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Mighty No. 9 -- Kickstarter Complete! COMING "SOON" to... EVERYTHING!
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Sun, 01 Sep 2013 22:41:00


Totally NOT Mettaurs!

Edited: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 11:36:03
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Sun, 01 Sep 2013 22:42:04


Totally NOT the Blue Bomber with his NOT Mega Buster!


Meet Mighty No. 2 -- Totally NOT a Robot Master!


Him either!

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Sun, 01 Sep 2013 22:42:50



Totally NOT this guy:



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Sun, 01 Sep 2013 22:43:35


Oops! My mistake! I meant to post this:


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Sun, 01 Sep 2013 22:46:45

Inafune on Capcom and Mega Man resemblance:


"We haven't heard anything from Capcom at this point. If it turns into a legal battle, then obviously it'll be lawyers that hash out what the solutions are. However, from my perspective, Mega Man is something that I created. It would be like having a child, then having somebody adopt that child and then saying that child isn't really yours. That child has your DNA in it, no matter what anybody says. So, since my style, my spirit isn't something that I can't change as a human being, if I create anything and it's something that looks like [Mega Man], well, it was created by the same person, me. To say that Mighty No. 9 looks like Mega Man is to say that my work looks like my work.

But we have been careful. The base gameplay is not the same as Mega Man. The naming, the character, all that is not the same. The details are very different. Personally, I've gone out of my way to make sure that this is something original. And if Capcom does come back and say something, I would be surprised."


Article here.

Kickstarter Here. **

**Check this page out if you want to see all the former Mega Man members working on the game, the key game concepts and what you get if you Pledge!**


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Sun, 01 Sep 2013 23:16:12

Damn, he needs 2.5 million to bring it to current-gen consoles. I hope it happens. Happy

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Mon, 02 Sep 2013 03:58:22

So far, near the end of the first day, they have made nearly $715,000.00! Think they'll make the Home Console Stretch Goal? Here's hoping!!

Edited: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 12:44:13
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Mon, 02 Sep 2013 04:09:08

The best thing to come out of Kickstar: fraudalent budgeting information disguised as a rewards system. It costs the same amount to do a new game plus as it does to port the game to Linux and Mac?

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Mon, 02 Sep 2013 04:21:26

If you pledge $10,000.00 you get to have dinner with Keiji Inafune...






...nevermind. Not gonna say it!

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Mon, 02 Sep 2013 12:13:30

So what makes Mighty No. 9the character as well as the game different? Simply put: the ability to transform! Of course our hero, Beck, earns new weapons as he defeats each of his fellow Mighty Number boss robots, but more than that, his body itself can also reconfigure into new shapes, allowing for all kinds of new skills and abilities!

For example, his limbs might become giant magnets, enabling him to walk up walls or rip away enemy shields... Or maybe extendible spring-loaded hands would allow him to activate far-away switches or work as a grappling hook... Or he could have a tank-like body, easily crossing over spikes and pushing objects around the levels... These are just a few possibilities were considering (the game is still in the design phase), but you get the idea!

And its not only killing bosses that gets Beck new powers. Taking out other enemies with a certain weapon, or hitting them in their weak spot, can expose one of three types of xel (pronounced cell) energy Beck can sap (if hes quick enough), store, and unleash later via his own Mighty Skills! Give yourself a double-jump and speed boost for a limited time, unleash a concentrated flurry of powerful punches directly ahead, or set off a blast that hurts everything on the screen! Whatever final form it takes, this system will add depth and strategy to the action, as you choose how to approach and defeat even normal bad guys to best fuel your special powers.

Edited: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 12:14:37
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Mon, 02 Sep 2013 12:42:30

It's kinda hard to argue the point, because Inafune IS using his Mega Man heritage to sell this game --BUT-- if you read the gameplay concepts, it's juuust different enough to not be a lawsuit worthy rip-off. Does Beck steal powers? Yes, but not only Bosses; he can temporarily capture the powers of in-stage characters too. He also transforms. If acquiring the powers of bosses was a lawsuit worthy offense, then the Metroid-Vania games would have to be part of a lawsuit as well. As for how the characters look and the whole industrial Robot theme... well, that's Inafune. Yuji Naka would have to change the way Rodea the Sky Soldier looked and played if Sega thought it was too much like NiGHTS, but they don't and he hasn't. You can't change what a person tends to like, favor or lean towards when they are coming up with their own concepts; it's just his personal preference. I think Inafune would have to stop making games altogether to not have his new ideas infringe upon his old ones. It would be like asking Itagaki to NOT make a Stylish action game, Yamauchi to NOT make a Driving Simulator, Kojima to NOT make a Dramatic Action game and Kamiya to NOT make characters that look like Viewtiful Joe! If the Wonderful 101 art-style can exist without VJ, then Mighty No. 9 can exist and NOT be a direct Mega Man clone.

