Forum > Gaming Discussion > Phantom_Leo's Top 30 Games of the Decade!
Phantom_Leo's Top 30 Games of the Decade!
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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 16:49:47

30. Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox) - If a FPS can actually hold my attention long enough to finish it, it deserves an award! Nice use of colors, unforgettable opening theme. That vehicle section at the end of the game nearly ruined it for me though!


29. Heavenly Sword (PS3) - The gameplay may be derivative, but the lifelike features of the characters during the FMV is still unmatched today. Memorable, fiery Heroine who's fate will not soon be forgotten!


28. Grand Theft Auto III (PS3) - Begrudgingly, I must mention this game as it gave birth to the sandbox genre in "grand" style. I may not like the "gangsta" gameplay but the humor and NYC-like setting keep it close to my heart.


27. Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (NDS) - "Where there's life, there's hope." -- Wise words from a clever game! A bleak and very un-Nintendo-like setting makes for one of the most memorable portable games put out by them ever!


26. Demon's Souls (PS3) - Brilliant, original, playable; the competitive modes are as maddening as the cooperative modes are unprecedented! Lost interest later in the game due to the frustrating nature of some of the bosses, but STILL one of the best games of the decade!


25. Panzer Dragoon Orta (Xbox) - The latest evolution of one of my favorite series from the 1990's. Beautiful graphics, addictive gameplay. Love the "Gerpanese" language in the game and the differing dragon forms a-la Saga!


24. Okami (PS2) - Japanese artistry and mythology come alive in a Zelda clone that pushes the actual Zelda games off my list!


23. Resident Evil 4 (GCN) - Looking back now, I can't imagine the deal Nintendo must have made with Capcom to make this game happen! Graphics, gameplay, gore and the redefinition of Resident Evil all on Nintendo's little under-appreciated box. Wow!


22. BioShock (PS3) - The only other First Person Shooter Adventure worth playing in my eyes! Perfect Atmosphere, Exceptional Music, Good and Evil Gameplay and some of the best Exploration and Creative use of Weaponry (Plasmids) this side of a game that rhymes with Schmetroid!


21. Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3) - Become the Bat on one of the worst nights of his life! No other superhero game has put you into the character as much as this one. Mark Hamil is beyond brilliant as the Joker as well!


20. Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii) - God I miss the simple gameplay and drop-dead-gorgeous 2D this game uses! My jaw dropped more times with the scenery in this game than any other in recent memory!


19. Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (PS3) - My entire childhood on one disc! We need more of these collections!!! Nintendo? Capcom? Konami?


18. Disgaea 3: Absense of Justice (PS3) - The only game I can think of where the humor is as funny as the strategy is deep! What started with Hour of Darkness was perfected with Absense of Justice!


17. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (DC) - A collection of characters and a frantic style of gameplay we'll likely NEVER see again!


16. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike (DC) - The pinnacle of Sprite-Based animation and Deep, 2D fighting. Surpassed only by IV!


15. Valkyria Chronicles (PS3) - Gorgeous graphics, superb characters and brilliant strategy. Besides, what other game can claim to have a Pig and a Lesbian Engineer in IT'S roster? That alone makes it list worthy! God I miss you, Sega!


14. Wii Sports (Wii) - No better way to say: "Hello World! This is the Wii and this is what it can do!" than a game that anyone in the world can play! The X-Mas before my Grandma passed, she was throwing some strikes down the alley with me in this game... No other game could have left me with that memory!


13. CastleVania: Dawn of Sorrow (NDS) - No offense to Portrait or Ecclesia, but this is the direct descendant of the series of events that started with one of my all time favorites, Symphony of the Night. Will we ever witness the 1999 battle though?


12. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (GCN) - It may have begun with Super Mario RPG on the SNES and progressed through the N64 with the original Paper Mario... even the contemporaries (Mario and Luigi) don't hold a candle... this is the one that perfected the formula in my eyes!


11. Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (PS2) - Cell-shaded, demonic Pokemon? Battle with Dante, God --AND-- the Devil? Good and Evil like no other game! A heavy-metal score to match the bad-ass gameplay. Forget the Scooby-Do antics of high-school kids Atlus! We need more of THESE games in the U.S.!


10. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2) - Cor Blimey! Someone took the most celebrated RPG series of all time and dressed it up in Modern Clothes! To drag Dragon Quest out of the Eighties, fans kicking and screaming all the way, and have it turn out THIS WELL!? Now THAT'S an accomplishment!


09. Metroid Zero Mission (GBA) - If I could go back in a time-machine and somehow make it possible to put Super Metroid on this list, I would. This game is as close as we're gonna get in THIS decade though! Love 'ya too, Fusion, but this babies a better Metroid!


08. Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II Plus (GCN) - If we cant have V, then please keep these games coming! I don't think I spent more time with a single game ever! Represents one of the very best games Sega ever had to offer!


07. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3) - You may argue with the story, but what other game in Japanese history takes such strides in trying to wrap up a plotline? Right. None of them! Graphics, stealth, gameplay and GUN-play unlike any other game before it... A 20 years in the making, fitting end to the Metal Gear saga started way back on the Nintendo Entertainment System!


06. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) - The proper evolution of the papa of 3D platformers (Mario 64) takes everything you know about the genre and turns it upside down... Literally! How does Nintendo keep on coming up with fresh ideas?


05. Street Fighter IV (PS3) - When all hope was lost of the series ever getting past 3... we were given a game that was even better than the one we had hoped for! I wouldn't have needed an online connection for my PS3 ever, if not for this game! Graphics and gameplay true to the series, yet modernized in such a way as to be relevant today... Wow!


04. The World Ends with You (NDS) - Never before and probably never again will the World see a game that makes such use of each and every feature of a game system! Such style, such music, such a memorable story, such original gameplay mechanics... The World of Portable RPG's Ends with TWEWY!


03. Vagrant Story (PSOne) - Only one other game by this development team can surpass my excitement for this game, and it happens to stand right beside it on my list of the best games of the decade! Comic book style meets wholly original gameplay meets utter replayability. It's Tomb Raider meets Final Fantasy meets an MMORPG crafting system meets Tactics meets Metal Gear. There are very few games I would ever replay in my lifetime; this is certainly one of them!


02. Ogre Battle 64 (N64) - Moral Gameplay + Water-Colored, Hand-Drawn Sprites + Spell Combos + Mutiple Endings + Arcane Antics and Elements of Luck = A Game That has EVERYTHING I CAN ASK FOR ! ! ! Please Squenix!!! Let Yasumi Matsuno and the Team formerly known as Quest continue this series!!! Please! Please! Please!


01. Metroid Prime (GCN) - I am NOT a fan of First Person Shooters! Even more so than when they announced Zelda was going 3D with OoT, I was worried sick about Metroid being modernized! The depth of my worry was matched and surpassed by the amount of my surprise that Retro Studios actually pulled it off! True Metroid action in the First Person Perspective, the painstaking representation of classic Metroid enemies in a three-dimensional world... Echoes and Corruption continued and concluded the series in fine form, but THIS is --THE-- game that left the biggest impression in my memory for this series and for this decade. Other M has A LOT to live up to and I am just as worried about IT as I was Prime, but hopefully it will have a place on my list in 2019 as this game had on this one... Here's to another 10 years, Samus!


Edited: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 18:31:09
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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 19:43:31
Very interesting list. You have some of my choices on there. And what is that garbage on #4!? Nyaa



Also, I'm surprised Metroid Prime is #1. I didn't know you loved that game that much.
Edited: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 19:44:16


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 19:52:34

Only thing on this list I have to find fault with is MvC2.  I like seeing all the familiar characters, but the gameplay is pure crap.  I'm not the kind of guy to whine about balance in a game, but they completely threw all semblance of character balance out the window with this game.  

Other than that, good stuff.

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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 20:32:28

Heavenly Sword (PS3) - I enjoyed that game but for two things, the motion controls with the guiding of arrows and the last boss battle.  It was one of the most difficult I have ever faced, and really dragged down the game (I felt).

On Halo. I shared your sentiments about the last run with the warthog, but in replaying it this year (for the first time since it came out) I found controlling the vehicle a lot easier than I remembered.  I don't know why some people like the way the warthog controls.

That's as far as I have gotten into your list so far Nyaa

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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 20:37:44

aspro said:

Heavenly Sword (PS3) - I enjoyed that game but for two things, the motion controls with the guiding of arrows and the last boss battle.  It was one of the most difficult I have ever faced, and really dragged down the game (I felt).

You DO know you can turn off the Motion Controls... Right?

The ending battle was hard but not impossible...

But... OH! ...the ending...! Cry

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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 20:43:57

phantom_leo said:

aspro said:

Heavenly Sword (PS3) - I enjoyed that game but for two things, the motion controls with the guiding of arrows and the last boss battle.  It was one of the most difficult I have ever faced, and really dragged down the game (I felt).

You DO know you can turn off the Motion Controls... Right?

The ending battle was hard but not impossible...

But... OH! ...the ending...! Cry

 Yeah, after I finished the game.

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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 21:18:54
By the way, is Ogre Battle 64 on VC now? I never played it before and I think I need to!


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 21:21:33

ASK_Story said:
By the way, is Ogre Battle 64 on VC now? I never played it before and I think I need to!

I don't think so, Leo was bemoaning this last week. 

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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 21:27:19

aspro said:

ASK_Story said:
By the way, is Ogre Battle 64 on VC now? I never played it before and I think I need to!

I don't think so, Leo was bemoaning this last week.

That's right, now I remember. It was rated for VC but not released yet. Hopefully we'll get it!


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 28 Dec 2009 03:31:18
Perfected, except still with compulsory item world! Sad

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Mon, 28 Dec 2009 18:21:33

GTA 3 (PS3) ?

I think not!

Suprised to see Metroid prime at 1 too.

Bioshock over RE4???????


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Mon, 28 Dec 2009 21:37:02

Good list but there are a few mistakes. Okami should NEVER be in front of any 3D Zelda game, unless you are some artsy type that rather pay attention to story and visuals that actual gameplay. Yeah I said it razz.gif.

RE4 should never be lower than #10, hell probably #5, no at least top 3. razz.gif

Oh and Heavenly Sword does not belong in any of these lists. Other than that, nice.
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Mon, 28 Dec 2009 22:02:33


phantom_leo said:

By the way, all you Little King's fans stay away from that topic! It was a great game and I enjoyed it, but...

 You should put a warning for Zelda fans too, seeing that you ranked the inferior Okami and not a single Zelda game. But you are forgiven by ranking Zero Mission and Prime. But Vader will definitely not agree.

*Reads Vader's post

*smirks arrogantly

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Tue, 29 Dec 2009 03:52:41

Dvader said:

Good list but there are a few mistakes. Okami should NEVER be in front of any 3D Zelda game, unless you are some artsy type that rather pay attention to story and visuals that actual gameplay. Yeah I said it razz.gif.

RE4 should never be lower than #10, hell probably #5, no at least top 3. razz.gif

Oh and Heavenly Sword does not belong in any of these lists. Other than that, nice.

Which were your reasons for Majora's Mask being first on yoru list. Nyaa

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Fri, 22 Oct 2010 01:26:45


'cuz my list is better!


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Fri, 22 Oct 2010 23:14:33

Not this shit again.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 00:17:37
Yodariquo said:

Not this shit again.


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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 00:52:48

Metroid Prime is a very good choice.

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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 01:07:50

odd list  i've played most of the games on the list but i agree with maybe just half of the list

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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 04:07:56
Yodariquo said:

Not this shit again.


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