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Prepare to Die ...
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Wed, 12 Oct 2011 09:04:43
Foolz said:

Does it have statistics showing stuff like how many enemies you've killed and how many times you'e died? Would love to see what the ratios are like.

I think Demon's Souls did keep those sort of data


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Wed, 12 Oct 2011 14:36:20

Oh my ... It has arrived!  I thought the notification from the post office for the little packet would be for Crysis 2 which was despatched way before this, but no!!

As soon as I was handed the 'fat' package I realised it was something more special than that.

Having said that the european box is a little underwhelming.  Just a little art-book besides the standard game box which has a card with a download code for the soundtrack and strategy guide.  Also the box is made of flimsy thin cardboard, unlike my sexy robust Demon's Souls US Deluxe edition.

But I digress.  I think the update is almost done.

... i've got some dying to do!


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Wed, 12 Oct 2011 21:08:31
bugsonglass said:

As soon as I was handed the 'fat' package I realised it was something more special than that.

I must have been REALLY drunk! I don't even remember leaving the country!

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Wed, 12 Oct 2011 21:27:08
bugsonglass said:

... i've got some dying to do!

*read sentence

*looks at Bugsy's avatar


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Thu, 13 Oct 2011 04:54:20
phantom_leo said:
bugsonglass said:

As soon as I was handed the 'fat' package I realised it was something more special than that.

I must have been REALLY drunk! I don't even remember leaving the country!

you are incorrigible!  i didn't know you'd gone into the export business but I guess you can't keep something so good exclusive to the locals ey?

Iga_Bobovic said:
bugsonglass said:

... i've got some dying to do!

*read sentence

*looks at Bugsy's avatar


sorry i made you sad.  i meant no disrespect to satoshi kon's memory.


To those of you playing the game (archie, leo, vader ... anyone I'm missing), what class did you start as?  how are you hoping to play the game (in terms of general approach/strategy).

In Demon's Souls my main character (the one I spent the biggest number of hours with) was a big spell-caster, avoiding hand-to-hand.  This time I want to be a little more "engageg" in combat I think.  I also want to learn to use bow and arrow (something I didn't do at all in Demon's).  Having said that, I really love spell-casting and I don't want to stay altogether out of it.

Finding it hard to choose a starting class, but the good thing is, as you level up you can work whatever stats you want so turn into anything you want.

Yesterday I started my first character as a wanderer.  I had a very easy time through the Undead Asylum, though I don't suppose that means anything.


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Thu, 13 Oct 2011 08:24:25
bugsonglass said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
bugsonglass said:

... i've got some dying to do!

*read sentence

*looks at Bugsy's avatar


sorry i made you sad.  i meant no disrespect to satoshi kon's memory.


I am offended that you thought that I was actually sad. It is a well known fact that I do not have any emotions.

I expect a written apology or else....

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Thu, 13 Oct 2011 15:37:11

After a day with the game, I am sad to say that it (at least my PS3 copy) suffers from some very annoying and inexcusable performance issues.  Very frequent frame-rate dips even without too many enemies on screen and even more annoyingly the game froze on me completely on two occasions (in one day).  Unfortunately this does take away some of my enjoyment of the game.  

Now I'm wondering whether I should have got the 360 version


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Thu, 13 Oct 2011 16:14:11
bugsonglass said:

After a day with the game, I am sad to say that it (at least my PS3 copy) suffers from some very annoying and inexcusable performance issues.  Very frequent frame-rate dips even without too many enemies on screen and even more annoyingly the game froze on me completely on two occasions (in one day).  Unfortunately this does take away some of my enjoyment of the game.  

Now I'm wondering whether I should have got the 360 version

I read about this on gamespot.

I was bored so ventured in. Guy was complaining about the same things you were^

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Thu, 13 Oct 2011 18:59:36
I'm playing as Warrior class who mainly deals in hand-to-hand combat.


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Fri, 14 Oct 2011 03:39:45

That sucks Bugsy. Sad

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Fri, 14 Oct 2011 10:07:13

Argh! So sorry to hear it Bugsie!

You aren't the only one experiencing it though! GodMode is having the same issues and it's driving him nuts! He keeps saying how much it's ruining the game for him, yet he still plays and plays and plays...

