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My best of E3 awards (56k death)
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Wed, 23 Jun 2010 22:41:28

Time for my Best of E3.

I already covered the conferences   extensively in the forums so I will just give awards out.


Best  Conference:

Nintendo - It was the perfect conference. Game after  game being shown and the majority were brand new, mega announcements.  It  had Zelda, Metroid, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Mickey, Goldeneye and even Kid  Icarus. Plus the blowed everyone away with the 3DS lineup.

Worst  Conference:

Ubisoft - I don't know what was going on here. It had a  mix of some great games and some craptastic games that make your head  hurt. The conference was painful at times to watch.

Greatest  conference of all time:

Konami - Magical, majestic, stunning,  spectacular, mindblowing, surreal, just a few adjectives you can use to  describe this one of a kind conference. It was also comedy of the year, I  have not laughed so hard in a long time.

Most disappointing  conference:

Microsoft - I wanted them to show my why I would want  Kinect and they completely ignored me. I expected much more from them.

Games  Special Awards

Biggest surprise announcement:

Kid Icarus - It's been in rumor hell for years now, we finally think it will never  happen and BOOM, its the launch game for the 3DS. I was completely  shocked.

Kid Icarus Uprising Screenshot

Game I thought would be complete trash but it was   actually impressive:

True Crime - This was shown on G4, I was very  close to just skipping it cause its True Crime. But what I saw was a  game that looked like Yakuza but with incredible graphics and modern  animation. A very detailed world, a great chase sequence and a brawler  type combat system that is great to watch and probably to play. I was  very impressed.

Game that will most likely break the Sonic Cycle:

Sonic Colors - This time I am not crazy, this Sonic game looks like the real deal. You can read any preview, watch any video, it is the best of Sonic Unleashed polished and better than ever.


Best Trailer:

Deus Ex Human Revolution -  Yeah I know Star Wars had another awesome trailer but last years was   better. This year I have to hand it to Deus Ex which had a trailer that can match up with the very best of the movie industry. After the trailer  was over I wanted to go to the theater and pick up my ticket, then I  realized it was a game.

Best new IP:

Journey - A unique  looking game with a concept made just for me. A game all about   exploration and discovery. I cannot wait to get my hands on it.

Journey - Motion by PlayStation.Blog.

Best  new gun:

Red Faction Armaggedon Magnet Gun - This gun can be a  game changer. I thought nothing of the new RF game until I saw this baby  in action. It has the ability to bring any two objects together,  combine that with a fully destructible environment and you have gold.

Best  graphics:

Rage - So pretty and shiny with a perfectly smooth 60  FPS. A world where every inch is hand crafted. Amazing enemy animation.  Above all it looked different, we have so many sequels, many look alike  this is new.

Rage Publicity Still

Best stylized graphics:

Kirby's Epic Yarn -  Woah, this game is stunning to look at. I never knew yarn could make for  such a beautiful look but it does. The game world moves like  interactive fabric, it is so unique.


Games Genre Awards

Best  Racing game:

Gran Turismo 5 - It only does EVERYTHING. Racing  game of the forever.


Runner Up: Need for Speed Hot Pursuit

Best  Puzzle game:

Portal 2 - The portal gun is more than enough to  make excellent puzzles but Valve decided to introduce a ton of new  features which makes my brain hurt already from thinking about how  complex they will get. I cannot wait.


Runner Up: ???

Best   Music game:

Rock Band 3 - Keyboard!! Also a ton of new features  that make this seem like a worthy new addition to a genre that is  getting very stale. This category was no contest.

Runner ups:   Dance Central, Michael Jackson

Best Platformer:

LittleBigPlanet  2 - At this point its sort of an insult to just call LBP2 a platformer  but it is still the backbone of the game. It promises to take what you  could do in LBP and multiply it by 100. I cannot imagine what will be  done with this game.


Runner ups: Sonic Colors, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's  Epic Yarn

Best Shooter:

Vanquish - Its a sea of first person   shooters and sequels to great third person shooters, I bet many of   those will be great but one stands out as being different and being   right up my ally. Completely over the top, fast paced, non stop action. A   mix of Bayonetta and Gears, I am in love.


