Skies of Arcadia Legends and Baten Kaitos are two games i've sort of wanted for ages but they never went down in price and if anything nowadays they are even more expensive than when they were released.
COD4 for me as well i guess. the cheapest i've seen it for was £25 which is still way too much since i will only play the single player campaign.
btw Fallout 3 has been very affordable for ages. i'm sure you can find it for £15 or less at most places now. here just did a search for you ... 11 quid from a retailer you have an account with and trust
Fallout 3 - 11 quid special for GG
SteelAttack said:Easy. Zelda games. I'm wary of the puzzle-based nature of them. I have enough trouble finishing games without them having undecipherable puzzles.
That's interesting because a lot of people complain the games are too easy.
Ravenprose said:Excitebots: I loved Excite Truck, and Excitebots has the same basic gameplay and fantastic environment graphics. However, I just can't get past the stupidity of those animal/bug bots. Trucks, cars, motorcycles, anything would be better than those god-awful bots! I've tried to get past it, and just look at the game from a pure gameplay perspective, but I can't!
At least its hobo price on amazon I guess. It's not out in PAL land and I dont care
bugsonglass said:i got the DS fire emblem but not goddess of dawn. i think that's too expensive as you can't find it under £30.
Skies of Arcadia Legends and Baten Kaitos are two games i've sort of wanted for ages but they never went down in price and if anything nowadays they are even more expensive than when they were released.
COD4 for me as well i guess. the cheapest i've seen it for was £25 which is still way too much since i will only play the single player campaign.
btw Fallout 3 has been very affordable for ages. i'm sure you can find it for £15 or less at most places now. here just did a search for you ... 11 quid from a retailer you have an account with and trust
Fallout 3 - 11 quid special for GG
Good price but look at the postage. £5 for a disc? What BS. Also they only have one copy, last time I tried to order something with low stock I waited weeks, didn't get my item and had to wait for a refund. This has happened several times with amazon as they dont update fast enough on 3rd party stock levels apparently.
I might as well get it from amazon straight with super saver postage.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYodariquo said:Basically any adventure games, such as Hotel Dusk or Zack and Wiki. The perceived lack of replayability is a blockade, regardless of whether or not I'd get a comprable amount of enjoyment or playtime as other titles.
I completed both those games twice. But Z and W is easier to replay as you can level select. I think I might have played each section 3 times.
BTW if anyone spots an Arkham Asylum drop, let me know PRONTO. Let me see, £22 is a good price.
gamingeek said:Yodariquo said:Basically any adventure games, such as Hotel Dusk or Zack and Wiki. The perceived lack of replayability is a blockade, regardless of whether or not I'd get a comprable amount of enjoyment or playtime as other titles.I completed both those games twice. But Z and W is easier to replay as you can level select. I think I might have played each section 3 times.
BTW if anyone spots an Arkham Asylum drop, let me know PRONTO. Let me see, £22 is a good price.
i have a feeling Arkham Asylum will hit a price sweet spot before long. it might even be released in the classics/platinum range.
hate 3rd parties on amazon trying to pull off postage scams. once i saw lock's quest priced at £1.99 with something like £8 or more for postage
Hong Kong companies on ebay are the worst. They list items for a £1 and charge 20 for postage?
Amazon annoyed me with the microphones which had them listed cheaply then jacked you on postage. I'm going to watch the gametrailers video review of fallout 3 and if I like what I see I think I'm going to order it if its £18 on amazon.
I just ordered seasons 1-2 of the X-men animated series.
I imagine COD4 will drop as soon as MW2 hits and I'd say just get MW2 instead. Fallout 3 is coming out with a GotY edition in a week or so I believe and I'd recommend just picking that one up as well.
Archangel3371 said:
I imagine COD4 will drop as soon as MW2 hits and I'd say just get MW2 instead. Fallout 3 is coming out with a GotY edition in a week or so I believe and I'd recommend just picking that one up as well.
What kind of rich hobo do you think I am?
gamingeek said:
Archangel3371 said:
I imagine COD4 will drop as soon as MW2 hits and I'd say just get MW2 instead. Fallout 3 is coming out with a GotY edition in a week or so I believe and I'd recommend just picking that one up as well.
What kind of rich hobo do you think I am?
The filthy kind.

Skies of Arcadia, Jet Grind Radio, Shenmue 2, Voodo Vince. There are a lot unfortunately.
I actually bought shenmue 2 and Voodo Vince then took them back.
I'm not saying they're bad games. They're actually good games that are incredibly designed.
But I just can never get myself to play them.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Dvader said:Anything with the letters PSP on it.
Can't wait to play Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker!
No seriously, I understand. The PSP is pricey....but I love handhelds.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I'm curently waiting for price drops on Matt Hazard, Afro Samurai and Arkham. I have my own little rules about what is, or is not, and aceptable price drop. These days I wait for the price drop on almost everything other than Nintendo stuff (which will never drop), or my faves like NMH, Yakuza, Uncharted or any NIS game.
I was in Game this morning, its like EB. I saw Fallout 3 for £15. I was like WOOT! Then I saw it was an addon pack.
Then I saw Fable 2 and I thought WOOT! It was second hand and the disc was scratched. Then I saw Fire Emblem Wii used for £25
aspro said:Squad-based shooters. Just can't do it.
I'm curently waiting for price drops on Matt Hazard, Afro Samurai and Arkham. I have my own little rules about what is, or is not, and aceptable price drop. These days I wait for the price drop on almost everything other than Nintendo stuff (which will never drop), or my faves like NMH, Yakuza, Uncharted or any NIS game.
Oh yeah I saw Arkham Asylum 360 for £43! WTF! Is this like a premium priced game? The used version was £37.99. Holy crap.
I can't buy Fire Emblem Wii or DS at the moment. I want them, I have wanted them but I can't bring myself to buy them.
The Wii game is down to price, I expect prices for games to drop over time but like the GC game this bad boy stays at full price indefinetly it seems and my money would be better spent elsewhere.
The DS game has a weird semi-rendered look to it like DKC which puts me off. If it was pretty cheap I might get it but I dont feel the need.
It's strange as I love both gba games and the GC game.
On 360 I have been wanting COD4 and Fallout 3 for ages. COD4 is another one of those games that will NOT drop. It was number 8 in the UK all format charts recently. Fallout 3, I guess its the bleak future look and FPS weirdo gameplay mechanic that puts me off. Weirdo because I'm not sure exactly how it works and I've conjured weird images of KOTOR combat in my head.
Also I want fallout 3 brand new and the only palatable prices I see are for used. Unless I have to create an account somewhere to get it. Which again, I'm sick of.