Primarily I am all about the Japanese music; the most recommendable of which I would give to m.o.v.e, whose music is upbeat and semi-techno. My selection from them is this:
move - Fly Me So High
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileFoolz said:A Sea Symphony by Vaughan Williams. I like the Sir Andrew Davis recording. Yes, it's classical music, but it's very atmospheric with some choral singing and lyrics. Great stuff!
Can't go wrong with classical music
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileby the way this is on youtube, as my previous recommendation tells me nobody wants to be bothered to download anything.
arvo part - tabula rasa
Fedor's and Aleks Emelianenko's former entrance music piqued my curiosity about Era.
Recently I have been listening to these two:
Fedor's new entrance music is pretty badass as well
It's a Cossack folk song. Cossacks are awesome
I also like Serbia's Eurovision songs
The first being
That's all, for now
Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

bugsonglass said:Right, Foolz said how much he loved the porno music in house of the dead so i hereby proudly offer you ...
It's like all my Christmases have come at once!
A better way to do this thread would be if you guys were on
It's a free site where you can pick tracks from albums to make playlists. It's really good and you can just share your username and we can listen to your selections.
gamingeek said:A better way to do this thread would be if you guys were on
It's a free site where you can pick tracks from albums to make playlists. It's really good and you can just share your username and we can listen to your selections.
Artists (0)
No Artists Found.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHe made the music available as a free download because people kept asking for the soundtrack. Please LISTEN
I think I DL that ages ago but cant seem to find it on my drive.
Now we are coming up to Summer let me reccomend Lalo Schifrins Bossa Nova Groove album. It's the coolest cats.
gamingeek said:I think I DL that ages ago but cant seem to find it on my drive.
Now we are coming up to Summer let me reccomend Lalo Schifrins Bossa Nova Groove album. It's the coolest cats.
i love bossa nova. i will look that up
World of Goo music is really GOOd
Okay back to showing my awesome taste.
This Majora's Mask music video has an awesome song
Full Moon by Sonata Arctica.
Heroic Age Anime had an awesome opening song. I found the music video on youtube. Check it out.
Man that girl has an awesome voice. That guy looks like a girl though, ughh!
Heroic Age Opening subbed, just in case you want to know what the song is about or if you can't stand girly men.
bugsonglass said:gamingeek said:I think I DL that ages ago but cant seem to find it on my drive.
Now we are coming up to Summer let me reccomend Lalo Schifrins Bossa Nova Groove album. It's the coolest cats.
i love bossa nova. i will look that up
Wow I just searched, the price has shot up, it must be rare now. £18 in the UK with some US guys selling it for $76?
gamingeek said:bugsonglass said:gamingeek said:I think I DL that ages ago but cant seem to find it on my drive.
Now we are coming up to Summer let me reccomend Lalo Schifrins Bossa Nova Groove album. It's the coolest cats.
i love bossa nova. i will look that up
Wow I just searched, the price has shot up, it must be rare now. £18 in the UK with some US guys selling it for $76?
i'm listening to it now. i like it but it's a little too much on the virtuoso/jazzy side of bossa for me. think i prefer it a little funkier or more laid back. groovy cat though i agree
I'm thinkng it'll br nice to get a diverse mix of recommendations and to see where everyone is coming from musically. I will aim to link up at least a sample of whatever it is i recommend, just so people can listen and see if it may be for them before spending hard earned cash.
anyway... first recommendation to hopefully get this thing a-rolling ...
Bvdub (actual name Brock Van Way) from San Fransisco USA is an artist most commonly labeled as dub techno. so this is electronic music, very deep, very atmospheric and rather emotional. he is a bit of a personal hero as he manages to make tons of beautiful music whilst working full time (he translates from chinese) and he is also an ardent gamer and also trains in thai boxing,
the piece i uploaded for you friends is the b-side off a 12" ep called "a moment's piece". i chose it mainly because of the title but it is typical of his work. it is called xiayu. hope you enjoy.
bvdub - xiayu
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu