Forum > Gaming Discussion > My Top 25 PC Games of the Generation
My Top 25 PC Games of the Generation
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Thu, 05 Jun 2014 04:55:10

Well its a bit weird making a PC list, being an ever evolving format. The PC hardly gets any exclusives these days, but it almost always gets the best versions of games as long as you have the hardware.

I was never a PC gamer until this generation, so this was the first time I really discovered how awesome it could be outside of playing like DOOM on my brothers PC back in the day. I went through two of them over the generation, one AMD build, and my current Nvidia build. Really fun building your own. Having a powerful machine, I tend to play tons of games on the PC just because of stuff I would normally play on one of the consoles you'll see here. Even stuff on my console lists I actually would likely replay on the PC, such as Oblivion and the Mass Effect games.

Here we go!

  • #25: Riddick: Assault On Dark Athena

  The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Boxartthe-chronicles-of-riddick-assault-on-dark-athena-screens-20090304035234885[1]_1238530730.jpg

  • #24: Mirror's Edge

Mirror's Edge BoxartMirror's Edge 4fa6cb27cdc388ed13f29eba

  • #23: King's Bounty The Legend

King's Bounty: The Legend Boxartkings-bounty-the-legend-20080930033031996-000.jpg

  • #22: Dishonored

Dishonored Boxart

  • #21: Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs BoxartSleeping Dogs 50105622f49156dc139d78f0

  • #20: The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead -- Game of the Year Edition BoxartThe Walking Dead -- Game of the Year 5064dec9f49156dc139d9734

  • #19: Bulletstorm

Bulletstorm Boxartbulletstorm-20110221091740796-000.jpg

  • #18: Darksiders

Darksiders Boxartdarksiders-20100923043939949-000.jpg

  • #17: Bioshock Infinite


  • #16: Crysis Warhead

Hey...a PC exclusive!

Crysis Warhead Boxartcrysis-warhead-20080911053931130-000.jpg

  • #15: Civilization 5


Sid Meier's Civilization V BoxartCivilization 5 4fa6cb49cdc388ed13f4eab1

  • #14: Dragon Age 2

Dragon Age II Boxartdragon-age-ii-20110207043701185_1299601231-000.jpg

  • #13: Portal 2

Portal 2 Boxartportal-2-20110415070032366-000.jpg

  • #12: Diablo 3

Diablo III Boxart

  • #11: Batman Arkham City

Batman: Arkham City Boxartbatman-arkham-city-20111013064003994.jpg

Oooooooh.......the TOP TEN!!! Even she can't wait!


  • #10: Xcom Enemy Unknown

Goddamn Xcom is awesome.....I've replayed it 3 times. Maybe it should be higher.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown BoxartXCOM: Enemy Unknown 4fa6cb74cdc388ed13f66d40

  • #9: The Witcher

This series came out of nowhere and quickly became probably my favorite RPG franchise of the generation behind Mass Effect and maybe Dragon Age. Awesome main character and great style.

The Witcher Boxartthe-witcher-20071029071627784-000.jpgthe-witcher-20071029071619690-000.jpg

  • #8: Crysis

Crysis set the generation's graphics benchmark for YEARS...and it was a badass shooter too. This game blew me away when I booted it up on my new PC.

Crysis Boxartcrysis-20071112063702453-000.jpg

  • #7: Fallout New Vegas

Even Better than Fallout 3....Obsidian have a knack for taking someone else's shit and improving it.

Fallout: New Vegas Boxartfallout-new-vegas-20101019023751079-000.jpg

  • #6: Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 was another amazing game in Bioware's incredible franchise. While not the world changer ME2 was, this game came very close to at least matching it and even added in some great new characters.

Mass Effect 3 Boxartmass-effect-3-20120301044635700.jpg

  • #5: Deus Ex Human Revolution

This game was incredible, and a perfect sequel. Play any way you want, and do it in style. Great story and a beautiful world.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution BoxartDeus Ex: Human Revolution 4fa6cb69cdc388ed13f5da41

  • #4: The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim

Admittedly, I still haven't played as much of Skyrim as I want. But I played enough to know it will consume a large chunk of my time.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim BoxartSkyrim image

  • #3: The Witcher 2

The Witcher 2 was in some ways a better game than the original. And still one of the best looking games out there.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings BoxartThe Witcher 2 image

  • #2: Tomb Raider

Crystal Dynamics really managed to outdo themselves with this one. While quite different from past TR games, this adventure game is incredible and has some of the best atmosphere of the generation. Also insanely beautiful on the PC. The so called "definitive edition" is just a port of the high end PC version outside of changes to Lara's face. Crystal D, bring on a sequel...and a new Kain with this engine please?

Tomb Raider BoxartTomb Raider 4fcd085d369c327ad73a2f52

Somebody want to introduce #1?


Thank you.

  • #1: Dragon Age

Bioware really dominated this generation. The 1st Dragon Age was an incredible RPG, and one of the few games these days really designed FIRST for PC. This makes the PC version clearly better than the others in control, graphics, and frame rate, to the point where its almost a different game. After Mass Effect 2, this was the best thing Bioware did in this era.

Dragon Age: Origins BoxartDragon Age 4fa6cb37cdc388ed13f3cc24

Edited: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 05:55:07


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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 05:08:43

Pretty good list so far.


  • SMB Mix-Up! (1AB2-0000-0047-5A7D)
  • Storm the Castle (77BD-0000-00E0-A9C0)


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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 05:52:55

Thanks bro!

Edited: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 05:58:47


Country: GB
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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 11:23:53

Most of these are console games.

I always knew PC sucked. Nyaa

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 11:48:17
gamingeek said:

Most of these are console games.

I always knew PC sucked. Nyaa

Haha....well, most of them are PC games that also get made for consoles these days is a better way to put it.


Country: GB
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Thu, 05 Jun 2014 11:52:17

I don't know how you make platform specific lists when most of these games are on every platform (except Wii). How do you choose what game to put on what list? Maybe an exclusives list would be better and then a general multiplatform top 25?

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 12:15:00

I go by what I played them on....I explained this in the Xbox list.


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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:35:53

A lot of games are better than The Witcher apparently.

Country: GB
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Fri, 06 Jun 2014 17:12:22
edgecrusher said:

I go by what I played them on....I explained this in the Xbox list.

I know I'm just thinking out loud how I would do it or not. If you worked for a mag for instance you couldn't put multiformat games on one list but not on another.

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Fri, 06 Jun 2014 17:15:37

Heh, just bought DA through the PSN flash sale.

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