Forum > Gaming Discussion > Official Sony E3 2010 conference thread.
Official Sony E3 2010 conference thread.
Tue, 15 Jun 2010 20:06:43
Where are my 3D glasses.

That guerilla guy had weird evil eyebrows. He looked like a bond villain.
is he telling me I can't enjoy KZ3 until I get a $xxxx 3D HDTV? 

LOL The applauses and noise from the crowd fell to a dead silence when the Shaun White title was announced.
My stream froze, which works well?
Firstly, my feed just froze. Secondly what is Kaz saying here? That in order to enjoy all these games properly I have to buy a £3000 new TV when I just upgraded to HD?
It's retarded.
Thirdy, my feed just froze
Lol it started again after it was over.
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