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Minecraft 360
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Tue, 22 May 2012 20:32:35

Check this out for inspiration:

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Wed, 23 May 2012 16:03:38
Wow. That video was amazing. It most certainly has inspired me.


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Sat, 26 May 2012 00:35:54

Maybe I'll visit Travo tonight in his... Man Cave? Batman Cave? Bat Cave?

I'm kinda shying away from Minecraft at the moment though... I don't want to mess my world up in the state I am in!

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Sat, 26 May 2012 01:13:57

There's nothing more sobering than a Creeper creeping up on you, hissing and exploding all in your face.


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Sat, 26 May 2012 01:52:50
Be there in a bit, Leo.  I'm at the emergency room because we thought my dad had blood clots. He had fluid in his legs, not clots
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Sat, 26 May 2012 02:05:22

Take your time, man. Sorry to hear it. Maybe some other night then, as I am prolly gonna fall asleep soon...  Nyaa

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Sat, 26 May 2012 02:10:01

Fall asleep or pass out?

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Sat, 26 May 2012 02:22:33

Little bit of both!

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Sat, 26 May 2012 22:49:19
Winterfell looked awesome, Leo.  I love your two wolves.  When I saw the first one, I immediately said "Ghost!"
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Sat, 26 May 2012 22:56:43
I'm gonna upload pics of The VGPress Clubhouse tonight, basically just an inn with beds for all of us.  Edge has a special bed and Iga has a special "bed.". It will also have a podcast room and news room ( filled with bookshelves.) Nyaa
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Sat, 26 May 2012 23:12:19
I'm guessing Vader's bed has scary hookers. Best podcast story ever.

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Sat, 26 May 2012 23:20:10
travo said:
I'm gonna upload pics of The VGPress Clubhouse tonight, basically just an inn with beds for all of us.  Edge has a special bed and Iga has a special "bed.". It will also have a podcast room and news room ( filled with bookshelves.) Nyaa

I was going to point out what my favorite stuff was, but I won't ruin the surprise! WinkWink

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Sun, 27 May 2012 01:32:50

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Sun, 27 May 2012 02:36:55

Ok, here is the outside of the clubhouse.

Everyone has their own bed with their name above it.  I'm even adding paintings on the walls.

Edge's bed is a double bed and the sign says " Edge and Guest".


Can you tell which one is Iga's bed?

Robots need no comfort.

You know I can't resist making towers.

Best little Ho House in Casterly!  Hey, what's that sheep doing in there?  Guess they cater to all needs. Nyaa

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Sun, 27 May 2012 02:38:21

Iga deserves it. <3

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Sun, 27 May 2012 04:28:32

I swear this game has artificial intelligence to it where it sees you have another player over --OR-- it sees you making progress in getting RARE materials... Either of those two things happen and --BAM-- instant Creeper/Spider/Zombie/Skeleton horde!

I was mining at Bedrock when I heard a moan behind me. It was a Zombie and there was a Skeleton behind it. They caught me totally by surprise because MONSTERS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE DOWN BY THE BEDROCK! I started to run in the opposite direction of them and hit some lava. Of course, I had JUST finished collecting the last bit of water I was using to farm for Obsidian, so there was none on the ground. I died and watched in horror as my Diamond Pick-Axe flew into the lava and sizzled away... as did some Iron Ore, etc.

I spawned back at my bed and immediately ran outside to try and go back down to the bottom of my mine to collect my stuff. It was daytime, but it was raining/snowing... In other words, the Zombies and the Skeletons WERE NOT catching fire! I started to run around (as I was defenseless) when a Creeper came up behind me... HISSSSS *BOOM* ...takes out my working shack. I run towards my tower to try to get indoors. Creeper... HISSSSS *BOOM* ...takes out the front door and wall of my tower. I died a few more times...

By the time this attacks was over, there were craters ALL over my land. They took out the ladder to my mine also, and I had to rebuild EVERYTHING before even going down to get my lost gear. The Horde attack also took out one of my Double Chests that contained all my usual building material, so I even had to dig dirt and pick Cobblestone, just to even begin rebuilding!

The best thing this game does is makes you feel your losses. You put so much work into building everything that you REALLY feel it if it is destroyed!

Speaking about the value of your creations, I just also wanted to mention the upcoming Creator Mode for the 360 version. In case you don't know what that is, it is a mode where you are given unlimited materials, and the ability to fly, so you can build anything at all. I don't think I like this! The way it is now, you have to EARN all of your progress! Take that away and what is left to the game? Adventure Mode sounds incredibly cool, but I love the whole building aspect alone. I'd love to adventure in my lands, but I also want to feel the pride of earning everything I make too... I guess we'll see how that turns out!

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Sun, 27 May 2012 16:47:17

Enjoy your beautiful new world, Vader. I'm sure it is a far cry from my Snowy Wasteland...  Hrm

I would never even think of strating over to get a new world now though. Everything you saw in my world was by my hands. Although I eventually found a more tropical section, when I started out, all I found were two trees and lots and lots of mountains. Where you saw my main structure was ALL snow and hills. I had to level that out, grow trees and collect ALL of that Cobblestone! Never before has a "build your own game" game gotten to me this much!

Sorry I didn't visit your new world, but I was literally playing for hours before you came to visit and I needed to take a break. Enjoy!

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Sun, 27 May 2012 16:55:06

There is a monster outside my door!!! This is terrifying. I made a quick hole in the wall for shelter. Night came I wanted to go out to get some wood so I can make a torch but this green monster started coming at me so I quickly entered my hole and now it just stares at me through the glass. Its all dark, must wait for sun.

My world has it all beautiful lush green areas, mountains, a snow area, a desert. Its like a zelda map...

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Sun, 27 May 2012 16:56:02

Its daylight and the fucker wont leave my door.

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Sun, 27 May 2012 17:10:41

Travo came to visit! Sorry there is not much to see yet. I had to create a second entrance to my place just to get out cause those creepers wouldnt leave.

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