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Official VG Press GoTY thread! The Results are in!!!!!
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Thu, 23 Dec 2010 21:40:50

Vote tally so far












Okay guys before voting please read the rules

Not following the rules will get your vote instantly disqualified.

The rules:

1) We are going to keep it simple. Just give your top 3. The first ranked gave will get 3 points, the second ranked game will get 2 points and the third rank game will get 1 point. The points will be tallied and the winner will be chosen.

2) All game that were released in 2010 are eligible. If a game is released in any region, in the year 2010,  you can vote for it.

3) You vote by PMing me your top 3. This is very important. Don't put your vote in this thread. This will get you disqualified. This is done to get rid of strategic voting. I will put all the votes in this thread after the due date of submissions has passed. This way you can all check if I did my job correctly.

4) Because VG Press is slow in buying new games, such is the way of the hobo,  the due date of submissions is 14th January. My time.

5) So no discussions about GoTY here, before 14th January. If I catch you, your vote will be disqualified.

So guys, do you agree with these rules?

If we are in agreement, I will lock this thread and open it up on January 15th.

Edited: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 09:48:50
The VG Press
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Thu, 23 Dec 2010 21:55:49

Sure, I'm in.

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Thu, 23 Dec 2010 23:17:22

I'm in too.

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Thu, 23 Dec 2010 23:32:16

Jan 14th, perfect, I will send it in.

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Fri, 24 Dec 2010 00:20:22

Okay, that'll give me plenty of time to beat Bayonetta too.

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Fri, 24 Dec 2010 00:33:57


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Fri, 24 Dec 2010 12:41:35

Okay that gives me time to look over my collection. I know 2 of the 3.

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Fri, 24 Dec 2010 12:42:49
Iga_Bobovic said:

3) You vote by PMing me your top 3. This is very important. Don't put your vote in this thread. This will get you disqualified. This is done to get rid of strategic voting. I will put all the votes in this thread after the due date of submissions has passed. This way you can all check if I did my job correctly..

This reminds me of the hidden voting for the site name, I don't think anyone chose VGpress. Nyaa It's a fix up! I trust ye not Iggly!

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Fri, 24 Dec 2010 16:10:01
gamingeek said:

This reminds me of the hidden voting for the site name, I don't think anyone chose VGpress. Nyaa It's a fix up! I trust ye not Iggly!

You're right, nobody did.  Because there wasn't a vote.  We voted for Insert Coin, and everyone bitched.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Fri, 24 Dec 2010 19:27:07
Yodariquo said:

You're right, nobody did.  Because there wasn't a vote.  We voted for Insert Coin, and everyone bitched.

Ah, Insert Coin.

I found another website called that.

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Sun, 26 Dec 2010 03:58:59

I voted for bat anii and I still say it's a better title. Not liked we'd get weirder googles to the site either! Nyaa

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Tue, 28 Dec 2010 17:41:39
Foolz said:

I voted for bat anii and I still say it's a better title. Not liked we'd get weirder googles to the site either! Nyaa

So did I.

Lair of the...

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Fri, 31 Dec 2010 19:49:11

Okay, I have already received PMs from Archy, Robio, Travo and Steel.

Guys if you want to get your votes counted, send me a PM.

I will not count your lists or your post in other threads as a vote. PM = vote, no PM = nothing

No rush, people, we have to January the 14th.

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 21:27:45

The people that voted so far:







Remember voting last until January 14th. You can still change your vote if you want.

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Mon, 03 Jan 2011 19:32:20

I am going to attempt to finish RDR by then see if it changes anything.

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Tue, 11 Jan 2011 20:32:46

Guys, you have until Friday to vote.






and the rest.


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Wed, 12 Jan 2011 13:20:52

Homer, Yoda, Agnates.

Vote dammit.

Updated the vote tally

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Fri, 14 Jan 2011 12:36:19

Homer you are supposed to PM me not put it here. I have written it down. Don't worry although I deleted your post, your vote still counts.

Edited: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 12:36:37
The VG Press
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Fri, 14 Jan 2011 12:37:48

The last day that is open for voting, Bugsy, Yoda, Agnates. Vote dammit

The VG Press
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Sat, 15 Jan 2011 09:47:33

The results are in and the official VG Press GoTY is (drum roll)......................................


It was close, both Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Red Red Redemption had the same ammount of points. But Red Dead Redemption had more number one spots than Galaxy 2 and further more 3 list had both Red Dead Redemption and Galaxy 2 in it. Galaxy was higher in one list (Vader), Red Dead Redemption higher in the other two (Leo, Travo).

Some of you might wonder, why the hell did I not vote? Well the rule was that the voting would be anonymously. This is done so that we get rid of strategic voting. So no one would be allowed to see each others vote. Well I saw all your votes, so according to my own rules I cannot vote. Next time I will vote first before I read the PMs.


1. Red Dead Redemption     11 points

2. Super Mario Galaxy 2         11 points

3. Dragon Quest IX                   5 points

4. Halo Reach                           4 points (one first place ranking)

4. Yakuza 3                                4 points (one first place ranking)

5. Mass Effect 2                        4 points (two second place rankings)

6. Red Steel 2                           4 points (1 first place ranking, but only because Raven played only one 2010 game)

7. GoldenEye 007                     3 points

7. Nier                                          3 points

8. Korg DS-10 plus                   2 points

8. Deadly Premonition             2 points

8. Donkey Kong Country Re   2 points

8. Pac-Man CE: DX                    2 points

8. Blazblue Continuum Shift   2 points

9. Endless Ocean 2                  1 point

9. Call of Duty Black Ops          1 point

9. NFS: Hot Pursuit                     1 point

Here is the voting of each individual

Homer  1. Nier 2. Blazblue Continuum Shift 3. NFS: Hot Pursuit

Foolz 1. Yakuza 2 2. Korg DS-10 plus 3. Red Steel 2

aspro 1. SMG2 2. Deadly Premonition 3. Yakuza 3

Dvader 1. Super Mario Galaxy 2 2. Red Dead Redemption 3. God of War 3

Ravenprose 1. Red Steel 2

gamingeek 1. Goldeneye 2. SMG2 3. Endless Ocean 2

phantom_leo 1. Red Dead Redemption 2. Dragon Quest IX 3. SMG2

SteelAttack 1. Red Dead Redemption 2. Mass Effect 2 3. Halo Reach

Travo 1. Red Dead Redemption 2. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3. Super Mario Galaxy 2

Robio 1. Dragon Quest 9 2. Pac-Man CE: DX 3. SMG2

Archangel3371 1. Halo Reach 2. Mass Effect 2 3. Call of Duty: Black Ops

Edited: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 09:48:31
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