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Nintendo FY report - lets analyze the shit out of this.
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Wed, 07 May 2014 17:11:38

So the fiscal year report for Nintendo is out and its horrible as we expected. There is a ton to digest so lets get it all out there then break it down.

Key information:

Operating loss 46.4bn Yen, Net loss 23.2bn Yen.

Wii U at 6.17m shipped, forecast of 3.6m for the coming year. Q4 shipment of 0.31m. 2013/14 shipment, 2.72m vs 2.8m forecast

- Software at 32.28m, forecast of 20m for the coming year. 2013/14 software shipment, 18.86m vs 19m forecast

3DS at 43.33m shipped, forecast of 12m for the coming year. Q4 shipment of 0.59m. 2013/14 shipment, 12.24m vs 13.5m forecast

- Software at 162.92m, forecast of 67m for the coming year. 2013/14 software shipment, 67.89m vs 66m forecast

Cash and equivalents down from $4.7bn to $3.4bn, a drop of $1.3bn over the year.

46.4 billion yen = 454 million usd

23.2 billion yen = 228 million usd

Yes they lost a bunch of money we knew that. Their revised forcasts were still to high for most. What we need to focus on here is the forcast for next year. Nintendo is forcasting 3.6m Wii U's FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. That is realistic, but who the hell is that realistic. It shows Nintendo does not believe anything they will do will change the future of the wii U. They are flat out admitting it is done. With a predicted forcast of under 4 million we can assume there is no master plan to save the Wii U as is. They don't believe Kart or Smash is the answer either. Seems we are full steam ahead to QoL thingy.

Then there is the 3DS which is doing well but look at that forcast and the actuals, a million difference. 3DS sales are slumping, a downward trend this early on is not a good sign.

3DS hardware



Hardware       Ap-Jn    Jl-Sp    Oc-Dc    Ja-Mr      FY      LTD

FY 2010/11       -        -        -      3.61      3.61     3.61

FY 2011/12     0.71     2.36      8.36    2.10      13.53    17.13      

FY 2012/13     1.86     3.20      7.65    1.24      13.95    31.09

FY 2013/14     1.40     2.49      7.76       0.59     12.24    43.33

Not a good sign. Software though was booming, so 3DS owners are buying games, there just aren't as many new owners as they would like. Nintendo stayed conservative with 12m 3DS forcasted to ship this year, meaning they fully expect the 3DS to continue to trend downward which pretty much means we are seeing the last years of the 3DS. Nintendo needs to get the hell out of this generation of hardware as fast as possible, both are already sinking ships.

We got some software sales, these are nice numbers to have:

Wii U




The attach rate of NSMBU is insane. 3D world did well. Zelda did extremely well for being an HD port on a tiny userbase. Not sure how anything else is selling, no DK or Pikmin and of course W101, Sonic, Lego City are all laughable probably.  3DS has some monsters, the software sales has never been an issues. Luigi's Mansion is a huge success. I hope Zelda continues to sell, it needs to sell more than an OoT remake, come on. Animal Crossing is a monster, how did that get so big. Think about that, Sony has like one franchise that sells around 10 million and that is GT, Nintendo's like weird ass random franchse sells 10 million like nothing. No Halo has ever sold that much... Animal Crossing... weird.

So clearly software no issues. Hardware, holy fuck abandon ship.

Edited: Wed, 07 May 2014 17:17:14
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Wed, 07 May 2014 17:22:19

Lets take a look at Nintendo history now

Some on gaf crunched some numbers and got this

Attach Rates:

NES: 8.08

SNES: 7.72

N64: 6.83

GCN: 9.59

Wii: 8.86

Wii U: 5.23

GB/C: 4.22

GBA: 4.63

DS: 6.13

3DS: 3.76

Look at that Gamecube attach rate! And so much for the wii not selling games, their second highest attach rate ever, more than "the greatest system ever" SNES. Huh the portables don't do as well. Way more people just buy those for their kids and probably buy a game or two. DS did very well though.

If you remove the wii, every nintendo console had an almost steady decline

61.91 > 49.10 > 32.93 > 21.74 < 101.06 > 6.17

But Nintendo earned that wii explotion, I just wonder if they have any clue how to recreate it.

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Wed, 07 May 2014 17:29:32

Why would they have to recreate it? If we consider Wii numbers as an outlier, I'd say the forecast of anywhere between 20-35M units sold in its lifecycle would be consistent with Nintendo's history of home console sales.

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Wed, 07 May 2014 17:33:09
SteelAttack said:

Why would they have to recreate it? If we consider Wii numbers as an outlier, I'd say the forecast of anywhere between 20-35M units sold in its lifecycle would be consistent with Nintendo's history of home console sales.

