It's alright. Not all games are meant for everyone. If it doesn't click, it doesn't.
Bear in mind, though, that you're getting pitted against people with YEARS of experience with an online mode that hasn't changed at all in its fundamentals. People are going to wipe their asses with you for a while. You can't expect to jump in and pwn n00bs left and right. You need to get a grip of the maps, weapon location, spawn points, vehicles, and then start crafting your own strategies for each map and situation. But like I said before, if the game doesn't click with you, why bother struggling? Just play something you enjoy more.
And you haven't been playing "military shooters". This is a military shooter.
SteelAttack said:It's alright. Not all games are meant for everyone. If it doesn't click, it doesn't.
Stop trying to make sense of your Mario Galaxy hatred.
(you are totally right)
Then again, I really don't like online games much.
Ravenprose said:I didn't like Halo online either.
Then again, I really don't like online games much.
^That's me. Though I did enjoy H2 online before it became what online gaming is these days.
I think it is commonly accepted that Halo online does not compare to either MW1 or BBC2. But I'm just repeating the conventional wisdom.
Arcadeyness is awesome, though. Battlefield is arcade with faux-realism sensibilities.

Dvader said:Stop trying to make sense of your Mario Galaxy hatred.
(you are totally right)
I don't think I like any FPS online. You go from being a super soldier one man army in single player to a grunt who can be killed in a fraction of second. And usually on a respawn point.
gamingeek said:QFT
Well that's too bad you were disappointed with it. I think you just need to play it more to learn the in's and out's of it. As for my views of the beta I'm really loving it. I think a few more tweaks and balances here and there will do just fine and it should turn out to be a fantastic game.

Yeah, I suck at this.
But I'm getting used to it a bit, picking up better weapons. Dual-wielding weapons really help. Some guys are just too good though, I feel so helpless at times.
But the game isn't bad. It's still pretty fun so I'm going to keep playing it. I won't give up.
I say out of my favorite multiplayer games so far, this ranks above Killzone 2. My list goes like this:
1. Bad Company 2
2. Uncharted 2 (Played at cousin's house and enjoyed it!)
3. Call of Duty World at War and Modern Warfare 1 & 2 (Before Activision killed it for me)
4. Halo 3
5. Killzone 2 (Also played at cousin's house. It was okay, but disappointing)
6. Resistance 2 (Also played at cousin's house. "Meh.")
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
ASK_Story said:
I say out of my favorite multiplayer games so far, this ranks above Killzone 2. My list goes like this:
1. Bad Company 2
2. Uncharted 2 (Played at cousin's house and enjoyed it!)
3. Call of Duty World at War and Modern Warfare 1 & 2 (Before Activision killed it for me)
4. Halo 3
5. Killzone 2 (Also played at cousin's house. It was okay, but disappointing)
6. Resistance 2 (Also played at cousin's house. "Meh.")
WTH? Where's Uno? XBLA Uno should be #1!
Ravenprose said:
WTH? Where's Uno? XBLA Uno should be #1!
How do you do that emoticon at the end, that appalled or whatever-you-call-it guy?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
ASK_Story said:How do you do that emoticon at the end, that appalled or whatever-you-call-it guy?
The mad (or constipated) smiley: > : ( =
You can see how to do all of the smilies in The VG Press FAQ too.
Ravenprose said:The mad (or constipated) smiley: > : ( =
You can see how to do all of the smilies in The VG Press FAQ too.
Huh? We have a FAQ?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
ASK_Story said:Huh? We have a FAQ?
Yup, it's at the bottom of every page.
SteelAttack said:gamingeek said:QFT
*hands Mario an umbrella*
gamingeek said:*hands Mario an umbrella*
There's no need. Last I checked, the fat fuck likes watersports.
SteelAttack said:gamingeek said:*hands Mario an umbrella*
There's no need. Last I checked, the fat fuck likes watersports.
I guess I'm disappointed because it's definitely different compared to Bad Company 2 or the Modern Warfare games. It's also much harder to get kills! In Bad Company 2 and MW2, I can hold my own. I can average a good amount of kills and XP points per game. But I really suck in Halo!
Halo felt like I was just running and jumping around while we were shooting each other like crazy until one of us died. It's not what I expected, and I hate to say this, but in all honesty, it wasn't all that fun.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, in a respectful way of explaining my experience, Halo's multiplayer felt very arcadey and slightly outdated. Maybe it's because I've been playing military shooters this whole time so my expectations weren't meant. But I honestly don't understand why Halo is so popular and why there are still so many people still playing.
I'm not saying the game bad, not at all. I just don't understand why it still has a huge community and why it's considered as the best multiplayer on the 360. I honestly don't feel this way.
But I won't give up. I just got the game (ODST) so I'm going to keep playing and try to get into it more. Maybe I'll start to like the game as it grows on me, or maybe it won't. But either way, my first impressions and experience wasn't so positive, which is why I'm a little bummed out because I was hoping for a great online experience.
Anyway, what do you guys think?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns