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PS3 Catch-up List
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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 01:25:37
So my PS3 still has that new system smell.  But that also means I've got some catching up to do.  Now, here's the trick -- I'm doing the beat-one buy-one thing, so no bulk buying!  This is a matter of priorities.  I'm going to dump games in here that I have in mind, but in no particular order as of yet.

Uncharted 2
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Eternal Sonata
Super Street Fighter 4
Red Dead Redemption
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Demon's Souls
Valkyria Chronicles
Resident Evil 5
Yakuza 3

And then there's the PSN stuff which is tempting.
Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX

And I'm sure more that I didn't torture myself by browsing.

Sure there's more I'd like to play, but I've gotta keep the count low or we'll never get through this!  Okay, barring some games that I missed in there, let's work on priorities.

Uncharted and Uncharted 2 I will play and finish, and I'd want to do that before Uncharted 3, so there's a decent amount of time.  Need to keep May open for LA Noire.  I've wanted to play Eternal Sonata for a long while, so I may start the summer with that.  Then it gets tricky.

Any thoughts, suggestions?  And yes, I still have my insane backlog from other systems, but I'm just not going to think about that.


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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 01:33:37

Little Big Planet is fun and I want to try Heavy Rain sometime soon, maybe in April.  I've finished U1 and will mover onto U2 soon.  Are you a Metal Gear fan?

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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 01:59:26

Scratch Mass Effect off that list. It's not available for PS3, but I DO highly recommend ME2!

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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 02:03:40

Buy ME1 on the PC and do skip Heavy Rain.

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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 02:08:23

Skip all of those, and get Burger Time HD. Nyaa

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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 02:10:52
I would recommend one of these to start:
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum
  • Bioshock
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Resident Evil 5
This one's sequel is coming out next week. Maybe skip this one and go for the more complete, better localized sequel? It may not be necessary to play all the games in this series.
  • Yakuza 3
This is a tough call. Uncharted is great whenever you want to play it, but I would NOT recommend playing one right after the other after the other. Could cause burn-out and with these games, that would be a shame!
  • Uncharted
  • Uncharted 2

These games are great, but how much time do you have at the moment?

  • Demon's Souls
  • Valkyria Chronicles
  • Red Dead Redemption
Saved for the Summer time
  • Eternal Sonata
You can play these at any time, but why no Marvel vs. Capcom 3? Didn't you enjoy Tatsunoko?
  • Super Street Fighter 4
  • BlazBlue
Not applicable
  • Mass Effect

Edited: Mon, 07 Mar 2011 02:21:13
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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 02:15:01

Good list there. Of course get MGS4 if you like MGS. Ratchet ACIT is excellent as well. GoW3 if you like action games.

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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 02:17:28

Since I'm still a fairly new owner I can't comment on too much but Valkyria Chronicles was without a doubt the best game I've played so far. One of the best games I've played in years really. My only complaint is that it's a little long, and the first half of the game is so amazingly good, that the second half feels a little disappointing. Not that it's bad by any means, but some of the levels/missions in the first half are truly brilliant and original, whereas the second half takes those original ideas and starts to build on them rather than continue the pace of original ideas.

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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 02:22:48
I would not suggest going into Yakuza 3 unless you have played 1 and 2.  Foolz did it, but he's special.

Your list is excellent, but I'd skip RE5 and Bioshlock, but I'm in the minority on those titles.

Also consider:
Sonic & Sega All Star Racing, Dead Space and Infamous.

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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 02:27:38
aspro said:
Foolz did it, but he's special.  

Awww! Leave Foolz alone! Meanie!

Yakuza 3 has a "Story So Far" feature where you can watch the cutscenes of the previous games so you can catch up pretty easily. I would suspect 4 would have the same. I dunno; I have a feeling playing the earlier Yakuza would be kinda redundant. I am also assuming that part 4 would include everything the past games had and just improve on them. I am not an expert though. If Yoda already has a pretty big backlog, there are some games he should consider skipping.

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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 02:28:15
aspro said:
I would not suggest going into Yakuza 3 unless you have played 1 and 2.  Foolz did it, but he's special.

Your list is excellent, but I'd skip RE5 and Bioshlock, but I'm in the minority on those titles.


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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 02:28:37

I do agree that inFAMOUS and Dead Space are totally worth playing too though!

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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 02:30:47

Come to think of it, I would probably replace BlazBlue with MvsC 3, but Archie and Homer would probably disagree.

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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 02:31:47
phantom_leo said:

I do agree that inFAMOUS and Dead Space are totally worth playing too though!

Yes, both those games are excellent. But with infamous he might as well wait for the sequel.

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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 03:40:28
aspro said:
I would not suggest going into Yakuza 3 unless you have played 1 and 2.  Foolz did it, but he's special.

Your list is excellent, but I'd skip RE5 and Bioshlock, but I'm in the minority on those titles.

Also consider:

Sonic & Sega All Star Racing, Dead Space and Infamous.

Says the guy who only plays its story!

You definitely don't need to play the first two games first. You'll want to play them after playing the third, though.

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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 03:53:56
Foolz said:

Says the guy who only plays its story!

You definitely don't need to play the first two games first. You'll want to play them after playing the third, though.

That's my reasoning. FYI Foolio, Mrs 'spro is a third of the way through 3 now.  It was a shock going from 2 to 3.  If you are going to play 4 though, make sure you play 2 first, it has a big tie-in.

Dvader said:
aspro said:
I would not suggest going into Yakuza 3 unless you have played 1 and 2.  Foolz did it, but he's special.

Your list is excellent, but I'd skip RE5 and Bioshlock, but I'm in the minority on those titles.


"No", meaning I'm not in the minority? Nyaa

If you do go with Dead Space Yoda, be sure to try playing Extraction on the Wii first.  I'm not really helping here am I?

Edited: Mon, 07 Mar 2011 03:54:25

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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 04:05:07

Not that I've played the first two yet, but I don't think having played three will necessarily spoil the first two at all. Unless you're a graphics whore I suppose.

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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 05:21:58

travo said:

Little Big Planet is fun and I want to try Heavy Rain sometime soon, maybe in April.  I've finished U1 and will mover onto U2 soon.  Are you a Metal Gear fan?

Never played a Metal Gear game, so don't plan on catching up now.

phantom_leo said:

Scratch Mass Effect off that list. It's not available for PS3, but I DO highly recommend ME2!

Forgot about that. They've done some weird things with sequels this generation. Hrmm, probably have to bite the bullet and play it on PC, but I'm less prone to finish PC games.

phantom_leo said:
These games are great, but how much time do you have at the moment?
  • Demon's Souls
  • Valkyria Chronicles
  • Red Dead Redemption

I'll be done the semester in 6 weeks, so after that it'll be more consistent, as it'll just be regular 9-5 work, free weekends.

phantom_leo said:
This one's sequel is coming out next week. Maybe skip this one and go for the more complete, better localized sequel? It may not be necessary to play all the games in this series.
  • Yakuza 3

I'm on board with this idea.  I just want to play one of them for the atmosphere, so the latest and greatest is probably best.

phantom_leo said:

I do agree that inFAMOUS and Dead Space are totally worth playing too though!

Those don't interest me as much, and I'm making stringent cuts.

phantom_leo said:
You can play these at any time, but why no Marvel vs. Capcom 3? Didn't you enjoy Tatsunoko?
  • Super Street Fighter 4
  • BlazBlue

Well, yes and no.  I like it, but it's not my style with the over-the-top super moves all the time.  Street Fighter's the main one.

Dvader said:
aspro said:
I would not suggest going into Yakuza 3 unless you have played 1 and 2.  Foolz did it, but he's special.

Your list is excellent, but I'd skip RE5 and Bioshlock, but I'm in the minority on those titles.


RE5 gets a free pass because of RE4.  Bioshock is playable because it's short and cheap.


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Mon, 07 Mar 2011 05:35:30
Yodariquo said:

RE5 gets a free pass because of RE4.  Bioshock is playable because it's short and cheap.

Bioshock could be 5 minutes long and 20 cents and it still wouldn't be worth it.

I thought the same thing with RE5.

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Tue, 08 Mar 2011 03:06:15

RE5 can be entertaining online.

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