More Things I've Changed My Mind On
If you do get a Wii U I would hold off on buying the Classic controller till you've tried the Upad first.
EDGE mag is all right but like any other gaming media site or mag it has good and bad points.
EDGE mag is all right but like any other gaming media site or mag it has good and bad points.
I feel the same way about EDGE, I used to be a subscriber when it was NEXT GEN here in the states. But the Euro 1 has this nasty feel to it, like a cheap slut all dressed up, but still all dirty nasty and whory underneath, and way too proud of it.
I think I want a Wii U just for the potential and Nintendo games in HD. I reserve the right to change my mind of course. Jury is still out on controller until I get my hands on one. You know me very early adopter and all. Always have been I just love video games too much to skip a major console. I did wait two years on Wii though.
I think I want a Wii U just for the potential and Nintendo games in HD. I reserve the right to change my mind of course. Jury is still out on controller until I get my hands on one. You know me very early adopter and all. Always have been I just love video games too much to skip a major console. I did wait two years on Wii though.
I'm a bit ambivalent about the WiiU. I didn't want one. Then I did want one. Then I wasn't sure. Now I think I want one, that's about as much positivity as I can muster at this stage. Having said that, if Pikmin 3 is on the shelves, it'll be a day one purchase for me
I'm starting to go a little sour on Wii U but I will get it anyway' as logically if I apply cold hard logic I know in the long run the games variety will be worth it.
And I know I would get it eventually anyway so it might as well be at launch, unless it's prohibitively expensive.
And I know I would get it eventually anyway so it might as well be at launch, unless it's prohibitively expensive.
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travo (8m)
EDGE Magazine: I used to respect them for the quality of their writing and for the honesty of their previews (that much remains true). However, now I see them as being mostly negative and mostly pompous. They called the Microsoft Conference "contemptuous". That was pretty much the flag for me to stop paying the $20 a month for their magazine. And what's with not putting their names on their articles and reviews?
Wii U: My feelings towad their controller remain unchanged from last E3 (it's horrible). However, every generation I have always jumped onto the console that can provide the best specs. I went from PS1 to N64 to Dreamcast to PS2 to XB, jumping as quickly as they demonstrated the ability to show better graphics. This generation it really did not matter, PS3 may have the better specs, but hardly anyone develops for it natively, so it's a draw. Until now. The Wii U should be able to outdo the 6 year old consoles (you would hope so).
Along with the pro controller, this means I can use the U as a "real" console, so if the third-parties bat up, I'll be getting one. Besides, I am now feeling sorry for Nintendo. They sell the most consoles and they still "don't win" in the eyes of many.
Apple: I still can't stand their arrogance as a company (so much arrogance that it rubs off on their fanbase). However, now that I have been using a Samsung Galaxy S for about a year I can see that the hardware and the Android operating system is a complete rip-off of what Apple has done. And that sucks. I get the cheapest (free) smart phone I can get. If I had a choice I'd shun the clones and go with something truly innovative -- Windows Phone, but hey... I guess that's where my points run out.