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Official Resident Evil Revelaitons thread of 3D lock-picking
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Mon, 30 Jan 2012 11:58:50

Did you guys order the box with the second analog thingymajik or just the game?


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Mon, 30 Jan 2012 14:54:27


It's going to be hard getting used to gyro aiming with thumbstick aiming. It's cool in a game like RE but I don't think it would be workable in a FPS.

So Wii U games might have trouble. I think it's because they aren't using a bounding box.

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Thu, 02 Feb 2012 05:29:20
bugsonglass said:

Did you guys order the box with the second analog thingymajik or just the game?

Both. Should be an...interesting experience.

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Thu, 02 Feb 2012 15:57:56

Game get.

Graphics are great. Production values up the wazoo. Audio is especially great, the 3DS speakers have really high quality sound. The volume isn't loud but the actual quality and 3D effect is great.

Sometimes the game looks better in 3D, other times its so jaggy I need to switch it off. It's paced very well, it is essentially an REmake style game with a different camera angle.

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Thu, 02 Feb 2012 16:07:27

This game makes me want a 3ds...but then I think of the possible Wii U port at some point. Oh the humanity. Jill's tits look wonderful.


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Thu, 02 Feb 2012 16:30:27

Oh yeah, it's a proper RE game. I know you hear that alot but it really hits home when you play it. This could very well be called RE6 and no one would bat an eye lid. It's paced and produced just like a mainline home console game.

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Thu, 02 Feb 2012 21:50:23

Played an hour so far, completed the first two episodes. Enjoying it so far - pretty much is a Resident Evil title that's been translated well to the handheld style - "scenes" aren't too long, looks great, has quite a bit of voice acting. Only real problem is (and admittedly, it's probably because of how early I am) is that the creatures you fight shit me to tears - perhaps it's because they take so much damage or that they no-sell a lot of stuff...but it's a pain to shoot stuff at the moment. At least on the ship.

As for the Circle Pad Pro stuff, works a charm. Takes a little getting used to at first (considering how much it adds onto the system), but I can't see myself playing RE any other way.

Should post more once I can get some StreetPass stuff going.

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Fri, 03 Feb 2012 09:57:14

Completed to near the end of episode 3.

Darth the ship sections are deliberately paced like old school RE horror. The Chris and Parker bits so far are more like RE4 and 5, tons of ammo, different enemies, even a faster turn and running speed it seems and larger areas.

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Fri, 03 Feb 2012 10:09:08

Played more RE Revelations.

At first I thought it was traditional REmake type game as that is what the demo is like and most of the ship section. But the other episodes have all the gung ho RE4/5 type stuff you could want, tons of ammo, larger areas, faster movement, grenades and stuff. You get a good mix of old school and modern RE in this game.

Also the demo will really fuck you up if you played it a lot like me. LOL When you play that section in the game you start on the other side of the level and everything happens similarly but differently which messes with your mind. Also the aliasing is much better in the game compared to the demo, the same area looks noticibly cleaner in the retail game in 3D then the demo did.

The episodic structure is a double edged sword. On the one hand you lose that one big RE world feeling. On the other hand you get new characters, new and more diverse locations and even a better told story that isn't just localised to the area you are currently in.

There are a couple of frame rate hiccups in the game but nothing noteworthy or enough to worry about. So far there has only been one minor puzzle, the lock picking bit. The game is pretty great and the 3D really adds a lot. I tried turning it off a few times for better frame rate and aliasing but it seems so much more vivid and alive in 3D.

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Fri, 03 Feb 2012 20:24:32
gamingeek said:

Played more RE Revelations.

At first I thought it was traditional REmake type game as that is what the demo is like and most of the ship section. But the other episodes have all the gung ho RE4/5 type stuff you could want, tons of ammo, larger areas, faster movement, grenades and stuff. You get a good mix of old school and modern RE in this game.

Also the demo will really fuck you up if you played it a lot like me. LOL When you play that section in the game you start on the other side of the level and everything happens similarly but differently which messes with your mind. Also the aliasing is much better in the game compared to the demo, the same area looks noticibly cleaner in the retail game in 3D then the demo did.

The episodic structure is a double edged sword. On the one hand you lose that one big RE world feeling. On the other hand you get new characters, new and more diverse locations and even a better told story that isn't just localised to the area you are currently in.

There are a couple of frame rate hiccups in the game but nothing noteworthy or enough to worry about. So far there has only been one minor puzzle, the lock picking bit. The game is pretty great and the 3D really adds a lot. I tried turning it off a few times for better frame rate and aliasing but it seems so much more vivid and alive in 3D.

Specifically when you're in elevators right? That's where all the hiccups happen to me.

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Fri, 03 Feb 2012 23:04:02

I hate you all. Nyaa

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Sat, 04 Feb 2012 09:11:40
Dvader said:

I hate you all. Nyaa

Love you too.

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Sat, 04 Feb 2012 12:09:53
darthhomer said:

Specifically when you're in elevators right? That's where all the hiccups happen to me.

