Forum > Gaming Discussion > Most Disappointing Release of 2012
Most Disappointing Release of 2012
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Thu, 22 Nov 2012 21:40:51

And the nominees are...

No rules, but try and flesh out your answer.

I have yet to play so many titles from 2012, but it will be hard to top my disappointment with Mass Effect 3.


Now hear me out here, I am not trolling


After playing Mass Effect 1 and 2 back to back, with two improving so much on the first title, I was expecting Mass Effect 3 to be a humble upgrade of two with the extra benefit of closing out the story. In other words, a solid sequel progression like Uncharted 1 through 3.  First one a little rough but good, second one perfects the formula, third one adds more explosions and has a sweet story.

As for the story, and the much maligned ending, I had no problem.  Was not super, was not fail.

My problems with the game were the greater emphasis on being a shooter (and it was not a good shooter), and the lack of engaging missions (compared to the second).  You all know I don;t do side missions, in ME2 I did almost all of the loyalty missions because they were like being in TNG episodes.  In ME3 I felt like I was playing a less engaging version of Binary Domain.

I still strongly recommend ME2 to anyone at all (even if you don't play the first and have no interest in the third).  It will certainly mkae it into my top ten for this gen.

Edited: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 20:28:02

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Thu, 22 Nov 2012 21:46:50

SSX is easily my most disappointing 2012 release. It uses the SSX brand, but offers very little of what made the earlier SSX games so much fun to play. Meh.

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Thu, 22 Nov 2012 21:49:37

^What did they leave out. What was it missing?

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Thu, 22 Nov 2012 21:59:54
aspro said:

^What did they leave out. What was it missing?


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Thu, 22 Nov 2012 23:58:50
Kid Icarus Uprising. I was so looking forward to a Kid Icarus revival but the controls, thanks to the lack of a second analog pad, really put a damper on this game.


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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 01:53:50

Playing that on the XL makes it almost an entirely different game. No need for the stand. Just lay down, rest it on my chest and play. Between the variety of weapons and the banter between Pit and Palutena, it's a lot of fun! By the way, you DO know you can change the controls in the option screen, right?

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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 01:59:09

There were two games that I found equally disappointing for the same reason. XenoBlade Chronicles and Kingdoms of Amalur. They both had TREMENDOUS potential. They both PLAYED great! They both had awesome graphical styles --BUT-- they BOTH became so mind-numbingly easy, and thus, BORING, I had to give up on them both.

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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 02:19:40
Archangel3371 said:
Kid Icarus Uprising. I was so looking forward to a Kid Icarus revival but the controls, thanks to the lack of a second analog pad, really put a damper on this game.

Yes, certainly agree.  The control schemes never worked for me.
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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 02:27:54

Sounds like Kid Icarus should have been a Wii U launch title instead of a portable game.

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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 02:28:39
Ravenprose said:

Sounds like Kid Icarus should have been a Wii U launch title instead of a portable game.

Hmmm, could've been better.
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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 02:36:40

I got a few:

Silent Hill Downpour. I'm a big Silent Hill nerd but I passed on this after watching the first couple hours of gameplay, it looks like a step backwards from Homecoming. I still plan to get it sometime but it could have been so much more.

Resident Evil 6. Not a bad game, but not in the same league as part four or five either, so a good game but still a little dissapointing, and for fuck sakes can we abolish QTES now and forever PLEASE.

Mass Effect 3. EEeeeeeeeeehh it was a very unecessary sequel with a boring cookie cutter plotline. It didn't have the freedome or options of two or any of the roleplaying of the first. I feel like this series has lost its identity. It wasn't a terrible game either by any means I had fun and all, but it was kinda bland. I liked how in the first game the plot was to catch a treasonous spectre and bring him to justice, then the next two games: durrrr teh alllieenznz r teh invadez u naaaoow ltrolololololol.

Edited: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 02:37:53

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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 03:04:34

The most disappointing thing I've played in 2012 was the Resident Evil 6 demos.


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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 10:04:26

It's so interesting to read different peoples takes on games. I feel like we are getting more and more divdided over what we like and that is not a bad thing. There used to be this hive mind over what is good or not and now we are in a situation where people can not like these AAA games and others can dig harshly criticised games.

Anyway for me the biggest letdown of this year is 007 Legends. I loved Goldeneye Wii (heard reloaded was a bit gimped in comparison) and I wanted Eurocom to stretch their legs and deliver another great Bond shooter. Unfortunately activision gave them 9 months and a disparate concept that would be hard to turn into a conventional game. The game is so far from what us people who loved Goldeneye wanted it to be.

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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 14:12:54
I need to buy Amalur too. Oh El Shadai was another major letdown (sorry Leo).

I had measured expectations going into it but was still disappointed by how boring the combat was.

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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 14:24:05

Does the Jet Set Radio HD remake count? I haven't played many games released in 2012, but that would be at the top of my list. I've heard about the game for over a decade and how great it is so how could I not buy the remake? And then I played it. . . . and it's just not a fun game on any level whatsoever. I'm willing to concede that this may just be one of those games that  I do not "get" though.

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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 14:29:34

Actually I forgot about one that would surpass this - Asura's Wrath. The game looked incredible. It looked like a mash-up of several different action genres, with an over-the-top sci-fi/Hindu space opera setting. Truly an original looking game. And then you play it only to find out there is literally no challenge to the game whatsoever. At first you feel like you're really skilled and then you realize the game is pretty much catering to how you much suck. As decent as the story is after a while you feel more like you're watching it rather than playing it.

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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 16:45:14

I cant think of anything. Technically I have been underwhelmed but I would say let down by anything. RE6 wasn't GOTY or anything but it still was awesome in its own way. I never expected NSMB2 to be that great. I guess Kid Icarus maybe is the one that I clearly thought would be better.

Oh Witcher 2. Nyaa

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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 22:28:41

Noby noby Boy.

I know it isn't a 2012 game but its shittiness transcends time boundaries.

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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 22:38:31
Dvader said:

I cant think of anything. Technically I have been underwhelmed but I would say let down by anything. RE6 wasn't GOTY or anything but it still was awesome in its own way. I never expected NSMB2 to be that great. I guess Kid Icarus maybe is the one that I clearly thought would be better.

Oh Witcher 2. Nyaa

Interesting I was thinking of picking this up sometime. What would you say was dissapointing to you... the overall gameplay, combat system and design or were you let down by the roleplaying and choice making aspect? I can forgive some meh gameplay if the game truly has interesting choices to make and a half decent story.

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Fri, 23 Nov 2012 22:54:23
GodModeEnabled said:

Interesting I was thinking of picking this up sometime. What would you say was dissapointing to you... the overall gameplay, combat system and design or were you let down by the roleplaying and choice making aspect? I can forgive some meh gameplay if the game truly has interesting choices to make and a half decent story.

The choices you make a huge, it completely changes the middle section of the game. I found the combat to be boring, the game world not that interesting. I expected a lot more freedom. But forget me, I am an outlier, people love this game, you may too.

You can read my review.

Edited: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 22:54:48
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