Edited: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 12:43:39
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Mon, 02 Sep 2013 12:50:04

I think in a world where Capcom lets Kamiya make Devil May Cry for them, then Bayonetta for Sega, Inafune making a Mega Man-like game on his own is OK too. Japan doesn't seem to be as law-suit crazy as the West (US).

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Mon, 02 Sep 2013 13:12:33

Yeah, unfortunately this isn't going to get veto'd. Oh well, we'll get an interesting game out of it rather than an interesting situation, so I suppose it's not all bad. Nyaa

There's clearly more differences between W101 and Viewtiful Joe, though than this and Mega Man.

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Mon, 02 Sep 2013 13:49:05

I'm taking purely aesthetics on VJ and 101. ALL the characters LOOK like Viewtiful Joe! VJ is a Capcom/Clover property, 101 is a Platinum property. They shouldn't be "allowed" to resemble each other, but they certainly do and that's because of Kamiya.

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Mon, 02 Sep 2013 14:07:14
Foolz said:

The best thing to come out of Kickstar: fraudalent budgeting information disguised as a rewards system. It costs the same amount to do a new game plus as it does to port the game to Linux and Mac?

Agreed.  It's like Kickstarter has taken gaming's high-scores and OCD elements and managed to transplant them to funding.  "Come on guys, only a measily $200.000 more will get you free extra horse armour!"  Horrible, horrible practices.

phantom_leo said:

It's kinda hard to argue the point, because Inafune IS using his Mega Man heritage to sell this game --BUT-- if you read the gameplay concepts, it's juuust different enough to not be a lawsuit worthy rip-off. Does Beck steal powers? Yes, but not only Bosses; he can temporarily capture the powers of in-stage characters too. He also transforms.

What are you saying?  That he's infringing upon Kirby as well?  Nyaa

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Mon, 02 Sep 2013 14:12:36

Too many games borrow elements from OTHER games for serious lawsuits to happen... unless you're a Western or US company, of course, then it's OK.  Hrm

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Mon, 02 Sep 2013 14:22:42

So far 14,601 people have contributed $858033.00. That's an average of about $58.00 apiece; about the price of an average current-gen game. That doesn't seem like anyone is trying to one-up or beat anyone else out... it just seems like a relativey reasonable amount of money to give for something you feel passionate about. You can almost think of it as pre-ordering the game, if it makes you feel better. Some of the Items you get for pledging though are INSANELY cool, very unique and how awesome would it be if, years from now, Beck has the same kind of following as Mega Man? You could look back at the game itself or the memorabilia you got for pledging and say: "I helped bring that series out!" That's not even a little cool?

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Mon, 02 Sep 2013 14:32:06
phantom_leo said:

Too many games borrow elements from OTHER games for serious lawsuits to happen... unless you're a Western or US company, of course, then it's OK.  Hrm

I was thinking about that. Remember all the fighting game clones in the early and mid 90's? At the end of the day the only thing different was character designs, and even then there weren't always differences. How many games had a character extremely similar to Ryu?

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Mon, 02 Sep 2013 14:38:21

Stay out of this! You CLEARLY have NO IDEA what you are talking about!  Argh!

...oh... Nevermind then...

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Mon, 02 Sep 2013 15:01:08

You know, I'm actually surprised no one picked up on this or commented on it: Should this Kickstarter actually make its biggest Stretch Goal:


(1) It would come to Wii U

(2) It would come to PS3 and 360 in 2015**


Wii U = Great!  Happy

PS3 and 360 = Wuh?!  GASP


**That's a year and a half after both of those system's successors had already been released!!

Edited: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 15:10:04
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