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Middle School Dating and Single Player Video Games
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Joined: 2009-02-25
Sun, 24 Feb 2013 16:53:00

Yesterday a friend of mine was complaining to me and Mrs. Robio about how her boyfriend got a Wii U but was only playing single player games. She had the good sense to start drinking and go MST3K on it, and still had some fun though. It reminded me of a story from when I was about 13 and I shared to her via Facebook, but I figured I'd share with you guys as well as it amused me then and still does now.

Back when I was in Middle School (ages 11 - 13) kids really didn't date (not like today when they're having sex at age 12), but when you sort of were boyfriend/girlfriend you'd say that you were "going" with someone. At my school there was a girl named Jennifer who would be "going" with a different guy each week (except for me). It was all completely harmless and no one really thought much of it, since the idea of dating was foreign and all you'd do is maybe hang out at each others' houses or sit next to each other at lunch.

So one week Jennifer was "going" with my buddy Alan. And on this one particular day we were hanging out in Alan's basement. Alan invited Jennifer over to basically play Nintendo with us. However, Alan just got Dragon Warrior a few days earlier and that's all he wanted to play. I was more than content to hang back and read Nintendo Power, but Jennifer was a little confused. "Ummmm could we play something two player?" she asked. "I really want to play Dragon Warrior" said the young Rico Suave. "Well, what can I do?" she came back with.

Alan thought about it for a minute and came up with an answer. "You can map the game," and proceeded to hand her a pencil and a sheet of graphing paper. Even for an 8th grader I knew he fucked up hard.  To her credit she did actually try to map the game for about 5 minutes and then proceeded to break up with him and left.

For the next 5 years until we graduated high school no one ever let Alan forget that. Anytime he mentioned he was going to ask someone out, or was going out with someone the jokes would start flying, "What are you doing after prom? Hitting a hotel room and mapping out Final Fantasy 3?" Ahhhhh good times.

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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:24:29
LOL That's hilarious.


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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:27:16


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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:27:39


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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:28:13

Awesome story. LOL

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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:30:10

The VG Press

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Mon, 25 Feb 2013 01:42:09

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Mon, 25 Feb 2013 10:16:30

lol so awesome.

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Sat, 02 Mar 2013 08:26:08
Too bad you and Alan didn't have a Multi-TAP.

know what Ime sayin'?

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