I would assume they would want to recreate it. They made more money from that era than they made in their entire history. But yes right now a system selling 20-35 million should make them extatic.

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Wed, 07 May 2014 17:36:37

I don't know if they will ever be able to replicate a Wii-like success ever again. I don't even know if they should try and pursue that goal. Whatever confluence of factors that yielded the Wii explosion a few years ago, I don't think it'll be readily available again.

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Wed, 07 May 2014 17:40:09
SteelAttack said:

I don't know if they will ever be able to replicate a Wii-like success ever again. I don't even know if they should try and pursue that goal. Whatever confluence of factors that yielded the Wii explosion a few years ago, I don't think it'll be readily available again.

You are wrong.



I am totally with you.

Edited: Wed, 07 May 2014 17:41:27
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Wed, 07 May 2014 17:41:46

LOL Why the sad face? Don't you want some QOL improvement? Let's turn that frown upside down.

While I put a finger in the brown.

Did I just say that out loud?

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Wed, 07 May 2014 17:43:37

Jesus fucking Pokemans, 12M+ sales over a 40M install base is crazy.

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Wed, 07 May 2014 17:46:20

“1.29m were sold in America (down year-on-year from 1.52m), 890k in Japan (down from 920k) and just 55k (from 1.01m) throughout the whole of Europe.”

Wait 55k in Europe, as in 55,000? Not 550,000 but 55,000? Down from a million a year ago to 55k??? What in the fuck?!?!?

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Wed, 07 May 2014 17:47:45

It's like GG said, Europe is boning Nintendo while getting a rimjob from Sony. Well, he didn't say that last bit, but I thought it was fitting.

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Wed, 07 May 2014 17:47:59

My mind is in the gutter today.

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Wed, 07 May 2014 17:54:03
SteelAttack said:

My mind is in the gutter today.

I've noticed. LOL

Me likey Nyaa

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Wed, 07 May 2014 18:29:56

Zelda franchise sales in another language.

;" />

Pretty much stays in that 7-3 million range. With the added rereleases OoT is close to 10 million and WW is now closer to 6 million. Skyward Sword greatly underperformed.

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Wed, 07 May 2014 18:34:22


TP did great.

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Wed, 07 May 2014 18:35:21
SteelAttack said:


TP did great.

Deserved every bit of it.

And that is why you launch a system with a Zelda. Dumb Nintendo. Mario will make it's money whenever it comes out.

Edited: Wed, 07 May 2014 18:35:47
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Wed, 07 May 2014 18:36:06

Which systems didn't launch with a Zelda?

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Wed, 07 May 2014 18:43:43
SteelAttack said:

Which systems didn't launch with a Zelda?

Every system that wasn't the Wii


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 08 May 2014 00:06:13

I was going to try and put some positive spin on the Wii U numbers, but there just isn't any. I suppose the attach rate is okay for this stage of the game (we can probably assume around 4:1 at this point), but that's about it. I do think they'll beat their goal of 3.6 million for the fiscal year. I suspect it's artificially low so Iwata will be able to claim success next year. They're pushing Kart hard, and with the bundle and free game deal I think that will give the console a strong boost. MK Wii sold 35 million after all. If even 10% of the previous owners come back for it, that'll accomplish something. A price cut this holiday season could give the console strong boost too, and I don't see how they couldn't do that given the state of things.

As far the 3DS goes, I'm less worried about that. This year will see the Pokemon Sapphire and Ruby remake, Monster Hunter 4U, and a couple other big-in-Japan games that I can't remember the names of. And while it might not come out over the next fiscal year, I can't see DQ 11 on any other system other than the 3DS. There's nothing Nintendo can do to make it sell like the DS, but there's no reason why it still won't be the top selling game system in the world. It's important to remember that the original system hasn't had a price-cut since that first steep one 6 months after its launch, and the XL has never had a price-cut. These things are due, and once it happens there will be another big sales boost. And if I'm not mistaking, the 2DS has yet to launch in Japan. That'll be another big seller for Nintendo too whenever they decide to do it.

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Thu, 08 May 2014 01:01:54

Nintendo hit lightning in a bottle with the Wii and the whole motion fad. They should be smart enough to realise striking gold like that will never happen again. They tried to play some middle ground with the Wii U and aren't impressing anyone in the process.

They need to go back to playing the traditional game like they were doing on Gamecube, except really play hardball this time. Then be happy with the hard fought 30 million units they get out of it.

Unfortunately, they're going to try and come out with some handheld console hybrid which like the Wii U isn't going to be a hit with anyone and they'll be fucked again.


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Thu, 08 May 2014 01:12:24

I wish the U would receive some of these crazy games that the Wii received.  Where are the Trauma Centers? Zack and Wikis?  Mad worlds? Deadly Creatures type games?

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