Forum > Gaming Discussion > P.T. demo on PS4 is actually Silent Hill by Kojima.
P.T. demo on PS4 is actually Silent Hill by Kojima.
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Wed, 13 Aug 2014 06:16:33

Sony unveiled a mysterious demo called PT during gamescom which they said was available right then on the store.

So you download it, it says it is developed by some random studio that does not exist. It is a first person horror game, the most scariest shit I have played in years. It is also SUPER HARD. I got stuck a bunch of times at the start. Its very obtuse and there are zero directions. All it is is a single hall way with a bathroom and a door in a basement that starts the loop over again. It loops over and over going more and more insane. Its scary as shit, it fucks with your head more than any game since Silent Hill.

I spent ALL DAY ON THIS SHIT cause at the very end you enter an infinite loop from hell. It keeps repeating and how to beat it remains a mystery even to those who did beat it. Those that beat it got this trailer showing that it is Silent Hill by Hideo Kojima and Guirrmo Del Toro starring The Walking Dead's Daryl, Norman Reedus. So the marketing campaign is absolute genius. Kojima once again shows he is the absolute master.

But back to the demo thing, the ending has been beat many times and there seems to be no pattern, no set way to complete it. Most people habe spends hours and hours trying everything and cant beat it. It makes NO SENSE! I would have said the demo is one of the best games I had played all year if I were able to finish it.

Whatever. SH is coming back stronger than ever.

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Wed, 13 Aug 2014 06:17:16

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Wed, 13 Aug 2014 08:25:40

Big Guillermo del Toro fan myself.  Bringing those 2 minds together for SH is like a match made in heaven.  Looking forward to how this will turn out.

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Wed, 13 Aug 2014 12:03:37

Wow totally badass!!!! Fucking Norman Reedus starring in a Fox Engine, Kojima developed Silent Hill reboot!!!! You can't ask for much more!

Is it possible for Konami to survive or do anything worthwhile without Kojima anymore? I think not.


Edited: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 12:05:06


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Wed, 13 Aug 2014 12:08:16

Interested in a new Silent Hill? Yes.

Excited by Kojima's involvement? Not at all.

Konami is on the verge of saying Kojima is directing the next Pro Evolution Soccer.

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Wed, 13 Aug 2014 12:21:34
aspro said:

Interested in a new Silent Hill? Yes.

Excited by Kojima's involvement? Not at all.

Konami is on the verge of saying Kojima is directing the next Pro Evolution Soccer.

That would be crossing the line.



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Wed, 13 Aug 2014 13:26:18
aspro said:

Interested in a new Silent Hill? Yes.

Excited by Kojima's involvement? Not at all.

Konami is on the verge of saying Kojima is directing the next Pro Evolution Soccer.

Everyone always underestimates Seabass. Hrm

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Wed, 13 Aug 2014 16:54:06

Kojima and del Toro working together on a Silent Hill game? Oh hell yeah! Shut up and take my money! I watch someone play this on Twitch for a couple of hours and it looked very cool and creepy. This will definitely get me back into Silent Hill after a long hiatus.


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Wed, 13 Aug 2014 22:40:46



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Thu, 14 Aug 2014 00:34:07

Gouge it out!


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Thu, 14 Aug 2014 08:58:49

Tonight was magical, this amazing game. I figured it out and I came up with the best strategy the internet as seen so far. Gaf is using it right now and everyone seems to be finishing it. I had plenty of help though. I am reposting what I posted on gaf, not the solution my reaction post:

I wanted to share a thank you to all of you on my stream tonight. Last night I said I thought the ending ruined the game, tonight I say it makes it something extremely special. This "puzzle" created something where beating it was not the goal. Tonight me and the guys on the stream worked together to come up with any theory that worked, it took a few hours but we got something that seems to work all the time.

It is the most fun I have had doing some online activity in a long time. This is exactly what streaming games was made for to me. What an awesome night of gaming I had running down one hallway over and over. Kojima you are a genius.

Thanks again to everyone. ESPECIALLY those telling me about the mic thing, I laughed at them at first, they were right.

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Thu, 14 Aug 2014 09:44:47

link to stream pls?

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Thu, 14 Aug 2014 09:54:57

I wonder just how much Del Toro's involvement is.  The people in the NeoGaf thread seemed to be praising Kojima a lot, but I'd think the genre is something Del Toro would be more comfortable with.

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Thu, 14 Aug 2014 11:02:59

^I just hope Kojima doesn't mess it up.

This HD generation could be capable of some really creepy horror games.

I'd love to play a HD Condemned.

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Thu, 14 Aug 2014 14:03:35
aspro said:

^I just hope Kojima doesn't mess it up.

This HD generation could be capable of some really creepy horror games.

I'd love to play a HD Condemned.

I'm loving the fact that horror games are making a huge comeback, after for some reason getting a complete SHAFTING in the 360/PS3 era. Suddenly, new consoles hit and there's horror everywhere. I love it!


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Thu, 14 Aug 2014 14:28:19

I kinda don't like Kojimas involvement. It's not his series and now he'll claim the glory for making a decent SH game just because the series has been in such a quagmire since Konami disbanded Team Silent. Any half decentish AAA developer could make a decent Silent Hill game with the right time and money.

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Fri, 15 Aug 2014 01:50:57
gamingeek said:

I kinda don't like Kojimas involvement. It's not his series and now he'll claim the glory for making a decent SH game just because the series has been in such a quagmire since Konami disbanded Team Silent. Any half decentish AAA developer could make a decent Silent Hill game with the right time and money.

But I don't want a DECENT game...I want Silent Hill to be top shelf like it was for the first few games. There was a time it was only slightly behind Resident Evil for me. (And RE is another story)


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Fri, 15 Aug 2014 11:39:16

Then Konami shouldn't have disbanded Team Silent in the first place.

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Fri, 15 Aug 2014 18:58:54
gamingeek said:

Then Konami shouldn't have disbanded Team Silent in the first place.

I didn't tell them to disband Team Silent.


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Fri, 15 Aug 2014 19:08:50
edgecrusher said:

I didn't tell them to disband Team Silent.

Maybe they thought you implied it during some dinner or something.  You know how publishers are.

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