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Portal Kombat!!!
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Thu, 28 Apr 2011 03:08:59
darthhomer said:

I've heard either or Kung Lao are cheating arseholes.

Yup that is what i have seen as well. I could do amazing things with Ermac and I suck, that proves to me that he is cheap.

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Thu, 28 Apr 2011 03:09:54

I cannot believe that when I get back home I still cant play online. Last week I thought this was no big deal, over in two or three days, now its the end of the world for Sony. What a crazy week its been.

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Thu, 28 Apr 2011 12:30:23
Dvader said:
darthhomer said:

I've heard either or Kung Lao are cheating arseholes.

Yup that is what i have seen as well. I could do amazing things with Ermac and I suck, that proves to me that he is cheap.

That was pretty much my logic too. I did far too well with him and I really have no talent with this game at all.  Telekines for the win.

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Fri, 29 Apr 2011 03:14:14

Ermac is a push-over if you know the secret!

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Sat, 30 Apr 2011 13:18:42

Finished story mode last night.  I'm not really happy with the ending, and it would have been nice to play as some villains, but other than that it was how you do a story mode.  Other fighting games could learn from that. It made the game feel like more than just a fighting game.

Overall the game is fun. It still features a lot of things that the series has had that I hoped it would have gotten rid of (i.e. utterly boring boss fights), but I suppose it wouldn't be Mortal Kombat without those. And would it have been too much to make the women in the game actually look like... I dunno... not so much like strippers?  Jesus, they go so far as to give Jade a stripper pole.  I get that the game is about exaggeration, but it still makes me shake my head a little bit.

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Sun, 15 May 2011 16:37:32

I am pretty sure that at one point in my life if I was told I would have to fight a tag-team battle with Goro and Kintaro by myself, I would have shit my pants!  GASP

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Sun, 15 May 2011 16:40:47

Goro, for some reason, scared the crap out of me in MK1. Kintaro, not AS much in MK2, but fighting even Sheeva in MK3 used to freak me out a tiny bit, cause of her resemblance TO Goro...

Good thing you're fighting as a pretty cheap bad-ass when you DO encounter the team in Story Mode!

Edited: Sun, 15 May 2011 16:41:36
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Sun, 15 May 2011 17:51:04

Kintaro was always kind of a joke. After as tough as Goro was in MK 2, he was pretty easy to fight once you learned the trick. Plus at the end of the day he was just a cuter version of Goro with kitty cat stripes.

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Sun, 15 May 2011 18:19:40
I want a pet kintaro.
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Sun, 15 May 2011 20:43:19

Go Here (Mortal Kombat Online) for the most extensive, exhaustive collection of MK info, Storylines, Bios, Intros and Endings collected ANYWHERE!

All characters, all storylines, all endings for ALL the games in the series!

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Tue, 17 May 2011 00:49:06

Very nice Leo, I'll check it out. One of the very first things I used the internet for was looking up MK3 fatalities.  And porn.

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Tue, 17 May 2011 00:59:18
Dvader said:

Very nice Leo, I'll check it out. One of the very first things I used the internet for was looking up MK3 fatalities.  And porn.

What about MK Fatality porn?

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Tue, 17 May 2011 01:00:09
_Bear said:

What about MK Fatality porn?

The search for nudalities was a major part of the early days of the internet.

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Tue, 17 May 2011 01:01:46
_Bear said:

What about MK Fatality porn?

I wonder if that exists. It does remind me of a Japanese version of live action Street Fighter II porn where Chun-Li fucked Guile to death. Guile was actually the villain in the movie. He was also played by a Japanese actor, so clearly accuracy wasn't a priority.... not that I ever saw it mind you. I'm just relaying what I've heard.

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