I had PSO on Dreamcast. Played it alone.
Man it was.... it was... an.... experience?
I can play those games alone --or-- online with others! Either way, i get very easily addicted to the loot and weapon/mag upgrade-gameplay style.
I'm 85% positive that I actually played PSO Online on the DC with Vader years and years ago before I really knew anyone all that well on GameSpot. Had the phone line connection on my DC modem, had the keyboard... That was before the world even had coined the term MMORPG! Good times, good times...!
phantom_leo said:I can play those games alone --or-- online with others! Either way, i get very easily addicted to the loot and weapon/mag upgrade-gameplay style.
I'm 85% positive that I actually played PSO Online on the DC with Vader years and years ago before I really knew anyone all that well on GameSpot. Had the phone line connection on my DC modem, had the keyboard... That was before the world even had coined the term MMORPG! Good times, good times...!
How can you tell it was Vader? He kept trying to hit you with the lightsabre thing right?
I have slight recollections of having conversations with Vader about PSO on GS. I remember his name as being one of the few other people that was as addicted to it as I was. I know I definitely played with one or two people from GS; Vader would have been the likeliest candidate.
[ Besides I remember this guy being obsessive about his Sonic the Hedgehog mag! It HAD to be Vader! ]
*I just added that last part!*
...You know what though...? I DO remember someone being extremely excited about Sonic being in there...
Maybe it was Vader...(?)
As for this game, Bayonetta is stealing most of my time. I need to know what time you usually play. I am level 21 right now.

Also, I sold my PSZero copy. Didn't want to but I had to for Darksiders and Bayonetta. I'm a hobo right now, so I had to sell some stuff.
But I do want to get it again. But first I need Sands of Destruction and Glory of Heracles.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I can absolutely, totally confirm now that this game is actually, truly a prequel to the events in Phantasy Star II ! ! !
...Which is awesome 'cuz that was the best of the four original PS games!
If they are going to such pains to tie the original games with the events of PSO... does this mean they are setting the stage for something new?!?!
Guess who BEAT Phantasy Star 0 this morning...!
You'll be glad (?) to know, you can still take missions after you beat the game! You'll have your Normal Mission set, with new missions added there --AND-- a Hard Mission Set which will be harder versions of the originals --PLUS-- New, Post-Game Missions!
My Bestiary isn't at 100% yet...!? I believe there is a Secret Area in the game that opens up somewhere in the Hard Missions...

*There has to be! I haven't seen a single one of these guys yet!*
They're kinda the PSO equivalent of Dragon Quest's Slimes.
ASK_Story said:How long did it take you to beat PSZero, Leo? Also, did you pick up Glory of Heracles yet?
15 hours, 50 minutes...
...but as with any PSO game, the end is just the beginning! Now I have access to Post Game and Hard Quests.
I haven't tried it yet, but each race MUST have their own specific Story and Quests. The way my story played out wouldn't make sense for a Cast or a Human, so multiply 16 times 3, figure in Post game quests for each...
...long story short: I still have a crap-load of game left to play!
Not Phantasy Star 0.
My nickname is: Phantom
My Friend Code is: 0646 6910 3522
I don't know how far along either of you are. I hope you are both still playing. I know you said it felt kinda old-ish, Vader, but if you stick with it, it starts to get PSO-addictive after a while. If either of you (or anyone else who may be interested) want to leave your Nickname and Code, do so here. Also, tell me what kind of character you have! If I find a weapon that you may find useful, I'll try to save it for you!
I'm trying to decide on my Double Ended Sword with High Attack Power or my Daggers with High Attack Accuracy at the moment!