Great idea for a thread. I agree it was terrible how games on the DL services were all but completely neglected. I don't have as many as I would like but from what I remember off the top of my head:
- Braid
- Riff: Everyday Shooter
- Shatter
- Pixeljunk Shooter
- Critter Crunch
- Limbo
- Lost Winds
- Lost Winds 2
- Icarian Kindred Spirits (NyxQuest)
- Swords & Soldiers
- World of Goo
- Bit Trip. Beat
- Cave Story
Looks like it could be any other shooter out there, right?
...It can at times, but how many Shooters throw THOUSANDS of Enemies, Bullets, Missles and other Projectiles at you at once?!
Don't worry! You're no slouch, either!
The BEAUTY of Bangai-O is waiting until the veeeery last minute to release YOUR payload BACK at your enemies! The trick is, depending on how many bullets are on the screen, you will fire back MORE missles yourself --and-- IF they are within a tiny area around your character, the size of your missles will grow! I think you can shoot up to a Thousand back at once! The ensuing carnage is something you simply WON'T experience anywhere else!
This being from the makers it is from, of course that's not IT... You have melee attacks to deflect enemy attacks, a DASH to stun them too... You have Multiple TYPES of Ammunition, ranging from Homing to Bouncing to Missles that explode upon impact, damaging all enemies caught within the Blast Radius...
...Oh! And there's FRUIT... Lots and lots of fruit! Apples, Oranges, Cherries and Melons...
Well, this IS a Treasure game, afterall! You know it just --HAS TO-- be HARDCORE and WACKY thru and thru! It's the PERFECT pick up and play downloadable game, simply because almost every single level is a fun, frantic "OK just how do I SURVIVE this?" Puzzle! The levels can last seconds, they can last several minutes. You almost never know what's waiting around the next corner for you: Giant Mechs? Check! A billion swarming spaceships at once? Check! A Humongous ANT? Yupper!
OMG!! What's THAT?!? Oh... It's just a Strawberry...! Yup, definitely a Treasure game! Check it out!
Giant Bosses
Ikaruga Light/Dark Bullet Hell Gameplay
"Chozo" Temples where you get Special Powers
Alright, maybe Bangai-O is a little too quirky for some (Snobs!) but Outland is a game EVERYONE should be talking about. It has something old (simpliciy of a 16-bit classic), something new (beautiful, colorful, stylized, HD-graphics), something borrowed (Ikaruga+Metroid+Prince of Persia), and something blue (alternate colors between [Light] Blue and [Darkness] Red). It is, quite literally, the marriage of many incredible game concepts into one incredible game! It also weaves a tale that mimics that of a Zelda game (Hero of Time returns to undo the damage to the world caused by Tormented Goddesses).
The Graphics are so simple, but so stylized. They are very organic, but very fluid. The colors can be both MUTED and the Red/Blue STAND-OUT all at the same time...
The Drum Beats and Music fit so well...
...but above all it controls like a dream! As in any bullet shooter where precision is KEY, the developers of this game got its controls SPOT ON! Jump from a ledge, landing near a floating enemy, swipe upwards with your sword to knock it into the air, slide into it, killing it as it falls to the ground, just avoiding the damaging bullets flying your way... ALL in one smooth motion. Let me say it one more time: THE CONTROLS ARE FLAWLESS! They NEED to be, due to the nature of the game, but they went above and beyond here. There's something so satisfying in the sword strikes, wall jumps and slide mechanic... it actually SURPASSES the games it tries to pay homage to!
If you like Metroid, try it. If you like Prince or Persia (Classic), try it! If you like Ikaruga, try it! If you like Metroid-Vania games, try it. If you are just looking for something QUALITY to play, JUST. TRY. IT!
It has been out for a while on 360 and it's critical praise has been GREAT. It will be coming out on PS3 next week. Thanks to the PSN downtime, it was delayed tremendously, but don't let the deluge of catch-up releases distract you into forgetting this one! It's one of the best downloadable games out there right now!