Runner ups: Gears of  War 3, Dead Space 2, Crysis 2, Rage, Halo Reach, Bulletstorm, Call of  Duty Black ops

Best RPG:

Deus Ex Human Revolution - I don't know what this  game fits under, eh I will put it here. Incredible demo that proves this  is the true sequel we have been waiting for. The stealth elements seem  improved, the action can match up with the best out there and it looks  to have one hell of a world to explore.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Screenshot

Runner ups: Fallout New  Vegas, Star Wars The Old Republic

Best Fighting game:

Mortal  Kombat - Screw MvC3, screw Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat is BACK! Its  2D, it's more brutal than ever and it is a clear return to it's roots.  It even borrows elements from SF to you know make it a decent fighting  game. I am very excited.


Runner up: Marvel vs Capcom 3

Best   Action/Adventure game:

Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword - This one is  easy for me. The king of the genre, all other games will try to mix  various elements together and none will do it as well as Zelda. I know  nothing about the game except that it will control unlike any Zelda game  and the combat seems to be flat out better for it. Combat is but just  one element of the series and I have little doubt all other elements  will come together beautifully.


Runner ups: Metal Gear Rising,  Epic Mickey, Castlevania Lords of Shadow, Infamous 2, Star Wars Force  Unleashed 2, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Enslaved

Platform  Awards

Best PSP game:

LOL , ok fine, God of War

Best DS game:

Okamiden - This system is clearly on its way  out, still has a few games I want to try out. None more than Okamiden,  sequel to one of my favorite PS2 games.

Runner up: Sonic Colors

Best   PC Exclusive:

Star Wars The Old Republic - I would fear for my  life if I got into this game. I saw some footage of it and it almost  looked like an action game, what kind of MMO is this. It looks  incredible, it's made by Bioware so you know the story will be  incredible. If this were on consoles I would be all over it.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Screenshot

Runner   up: Civilization 5 cause everyone else said so.

Best Wii  Exclusive:

The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword - Kirby looks cute,  but its probably a short simple game. DKC never really cared for it and  it is probably just like the SNES games. Epic Mickey, does seem amazing,  unique and shows a ton of promise but it is unproven and I wonder if  the 2D levels will overshadow everything else. Metroid will be Metroid  which has never been as good as Zelda. Now that I got everyone angry I  will shout out my love for my favorite franchise of all time, Zelda. It  will be incredible, it will be a masterpiece, it may be the best Wii  game of all time, the sky is the limit on this one.


Runner ups: Epic Mickey, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Sonic Colors, Metroid  Other M

Best 360 Exclusive (PC doesn't count):

Halo Reach -  I was ready to give Gears 3 this award but then I saw extended footage  of the space combat in action and I was sold. I am glad Halo isn't just  sitting back and doing the same old thing. It is promising to introduce  brand new game mechanics and really take the franchise to a whole new  level.

Halo: Reach Screenshot

Runner ups: Gears of War 3, Fable 3, Kinectimals Nyaa

Best   PS3 Exclusive:

LittleBigPlanet 2 - Now a game creator rather than  just a level creator. The new features are more than enough to make  this a worthy stand alone package. I bet the campaign will be better  than ever but its the possibilities of the level editor that makes this  by far my most anticipated PS3 game.

LittleBigPlanet 2 Screenshot

Runner ups: Gran Turismo 5,  Infamous 2, Killzone 3

Game of the Show

Nominees  are:

The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword


Epic Mickey

Epic Mickey Screenshot

Portal 2


LittleBigPlanet 2

LittleBigPlanet 2 Screenshot

Deus Ex Human Revolution

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Screenshot

Winner  of my Game of the Show E3 2010 is:

Portal 2





Nothing at E3  had my jaw on the floor, had my brain doing backflips at the  possibilities of what I saw on screen like Portal 2. Valve only had a 13  minute presentation but it was a perfect demo showing off new concept  after new concept. Tractor beams, vacuum vents, laser deflectors and  liquids that can make you move faster. Thats what they showed us, who  knows what else is in store. They said there will be two separate  campaigns one single player and one co-op, each unique. Each will be  twice as the first game. With Zelda they didn't show much of anything, I  am excited cause I know I will love it but they didn't really impress  me in the same way Portal 2 did. Now get a portal gun in my Zelda game  and we have the best game ever.

Best New Hardware at  E3:

Nintendo 3DS

I want to end this post with the 3DS cause  above all I think this is the most important thing shown at E3. I  predict that this will be a bigger product than the DS which is already  the best selling handheld ever. I predict this will be a revolutionary  new device that will change not only gaming but all portable devices.   Within the next few years prepare to see Iphones in 3D, cameras in 3D,   PDAs in 3D and of course the PSP2 will be 3D. It will start the   strongest movement to get rid of the need for glasses. This device will be GIGANTIC. I have not even mentioned the game lineup which is an   all-star list of franchises. It wouldn't surprise me to see a Halo game on it. This kind of hardware shows why Nintendo is so far ahead of   everyone else.

Edited: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 22:50:13
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Wed, 23 Jun 2010 23:28:44
Journey sounds like SHIT to me.  Online, but no ID's, Singing? Collect Cloth?  No. Sounds like Cirque de SoLAME to me.

True Crime eh?  That's encouraging.  I've wanted to like that franchise before.  And this one has been in development forever.

Magnet Gun -- been done before (I'm sure).

Sonic Colours -- this one I want.

Admirable blog.  More should do them.

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Thu, 24 Jun 2010 03:30:46
I still haven't finished Portal yet, and I've owned it for a couple years now.
Edited: Thu, 24 Jun 2010 03:31:06

The VG Press

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Thu, 24 Jun 2010 07:34:20
Gifs. <3

Some fantastic games there. Great E3.

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Thu, 24 Jun 2010 18:29:03

great sum up.  wasn't watching the show very closely so this is very valuable for me in knowing what games to keep an eye on.

Also the 3DS is right now looking like day one for me


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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 14:57:47

Finally my connection is back up.

Great post, will comment more later.

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 20:48:28
I'm sure Metal Gear Rising would be your best Action game if it was on the PS3! Nyaa

And how can you not have Dragon Quest IX on your best DS game list!? GASP


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 20:51:26

ASK_Story said:
I'm sure Metal Gear Rising would be your best Action game if it was on the PS3! Nyaa

And how can you not have Dragon Quest IX on your best DS game list!? GASP

Well Rising is on the PS3, now if you would have said PS3 exclusive then the joke would have worked better. WinkWink

I loved DQ VIII but I am not going to do an epic sized RPG like that on a handheld. I'll wait for DQX.

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 22:01:14

Dvader said:

Well Rising is on the PS3, now if you would have said PS3 exclusive then the joke would have worked better. WinkWink

I loved DQ VIII but I am not going to do an epic sized RPG like that on a handheld. I'll wait for DQX.

I didn't know Rising was on the PS3. I thought it was a 360 exclusive because I remember so many MGS fanboys complaining that Kojima betrayed them!

And DQIX is not just another hanhdeld RPG! I say if there's one handheld RPG that every person should play is this one!

But to each his/her own.

Edited: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 22:01:34


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 22:08:17

ASK_Story said:

I didn't know Rising was on the PS3. I thought it was a 360 exclusive because I remember so many MGS fanboys complaining that Kojima betrayed them!

And DQIX is not just another hanhdeld RPG! I say if there's one handheld RPG that every person should play is this one!

But to each his/her own.

Fanboys complain cause they want it to be exclusive to PS3, so now that 360 can play it its a betrayal. It's stupidity.

Why isnt it just another handheld game? I dont know.

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 22:15:25

Dvader said:

Fanboys complain cause they want it to be exclusive to PS3, so now that 360 can play it its a betrayal. It's stupidity.

Why isnt it just another handheld game? I dont know.

That is stupid. I thought Final Fantasy fanboys were bad. Actually, they're worse. Remember that incident where a FF fanboy refused to take a free 360 with the copy of the game just because it was on the 360? Idiots.

Dvader said:

Why isnt it just another handheld game? I dont know.

Because it's Dragon Quest!!!

*sigh* You will never understand. Only DQ freaks like me apply. Nyaa


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 22:33:40

ASK_Story said:

*sigh* You will never understand. Only freaks like me apply. Nyaa

 So true!

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