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Microsoft Xbox 360: My Top 25 All Time!
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Wed, 04 Jun 2014 08:22:39

Well I figure with the new generation in full bloom, its time to finally say goodbye to the old systems. What better way to start than with the console that started the generation, the Xbox 360.


The 360 started strong out of the gate, and really dominated for a good 3 years before Sony could begin to catch up. It had a much more diverse lineup than the Xbox 2001 Edition, and the great games just kept coming. In my opinion, MS really dropped the ball halfway through the console's lifespan when they decided to go from the hardcore gamer's console of choice, to a more casual approach in favor of trying to catch Nintendo's popularity among "non gamers". This hurt the 360's image a bit, and I really don't think they gained much by going this route. If anything, it cost them fans, of whom they alienated even more on their next machine...but I digress. This all led the 360 from a dominant console, to one that allowed Sony back in the game, stealing away much of the 360's early thunder.

Even still, the console managed to stay relevent, for better or worse, longer than any other console in history. And ended its run with a huge stable of great games, exclusive and multi-platform. Because of this, I still think the 360 was overall the best console of the generation, and one could easily claim it to be one of the best consoles ever.

For these lists, I will be only listing games that I played FIRST on said platform, so that's why you may see certain games not showing up here and vice versa...because I may have played them on another machine.

Without Further Top 25 Xbox 360 games of all time!!!

  • #25: Civilization Revolution

Great console Civ release...had so many fun hours relaxing with this.

Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution Boxartsid-meiers-civilization-revolution-20080702034736425-000.jpg

  • #24: Gears Of War 3

Gears 3 was the best of an overrated series. The multi-player really made this game. PUMPKIN HEADS!!!

Gears of War 3 Boxartgears-of-war-3-20110915000957499-000.jpg

  • #23: Call of Duty 4

This franchise may have been milked more than Madden, but COD4 was a great addicting game....which explains the milk. Dethroned Halo as the multi-player king. Not easy.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Boxartcall-of-duty-4-modern-warfare-20071105025117942.jpg

  • #22: Halo 4

Halo 4...not made by Bungie. Sounds Crazy, but they did a great job with it, and it probably turned out fresher because of the change.


  • #21: Perfect Dark Zero

That's right. PD Zero. Fuck right off if you don't like it. Admittedly, its not even close to the sequel this IP should have gotten. But it still had some great ideas and weapons, and I had a great time with it despite its numerous flaws.

Perfect Dark Zero Boxartperfect-dark-zero-20051123005825454-000.jpg

  • #20: Viva Pinata

Fuck me sideways...back to back Rare games?! This was not intentional I assure you. Also notice they are some of the earliest 360 games. That's because after this MS destroyed them completely. This is the best game Rare made after the Nintendo split. Addictive, relaxing fun.

Viva PiƱata BoxartViva Pinata 4fa6ca41cdc388ed13ee28b3

  • #19: Shadow Complex

The fuck?! A downloadable game that plays like a modern Metroidvania and is badass from start to finish?! Yes, this game was good enough for full price retail.

Shadow Complex Boxartshadow-complex-20090816094250843-000.jpg

  • #18: Halo Reach

Its honestly hard to say if Reach is better than 4...but I liked what they did with the story and characters here. Best ending of the franchise.


  • #17: Alan Wake

I'm a huge fan of adventure games, and horror games. Two things that got put in the corner for timeout during this action heavy generation. So Alan Wake was a fucking gift to me. Seriously awesome atmosphere.


  • #16: Resident Evil 5

Remember what I just said about action? Yeah, RE5 was all about it. I have greatly varying emotions on this plays much like RE4 but you can FEEL them leaning towards RE6. And the game does miss the atmosphere of the older games. Still, a solid entry overall.


  • #15: Rainbow Six Vegas

Back in the early 360 days, Ubisoft was all about the tactical warfare. Rainbow Six Vegas not only played great, but it was gorgeous with insanely realistic sound to boot. One of the 1st games that said NEXT GEN IS HERE.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas Boxarttom-clancys-rainbow-six-vegas-20061115054020313-000.jpg

  • #14: Dead Space

Ah...the original Dead Space. This game was more of what myself and many others wanted Resident Evil to become (or stay, depending on your view). A scary, beautiful, RE4 style horror game. Great times with this one.


  • #13: Tomb Raider Legend

I know its cool to say that Tomb Raider 2013 was the series "reboot". Not so. THIS was the series reboot, back in 2006. This game was everything great about TR, with modern controls and, on the 360, great visuals. Some of the best levels of the franchise.

  Tomb Raider: Legend BoxartTomb Raider: Legend image

  • #12: Fallout 3

Fallout is a series I never played until Fallout 3, but the games always sounded like great stuff, what with the subject matter. And being made by the Elder Scrolls guys, I knew it was going to be special. And it was. In some ways, better than Oblivion.

Fallout 3 Boxartfallout-3-20081027034223763-000.jpg

  • #11: Batman: Arkham Asylum

Wow was a surprised how great this game was. Batman made me feel like I was playing a great PS2 era adventure game, which I mean in a good way. The pace and the design mixed with a cool story made it feel like it came out of the previous generation.

Batman: Arkham Asylum Boxartbatman-arkham-asylum-20090821011633601-000.jpg



  • #10: Fable 2

Fable 2 was the best game in the series. Took everything good about the first, added in some shit that was cut from Fable 1, and gave you a dog. Awesome shit.