I am in the process of playing Outland right now, this very weekend. As I experience more of the game, I will add to this topic. Spoiler-free, of course! There's a few cool elements to the gameplay which seem like they would be common place but are executed so well, it makes the game THAT much more enjoyable to play: Fighting with a Sword in this game feels good. It's not just strike, strike. You also have an upwards swipe that will launch enemies in the air with potential to stun them and juggle them. VERY satisfying mechanic! You eventually get slide and ground pound techniques. Sliding into an enemy can kill it outright, but if it is strong enough, you'll do damage and then a backwards flip, temporarily stunning the enemy in the process. Ground pounding staggers enemies for a second or two, too, allowing for some quick, free shots.
One of the things I like so much in this game is also one of the simplest touches: You get heart pick-ups to refill your health during the stages. If you don't need them, or just feel like you can get by without all of your life filled, you can hit them three times for gold coins instead. One of the things I didn't mention before is you can find Health Shrines where you can purchase additional Hearts for your life meter (Heart Containers).
One other thing I didn't mention before: Switching your color isn't ONLY a defensive mechanic. Red and Blue platforms and switches are scattered throughout the stages. They can only be activated while you are the correct color. Many platforming sections have you leaping from differently colored platforms and lifts, changing colors mid-leap while ALSO making you watch for bullets flying your way of varying colors too. All of this may sound daunting, but AGAIN the controls are SOOO well done, you never feel like it is unfair. This is a precise, perfectly tuned game that makes you feel entirely in control, thus you have NO ONE to blame but yourself when you mess up! QUALITY!
In true Metroidian style, you'll encounter Obstacles you don't have the matching skill for as of yet, that you can return to later thru the Hub World known as the CrossRoads. There are things such as Launch Pads (a-la Ecclesia) and Teleporters I have been finding throughout the stages that I cannot access yet, but I am looking forward to seeing where they lead once I get those skills! VERY. COOL!
I lost a bunch of XBL games when my first 360 died, so since then I've stayed away from DLs.
Back when they were still denying red ring they would let you re-download the games (you had to do it over the phone one by one), but you had to be connected to XBL in order to play them (if you were not connected they just showed up as trial games). Then, when my second 360 died they would not let me transfer then to the third, so I bailed on the whole scene.
The exception I made was the VC on Wii. There were a few select titles I did not have that I wanted to "own", things like the SNES Harvest Moon, and then someone generously gave me the N64 Sin and Punishment. Y's 1 and 2 for Turbografx. Now that I'm not getting a Wii U, I'm seriously thinking about going through VC to make sure I get what I can while I can.
I have a one track mind. SHOCKING! I know, but I'm not talking about in the way that you would think normally! I loves me my Metroid-Vania games! Shantae is no exception to the rule, rather it's a SHINING example! From WayForward games, a company that is known for taking existing Licenses and turning them into beautifully animated games (Batman: The Brave and The Bold, A Boy and His Blob, Contra 4)... but Shantae is a creation ALL their own and their love of their little franchise shows!
Shantae is colorful. Shantae is animated beautifully... She's a belly-dancing Genie, How could they NOT animate this game well?! The graphics and character portraits look as if they are taken from a Saturday morning cartoon, but, I assure you, this is all original stuff! Shantae is even a throwback to the heroes of the 16-bit era in the sense that she just has that ATTITUDE... kinda like that speedy blue dude with the red-sneakers...
Her adventure is ALL Metroid-Vania concepts though! She uses her HAIR as a Primary Weapon (a-la a The Whip), but can purchase Secondary Weapons such as a Fireball or a Smiley-face Storm Cloud that Throws Lightning Down at her foes! These are great for the fighting action and the Bosses, or Barons as they are known in the game --BUT-- it's Shantae's Transformation Dances that provide the Exploration Skills (Morph Ball) in this adventure! I haven't gotten many, just one to be honest, but I know there are a few. The Monkey I have now allows you to climb most walls. As in any game of this type, you'll notice things juuust out of reach and need to make mental notes of just where to return to upon getting said skills. Backtracking happens a bit, yeah, but I have an extremely high-tolerance for it in games like this one!
It's part exploration. It's part 16-bit style Platforming Action, but it's ALL fun. It's sooo colorful and sooo light-hearted, you can't help but fall in Love! I only played a tiny, tiny bit of the original GameBoy Color Shantae game, but I am now regretting it GREATLY; how could I have allowed myself to miss a game of this style?! Guess there's always the 3DS e-Shop!! Here's hoping!! C'mon WayForward: MAKE. IT. SO!
