10:32:34

Cool s*** guys, updated the list.

Nice breakdown Supreme, the only ones from your list I personally remember are N3MO and DarkCatalyst maybe JonathanL.

But ah... you really mean those people are dead?

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014 10:51:42
gamingeek said:

But ah... you really mean those people are dead?


Crimsonpug died last year after fighting cancer for many years.  Rubix I am not sure of.  She was going to help me out with the GoScers, didn't turn up.  Then I got one PM from her account, stating that it was a relative of her that she had asked to tell me she got smashed up bad in a car accident.  Nothing after that.

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014 11:22:31


Wow, GoScers, forgot about that. Blast from the past. Explain the name again?

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014 11:54:21

The GameSpot oscars?  It isn't that far of a stretch to GoScers  Hrm

Anyhow, in my search for OmniSlash's website I signed in to GS again.  Man, brings back the memories browsing through my friends list.  I can't believe JordanElek is still an active forumite there.  He must have been there for over 15 years now.  Also, if SurlyYerby doesn't ring a bell, maybe TheRagingGamer does, as his screenname was for most of his active time there.

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014 11:55:56

I've forgotten my GS password, I saw my old profile page, jesus the design has changed a lot, far from what I was used to.

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014 12:15:50

I think I remember DarkCatalyst.  Didn't he have a Ryu icon and used to compete professionally at fighting tounries?  He was a real purist.

What happened to the Croatian guy who used to always make videos with game footage and GYBE music ... and seriously lacked a sense of humor?  He may or may not have become a mod at some point, I'm not sure?


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Thu, 19 Jun 2014 12:54:45

Yeah, that was him.  I only know of one guy who did something with footage and music and that was ArchieGates who made the needler song.  I heard of him a year or two ago.  He did a commercial for a Plants vs Zombies slots machine or something like that.

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014 13:00:04

Yeah I don't remember anyone anymore from Gamespot, aside from you guys. And to be honest I don't even remember all of you from there, at least not specific details.

I do remember some bitch who used to troll all of my blogs, but I'm pretty sure that's because she was a cunt. Other than that.... nope. Nothing.

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014 13:15:36

DarkCatalyst was cool too. Pretty sure he was also a metalhead.


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