5 days to go until the release of Punch Out. 12 boxers are listed as opponents. So far 8 have been named:
Glass Joe
Von Kaiser
Disco Kid
King Hippo
HurricaneHondaHondo -
Bear Hugger
Great Tiger
Don Flamenco
If you can do your math that means 4 remain. Unofficially Bald Bull and Aran Ryan (another holdover from Super Punchout) have been announced for the game. That leaves two spots to go. If we assume that one of those spots belongs to the final champion (Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream type) that means there's only one slot left. . .
Super Machoman, Soda Popinski, and Mr. Sandman . . . those are the final three contenders. All three of them have multiple appearances in the series. I swear I saw a shot of Soda Popinski early on, but never having seen it since I'm questioning what I saw. Who gets the last spot? Is is one of these three or possibly a dark horse from Super Punch Out?
gamingeek said:I can never impulse a full price game.
normally i don't either. this one ... i've been enjoying the nes game more and more in recent weeks and then this came out looking great in all the screenshots and videos and getting great reviews.
i still feel there is not enough to this game to justify a £30 price tag, and i would be much happier getting it for £18 but it's not one of those games which will go down in price any time soon, if ever. so i guess the decision was whether to get it at full price or not at all. having played the NES game i suppose alleviates some of the risk involved but of course this is still far from a safe buy. hope not to regret it
Who wants to touch me first?

phantom_leo said:Guess who bought Punch-Out!! and Bionic Commando?!
Who wants to touch me first?
Which hand is holding Bionic Commando, so I can avoid it.
Punch-Out is getting such stellar reviews, what a damn shame that I need to rent one of two awesome games hitting this month.
phantom_leo said:Guess who bought Punch-Out!! and Bionic Commando?!
Who wants to touch me first?
Me! Me!

SteelAttack said:phantom_leo said:Guess who bought Punch-Out!! and Bionic Commando?!
Who wants to touch me first?Me! Me!
Dvader said:Which hand is holding Bionic Commando, so I can avoid it.
Punch-Out is getting such stellar reviews, what a damn shame that I need to rent one of two awesome games hitting this month.
Oh. Yeah. Bionic Commando. Yeah. You'd hate it.
Imagine if Chris Redfield and Sheva had a love-child, then give him the voice of Solid Snake and a Bionic Arm and you'd get Rad Spencer.
Sheva to Chris: "Oh look Honey! He has YOUR aiming style! Isn't that C-U-T-E ! ! !"
**pitter, patter, pitter, patter**
The sound of Vader running back to BlockBuster ^
Yes! Loving it so far. I've never seen cel-shaded graphics this good. Controls took about a minute to get used to. I got quite a workout during the first match and the only problem I had was dodging, but I'm used to it now. Punching is really intuitive and fun. I kept praying that Glass Joe would get up so that I could beat on him some more.
Von Kaiser is a pushover also and not really tougher than Glass Joe. The only problem I had was that he has a delay before his uppercut. Why didn't I remember that! I got a good star punch on him though.
Presentation is also topnotch. The intros and knockdowns for the fighters are awesome. Doc's advice is hilarious and the animations for the characters are great.
This game is already a hit for me. Even if it only takes about an hour to finish, I can see myself fighting these guys over and over trying to get a better time. I even want to give it a try using the old controls, but for now, I'm having too much fun with the Wii controls.
"What's your favorite flower, kid? Mine's chocolate. MMMM." I love that line
I just put down the controls (the traditional ones mind you, I'll try the motion controls out tomorrow when I'm not as infected with the Mexican Pig Flu of Death), and let me tell you I am completely satisfied.
I have been very pleasantly surprised that the game is not just the original with prettier graphics. It's the same type of game but it feels different enough. Plus the fighters don't really fight the way they used to. For instance, King Hippo is a lot more durable and has a punch that can take out half your energy at once. Don Flamenco is now in fact a bad ass. He's got a variety of punches that he can throw at you after the taunt. Plus he's got a chain punch now (and you get a great mid-game clip if you can dodge and counter it a few times) that can mess you up if you get caught in it. In fact, he beat me 3 times before I finally squeaked out a win in the third round.
I eventually got a little frustrated once I reached the World Circuit and got my butt handed to me by Aran Ryan one time to many. But really it's a great game and after 3 hours I've really only just scratched the surface. Going to be enjoying this one for quite some time.
I'd buy it.