Yeah and in specific rooms. It's when the game is loading the next area. There is nothing to do in these rooms or elevators anyway so as long as you don't try and walk about you're fine.

I got to the first boss, nice setup with explosive canisters, multi-leveled with stuff to jump over, lots of enemies and ammo.

This game can do re4 type scenarios as well as REmake style gameplay.

Some large areas too and in 2D with the better aliasing it's like Vita graphics most of the time. I'm quite impressed with this game. I got more used to the gyro aiming too, it works well but unless there was a bounding box you couldn't use it in a game where you were constantly moving and shooting like a FPS.

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Sat, 04 Feb 2012 13:31:12

Oh yeah the way the game handles the second character is exactly how I want it in RE5.

Your partner is virtually invunerable, he/she doesn't tend to do the work for you. You don't have to do any rescues or swapping ammo bullshit or equipping them with weapons. They are essentially set dressing.

If capcom released a new version of RE5 where the NPC acted like this I would buy it.

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Sun, 05 Feb 2012 10:44:57

Played more RE Revelaitons last night.

Second boss was awesome. Usually RE bosses are powerhouses who you run from. The second boss has you hunting it and it appears like a batshit crazy screaming maniac and your heart is in your mouth but you also feel empowered as you are on the offensive. laugh

The game is muuuuch better than I was expecting. It has some inventive set pieces and some suprisingly new stuff thrown in to keep you off kilter. A cruise ship is an almost ideal setting for a RE game. You have the mansion like parts, but also casinos and tight battleship style bits as well as hotel lavish like areas. Then you have poseidon adventure type areas Grinning

At this point I think it has overtaken RE5 as the better game but that depends on how much the dual character mechanic bothered you in RE5.

But, ignoring that I like the setting and the story better in this game as well as the pacing. It's not just a free for all shoot em up, it mixes styles very well. Also the ship is the persistent environment, I was worried about the episodic structure breaking up the game too much but the ship is persistent i.e if you end in one area of the ship a chapter later you will start at that exact point so you get continuity and one big RE environment there.

But then the episodic structure allows them to tell the story much better, it doesn't just have a couple of characters in a small environment. The game is a globe trotter and the story is told in natural flow and it's very logical and enjoyable to watch. And very funny too at parts. I have seen some reviews complain about the RE cheese but that is a part of the series IMO and makes RE, RE.

There are two new funny characters who I hope aren't killed, they are like mid-20s homeboys and this sort of rap beat plays when they are on screen and they are like dude this, dude that. Very endearing and different than the usual po-faced Jill and Chris.

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Sun, 05 Feb 2012 12:41:33

Thanks for the impressions GG.  I'm still not sure whether the game is for me yet.  I will read what you say when you play more.

I'm really not an RE fan however much I try.  Even REmake which is considered really good, I couldn't bring myself to play.  On the other hand I absolutely loved RE4.  Totally one of the best games I ever played.  But it seems more and more like that was the exception to the rule


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Sun, 05 Feb 2012 14:21:06

I'm sold on this game, but funds are pretty low at the moment.  Rayman was bought with games that I traded in.  Maybe after payday....or tax returns.

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Sun, 05 Feb 2012 15:55:55

Just unlocked and tried Raid mode.

So essentially there are missions to complete during the single player campaign these are acheivements and you can unlock raid more missions or get special items for doing them.

Raid mode is a timed mission you run into an area from start to end where there is a gold gong to smash. You can choose characters, equip and upgrade weapons, get points to spend at a shop. Even level up your characters. You can play this mode solo or local or online.

It's pretty decent and will be a lot of fun once the main mission is done.

bugsonglass said:

Thanks for the impressions GG.  I'm still not sure whether the game is for me yet.  I will read what you say when you play more.

I'm really not an RE fan however much I try.  Even REmake which is considered really good, I couldn't bring myself to play.  On the other hand I absolutely loved RE4.  Totally one of the best games I ever played.  But it seems more and more like that was the exception to the rule

The older games with fixed viewpoints where harder to love.

Revelaitions feels more like a RE4 follow up in some ways than RE5 did. It just seems more naturally RE and not just action for the sake of action. It's camera and controls and basic gameplay systems are very much like RE4 but it doesn't have the elaborate setpieces and superb level design RE4 had. It has glimpses of that here and there and there is plenty of action. But the other parts of the game are tension, exploration and deft pacing, even slow pacing at times to make the game feel more like a proper survival horror game. Also there are some very inventive parts of the game which I hesistate to spoil.

And also there are some enemies you can't even really kill without the right weapons so you have to dash and run rather than sit and shoot.

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Sun, 05 Feb 2012 18:49:25

Sounds good GG, I will get it tomorrow.

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Mon, 06 Feb 2012 15:11:36

Second swimming bit is tough because of the map.

They have a 3D Metroid style map but its pretty crap and hard to use.

Also, strangely the sniper rifle is hard to use with 3D turned on. You have the reticule at the front and then the 3D level behind it. It makes it difficult to aim right. In 2D it's no problem.

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