From what I gather, it's not the game itself, it's the system you are playing it on. I am playing on a nearly new PS3 and I have had only one instance of slowdown. Then again, I haven't gotten to Blight Town yet...

Edited: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 10:07:52
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Fri, 14 Oct 2011 13:50:01

I think you are right Leo, even though my PS3 has actually got very little mileage compare to how much some gamers use theirs, it's still the old model, and several years old now.  Not that I think that's an excuse, mind you.  It's very irritating and it does dampen my enjoyment some, which is a shame.

Now about the things that matter ... I'm a little at a loss as to which way I can progress.  I beat the Taurus Demon is Undead Berg and went as far as the red dragon which looks like a dead end for the time being.  On the other side I went as far as the catacombs but the skeletons just wouldn't stay dead and in the end I died.  Also Londo Town seems a no go still as I get hacked to death by those wreaths on the water soon as I cross the narrow bridge.

Which way next?


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Fri, 14 Oct 2011 23:22:34

You need to dash to the mid-point of the bridge where the dragon is, dodging arrows and spear wielding enemies. You should be able to make it to the stairwell, which is on the RIGHT HAND SIDE at the mid-way point. Run and roll down those stairs as quickly as possible and you should be able to avoid the fire.

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Sat, 15 Oct 2011 03:43:56

Do enemies (including the big ones) respawn?

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Sat, 15 Oct 2011 05:35:45
Foolz said:

Do enemies (including the big ones) respawn?

After you rest at a bonfire all generic enemies recharge including big ones, unless they're unique ie bosses, mini-bosses etc

phantom_leo said:

You need to dash to the mid-point of the bridge where the dragon is, dodging arrows and spear wielding enemies. You should be able to make it to the stairwell, which is on the RIGHT HAND SIDE at the mid-way point. Run and roll down those stairs as quickly as possible and you should be able to avoid the fire.

Will attempt to do this shortly.  Also found out how I can interact with the bastard ghosts in the lake using the curse, but they're still ripping me to shreds Sad


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Sat, 15 Oct 2011 10:03:19

Yeah... If you haven't been across the bridge yet, I wouldn't even bother trying to go down there yet. I've been all throughout the Undead area and I still get killed by the Ghosts. Trust me, there's PLENTY to explore around the bridge and after.

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Sat, 15 Oct 2011 10:10:17

I did as you said, and I dropped the ladder down in the bonfire room which pretty muched consituted all of this morning's efforts as I didn't manage to gain a single level (died many stupid deaths as I was attempting to recover my dropped souls.  

Tried exploring a little bit around the bridge area, went up and got killed by a big bastard knight, then went the other way and found a big armored bastard bore which I couldn't do any damage to.

By the way Re: ghosts.  Throw firebombs at them.  They make easy work of them and they're really cheap to stock up with from the castle merchant.  I don't know if it's worth trying to tackle that area though, or the catacombs since neither the ghosts nor the skeletons drop any souls


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Sat, 15 Oct 2011 10:21:13
bugsonglass said:

I did as you said, and I dropped the ladder down in the bonfire room which pretty muched consituted all of this morning's efforts as I didn't manage to gain a single level (died many stupid deaths as I was attempting to recover my dropped souls.  

Tried exploring a little bit around the bridge area, went up and got killed by a big bastard knight, then went the other way and found a big armored bastard bore which I couldn't do any damage to.

By the way Re: ghosts.  Throw firebombs at them.  They make easy work of them and they're really cheap to stock up with from the castle merchant.  I don't know if it's worth trying to tackle that area though, or the catacombs since neither the ghosts nor the skeletons drop any souls

That was a Boar...? I thought it was a Rhino! cheeky He's actually quite easy. He charges you, correct? There are big bonfires around the area, correct? Did you know his weakness happens to be fire? Just sayin'!

You'll probably still have to hit him a few times though, even after you burn him... get him from behind (it's how I try to attack all my prey!) as his armor is weak there!  wink

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Sat, 15 Oct 2011 12:19:41
So, everyone lets down their guard from behind?
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Sat, 15 Oct 2011 15:14:13

When most see the size of the weapon I wield, they usually give in to fate pretty easily.

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