Eurogamer: 9/10
Gametrailers 8.5/10
GameSpot 8/10
IGN - 8.0
Destructoid 8/10
Joystiq - 3.5/5
CVG 7/10
Game Informer - 7/10
Kotaku - Yes
Polygon 5.5/10 [Solid Snake with Soliton Radar edition]
edgecrusher said:You already finished the campaign? man.
Of course, it can be beat in an hour if you want. It's just a base with an objective.
I will say the scenarios that play out are amazing. I got caught with Paz between a tank and a bunch of shoulders so I had to figure out ways to get around it. Some failures involved me getting into another tank and having a tank battle. Or I got Paz into a truck but the tank spotted me and that ended quickly. There is so many options it's amazing.
Dvader said:I will say the scenarios that play out are amazing. I got caught with Paz between a tank and a bunch of shoulders so I had to figure out ways to get around it. Some failures involved me getting into another tank and having a tank battle. Or I got Paz into a truck but the tank spotted me and that ended quickly. There is so many options it's amazing.
You should have elbowed you're way through them.
Vader, how does this game look? Gaf was talking about how Infamous looked a good bit better.
I still haven't even picked this up...its actually hard to find for some reason.
travo said:Vader, how does this game look? Gaf was talking about how Infamous looked a good bit better.
It is beautiful but there are little things from last gen you notice all around. I am sure Infamous will be better looking.
I thought the initial reveal was supposed to be the greatest graphics ever seen? Does it match that?
gamingeek said:I thought the initial reveal was supposed to be the greatest graphics ever seen? Does it match that?
Cutscenes are unbelievable. But there is just certain models, not characters, objects that look last gen. The graphics are stunning, animations could use work in the actual game.
I just finished this.....its really fun and different, but still feels like Metal Gear. Certain things they changed baffle me, like how when you put someone to sleep the ZZz's don't float through the air anymore....they just stay flat and boring. But I like Sutherland's voice, it gives Big Boss a different feel from Solid Snake like he SHOULD have considering its a different person. That was one of my only complaints about Snake Eater, was that it seemed like you were playing as Solid Snake even though you're not.
I like the controls...I set it to shooter mode which basically just puts reloading on the Square button, and it works great. Didn't have any issues at all with controls. Graphics are nice but it doesn't blow you away. IDK, maybe I've been numbed to graphics over the last few years because even great looking stuff like Titanfall doesn't totally wow me. I tend to be more impressed by just great art design rather than technical prowess. Something has to set a totally new level to really blow me away technically lately. Ground Zeroes looks really good, but not incredible. Maybe the Phantom Pain will be even better looking?
As for the price, total ripoff at $30....its basically a long demo, or a short DLC add-on. Not even expansion pak worthy. Konami must need money really bad right now I guess. $15 would have been about right for this...and even that's a bit steep.
Gotta go back and check out some of the little side ops. Can't wait for Phantom Pain!
edgecrusher said:As for the price, total ripoff at $30....its basically a long demo, or a short DLC add-on. Not even expansion pak worthy. Konami must need money really bad right now I guess. $15 would have been about right for this...and even that's a bit steep.
Konami maybe should have included it with Lord of Shadows 2. Maybe that would have driven some genuine sales for the game.
This is going to sound stupid but I think putting he credits after the main mission hurts the value of this game. I have to say hitting that credits screen even after knowing it would be over fast felt so wrong. There is something about credits that make you feel "it's done".
there should have been no credits until you 100% the game. After the main mission it simply tells you finish all missions to see the true ending. Maybe then everyone wouldn't act like the game has just one mission.
There might be a reason people think it has only one mission.
though I've haven't played GZ. I do agree. Maybe the credits could show some Easter egg or future info on MGSV after being unlocked.
Its stupid to have credits in a demo period.
This really should be included with the Phantom Pain...its basically the opening mission just like the Tanker from MGS2 or the Operation whatever the fuck its called from MGS3. They should include this in the package, because people that don't play this will be like "the fuck is going on here"?
Just finished the story mission.
Credits are rolling (who knew it took this many people to make a demo
" src="" /> ). Gameplay seems like a lot of fun but I had little time to really mess around. The controls take some getting used to, I was always pressing the wrong button to do things. Shooting feels a little better than MGS4 but its about the same. Animations seem to be taken from MGS3, its really jarring in a game that looks this good. Vehicles are a blast.
New mechanics like tagging work well, the environment is so huge that its needed to keep track of everyone. Just wait till you are in between tents and you cant see a thing, you will feel so vulnerable. The reflex mode is a life saver, cant tell you how many times I had no clue someone saw me from behind or the side. Even though you get a small window if you have the wrong weapon out you are screwed. I like what they did with search lights and how light matters in general.
I hate what they have done with the codec, it started with kind of taking away the fun of it with MGS4, now its just a tutorial it seems. From the little I played it seems to be missing all the funny humor you get from noticing or doing odd little things. That is what scares me the most, that the little details will go missing for a big giant game.
The story is mostly pointless, Boss hardly even talks. I cant even tell you how Sutherland is, he has like 10 lines. The main mission took me 77 minutes and I was doing terrible with all sorts of messing around. I think 77 minutes does not include restarts cause it was more like 1 hour 40 minutes total time for me.
I wont be able to get into the meat of the game till later in the week. Seems to have a ton of stuff to unlock.