Fable II BoxartFable 2 Platinum Hits 4fa6cb30cdc388ed13f34453

  • #9: Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

GRAW was really the first NEXT GEN game on the Xbox 360, in truth. The game obliterated everything graphically and soundwise, gave you some very challenging AI, and outside of PD Zero, this was the first really great online multi-player game on the system.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter BoxartGhost Recon Advanced Warfighter image

  • #8: Portal

I played Portal as part of the Orange Box package. And I think it was the part I was least excited for. Ended up being one of my favorite experiences of the generation. Funny, inventive, and charming. Nothing like it.

Portal: Still Alive Boxartcakeisalie.jpg

  • #7: Grand Theft Auto 4

The only midnight release I ever went to was for GTA 4. Sat up and played the game until I couldn't stay awake on a rainy spring night. It may not as the end all be all, but its still an outstanding game.

Grand Theft Auto IV BoxartGTA 4 4fa6caffcdc388ed13f10406

  • #6: Lost Odyssey

The best game Sakaguchi has made since leaving Square, and the best "Final Fantasy" since FF10, Lost Odyssey has a great battle system, a great story, great characters, and an epic world to explore. How this game didn't do better is beyond me.

Lost Odyssey BoxartLost Odyssey 4fa6caf7cdc388ed13f077ce

  • #5: Bioshock

Bioshock honestly blew me away. It reminded me of Metroid Prime if it had been made on 360, with its detailed world full of so much life. The art style was a breath of fresh air in light of all the "realism" at the time, and the weapons and enemy design was boner inducing.

BioShock BoxartBioShock 4fa6ca5bcdc388ed13efa09b

  • #4: The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion

Oblivion came out a few weeks after Ghost Recon, this is when the 360 started to go apeshit. Perfect game to have early in a consoles barren lifespan...this game consumed close to 200 hours of my time. Also killed my POS 360, but I digress. Not as great as Morrowind was overall, but Oblivion was in its own way a magical ride in 2006.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion BoxartThe Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 4fa6ca31cdc388ed13ed2d31

  • #3: Halo 3

I struggled on where to put Halo 3, but considering what it meant to the console and the fact it was a much better game than Halo 2, I decided top 3 was appropriate. Halo 3 had the same great multi-player Halo 2 had, with a much better campaign. It came under fire for its graphics not being "better than Xbox 1", but the game ran silky smooth and had great colorful worlds. One of the better games in the franchise.

Halo 3 BoxartHalo 3 4fa6cb2acdc388ed13f2cc9a

  • #2: Mass Effect

I knew from the second this game was announced it was going to be fucking epic. Bioware making a Knights of the Old Republic style RPG on the superpowered 360 that has an original story, better combat, and better overall EVERYTHING? Yep, the game didn't disappoint. I've replayed it probably 5 or 6 times in an age where I don't replay much of anything. That says a ton about how great this game still is.

Mass Effect BoxartMass Effect 4fa6ca55cdc388ed13ef4ee0


Ladies, if you will:


  • #1: Mass Effect 2

That's right.....Bioware cleans up fucking shop with the top 2 spots. Mass Effect 2 was a brilliant sequel. It was similar, yet also very different from the original. A more action focused game, yet still retained its RPG storytelling and pace. Absolutely gorgeous and smooth as those asses playability-wise, Bioware basically did NOTHING wrong with this game. Easily one of my favorites of all time. The different perspective the story takes on was genius.

Mass Effect 2 BoxartMass Effect 2 4fa6cb40cdc388ed13f45e7d

Well, there you have it...not too shabby a list for a console that I largely ignored during its last 3 years. I'll be back with Wii and PS3 at some point.

Stay strong.

Edited: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 11:02:41


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Wed, 04 Jun 2014 08:27:44

Ado, ado. You said without further ado. Well I am adoing.

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Wed, 04 Jun 2014 09:02:14
Dvader said:

Ado, ado. You said without further ado. Well I am adoing.

Don't make me send you naughty pics of my manhood.


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Wed, 04 Jun 2014 16:51:33

LOL Such a perfect list for reasons outside the games. ME2 is the correct choice.

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Wed, 04 Jun 2014 17:09:11

I was wondering if Oblivion was going to make it in there. Was the first real "next gen" game for me at the time.

But... Halo 3 that high?! Fuck me with a spoon.

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Wed, 04 Jun 2014 17:09:44

Oblivion was super special. But I feel both Fallouts and Skyrim were better.

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Wed, 04 Jun 2014 17:44:52

Thanks for reading guys, hope you enjoyed the pics.

GG, yeah after I made it kind of regretted Halo 3 that high, but what's done is done.  Probably should be like 6 or 7. It WAS a great game though. It is damn hard to make a list in the perfect order. Its funny with the way gaming is nowadays with so much shared content, because if the 360 was my only choice for gaming the list would have been TOTALLY different. Many of the games I played on PS3 or PC, would have been 360 games for me instead. And the same for those platforms.


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Wed, 04 Jun 2014 18:58:46

For the 360 I think the only game I haven't picked up that I always wanted to is Dishonoured.

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 01:30:54

So much Halo.

Portal was the only reason I bought The Orange Box. TF2 was a nice bonus for the few days before the online community hadn't turned to complete shit.

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