Okami completion stats
I think I'm 20 hrs in or so. I lost the will to play it. I beat Oni island. How much is left?
Congrats. As much as I liked Okami I couldn't force myself to finish it. I got past the big Orochi battle, and attended the big festival in town. To me that was enough. I enjoyed it, and it was a perfect place to end things. I made it to the sunken ship, and the next town (the one besieged by poison or something), but just couldn't get interested enough to keep playing.
Yeah, it could have ended there and I'd have been satisfied. But I enjoyed the game enough that I had no problem with it going on even longer.
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Recently Spotted:
robio (8m)
Play Time: 46 hr 16 min 47 sec
Days Passed: 58
Saves: 105
Deaths: 2
Enemies Defeated: 330
Money Gained: 2818285 Yen
Demon Fangs Found: 80
Praise Earned: 2682
I'm surprised at the amount of stuff the game
tracks. I didn't realize my deaths were being tracked, because the game
doesn't show them off prominently on the save screen like Zelda games
do. And I had no idea it would be tracking the amount of days that
passed or the number of saves I created.
I thought I had earned a fair bit of praise, but apparently I
only actually got a minimal amount of praise. There were still a lot of
animals that I hadn't fed yet, and there's probably other stuff I
missed too.