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MMO Better Blues
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Tue, 26 Oct 2010 13:42:49

MMOs scare me. I'm a single player guy. If I do online games they have to be casual and co-operative.

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Tue, 26 Oct 2010 13:57:06

That's what most MMOs are. Both casual (at least until the late and end game) and cooperative. Unless they focus on PvP in which case they're casual and adversarial (but you still cooperate to beat others). The experience is no different to deciding to play any RPG with multiplayer functions with a few friends. You'll still just focus on learning to use your class efficiently as in a single player RPG and fighting enemies efficiently, then use that skill and knowledge in conjuction with your playmates to conquer challenges not suitable for single characters. You may be a warrior having to stop and rest every 5-10 fights in the beginning, then you'll pair up with a healer and you'll do quests and explore together with little downtime, then you'll find a few more people and join some instance together with a tank, healer, and DPSers, etc, then you'll get into the deeper end with crafting (or others could do the crafting and you do the material hoarding for them) and so on and so forth, at least WoW wasn't at all overwhelming since it starts simple and you only get more advanced skills after several levels after you get the hang of the basics like exploring taking quests and how to best advance your character for what you want to do, damage, support, or whatever, and who to best work with. Some classes and specs work really well solo, others will need more help even in easier content since they're geared to support (I was always a warrior tank and took ages to do certain grindy things, in retrospect it would have been better if I was DPS spec until the late game, but I enjoyed tanking too much), etc.

Edited: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 14:02:17
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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Tue, 26 Oct 2010 14:35:49
aspro said:
robio said:

I think that's the biggest thing that the DC MMO has going for it - instant currency with DC Comics fans. Very much the same thing that Squaresoft had with FFXI. However, I think the DC game will be able to take it a step further. If the game is half-way decent and pays proper respect to the DC Universe then it's already going to be worth the time for all DC fans. They'll be able to create their own characters that can fight besides their favorite DC heroes and villains. That's a big deal. That's already worth the investment of time. And if the devs take it a step further and put some sort of reputation/noteriety feature in the game, it could be something very special.  

If that was going to work, then it should have already taken with Star Trek/ Star Wars.  I don't know how the Star Trek one is going, but I heard they changed their pricing program -- which doesn't sound good.

Maybe with Marvel though you have a more diverse pool of scenarios to draw from (other than exploring planets and getting in battles).

From what I heard, the problem with the Star Trek MMO was limited content.  After a few months players just felt like they had done everything, and that's a kiss of death for this genre.

Star Wars Galaxies on the other hand was wildly successful during its first couple years.  It managed to get 1 million players which made it at that time only second in the MMO world to EQ.  The problem was during the second year they started implementing some bad bad changes to make the game more approachable to new players. For instance, the Jedi class was changed from being something you earned to being unlockable from the start. Eventually so many long time players just got tired of seeing newer players have things handed to them that they worked for that they began to leave in droves.  Insulting the core audience is a pretty good way to kill your game. That being said, even with the lack of any new content for a while, the game is still actively being played. For a 7 year old MMO that's pretty impressive.

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