Here's what I got:
- World of Goo
- Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
- NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits
- Bit.Trip Beat
- Defend Your Castle
- Lost Winds
- Learning with the PooYoos: Episode 1
- Learning with the PooYoos: Episode 2
- The Magic Obelisk
- Art Style: Orbiant
- Art Style: light trax
- Bit. Trip Runner
- Jett Rocket
- Rage of the Gladiator
- Harvest Moon: My Little Fucking Shop
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again!
- Paper Airplane Chase
- Art Style: Pictobits
- Art Style: Boxlife
- Dragon Quest Wars
- Pro-Putt Domo
- Photo Dojo
- Game & Watch: Mario's Cement Factory
- The Oregon Trail
- Looksley's Line Up
- Dark Void Zero
- Flower
- Pac-Man CE
- Bionic Commando Rearmed
- Namco Museum Essentials
- The Undergarden
- Acceleration of Suguri X
- Crazy Taxi
So there ya go. I'll go into more detail with reviews for some of the better games (and some of the pure crap ones) another time.
I was just about to say: "Someone else can post in this topic too, ya know!"
Bugsie did, I do know that, but it seems like I've been talking to myself in here!
Downloadable games have been increasing in quality very, very steadily in the last two years, to the point where they rival retail, disc-based games lately, yet they seem to be mostly ignored! This is a completey untapped corner of the video game market and needs to be explored more! I'd like to hear some descriptions of some of the games YOU ALL have been playing too!
Here's mine:
Lost Winds
World of Goo
Shadow Complex (Best downloadable title ever)
LIMBO-I still need to finish this.
Braid-This too!
TMNT:The Arcade Game
Castle Crashers(One of the best multiplayer experiences ever)
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
Nothing yet, but Flower is on the horizon.
I'm also planning to pick up Trials HD, 'Splosion Man and Outland sooner rather than later. There's just too many other games on my plate for the moment.
I shall now take a moment to pimp out Rage of the Gladiator.
The game is excellent. For anyone who likes Punch Out! and wishes they could have more, consider this your fantasy/medieval equivelent. There are a few notable differences though that set the two games apart. Punch-Out is a more polished experience. The characters look a little nicer, animations are smoother, and there's a little more unpredictability in Punch-Out - characters change up their attacks a little more often than in Gladiator. The Punch-Out roster is a little more consistant too. There's not an uninteresting opponent in Punch-Out, while Gladiator is more hit or miss.
However , Gladiator does a few different things than Punch-Out that really makes it stand out. First and foremost there's a skill tree; increase you strength, increase your defense, get a different knock-out attack, health regen, etc. The skill tree adds an extra dimension to it, though nothing too radical. At the end of the day the fight will still be won or lost by how well you fight. Additionally Rage offers something of a story... nothing real interesting, but there's more than just a tournament at stake. ANd while the opponent roster is hit or miss, the hits are outstanding. For instance there's a beholder/flying eyeball monster that is amazingly well done and is a fight unlike anything you'll find in Punch-Out.
So if you've got 1000 points or $10 check out this game. Totally worth it.
Thank you for that!
Now PLEASE fix the Pac Man CE: Championship Edition DX in your list, as it is driving me nuts!
The more I play Outland, the more I am floored by it. Such an incredible game for a downloadable! It does nearly everything PERFECT! The action, exploration and control is completely spot-on! For those worried about getting lost in a "Metroid" style game, the map directs you exactly where you need to go, checkpoint by checkpoint. Back tracking isn't necessary yet, but you'll find yourself going off the beaten path to find the extra collectibles and urns full of coins to purchase health and magic upgrades. If you think Shadow Complex was the best game of this style available for DL, think again! This game is longer and better!
It actually comes out TODAY on PSN too! Seriously, grab it!
i really want Outland. Think i will get it on PSN as i have a points card
Seeing how Downloadable Games were treated at the last E3 has me kinda bummed at their neglect. Let's hype them up a bit, shall we?
What games have you gents downloaded to what systems? I'll first list 'em, then I'll explain what I saw in them later on!