Forum > Gaming Discussion > Rabbids Go Home - Thread of Leo and GG impressions
Rabbids Go Home - Thread of Leo and GG impressions
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Mon, 09 Nov 2009 19:26:27



Rabbids Go Home is an extremely entertaining and funny game – the Rabbids’ attitude and anarchic humour paper over a lot of the repetition and minor faults that pepper the game. The two player mode is passable but Rabbids Go Home excels as an all-out single player game, full of unexpected wit and a relentlessly fun atmosphere, and one you’ll love if you’re after a pick-up-and-play game to cheer up these dark Winter nights.


SteelAttack said:
I'm getting this game for Christmas! Should be fun to play on Christmas morning with my daughters.

I suppose after years of exposure to your thong, the rabbids' thongs wont bother them LOL

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Mon, 09 Nov 2009 19:38:22
Pretty much. They are immune to any kind of grotesque behavior by now. LOL
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Mon, 09 Nov 2009 19:40:42

SteelAttack said:
Pretty much. They are immune to any kind of grotesque behavior by now. LOL


I'm telling your wife to get you a thong for Christmas.

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Tue, 10 Nov 2009 22:47:15

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Wed, 11 Nov 2009 02:55:55
^ I would totally do that guy! Oh! ...and he likes Rabbids too! So, I'd do him twice! [Note to self: No more drinking on weeknights!]

Have I mentioned I LOVE this picture? The look on their faces is priceless!
It's like: "What?! What are you getting so upset for? We're only grave-robbing!"
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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 11:10:50
Rabbids Go Home 1up review

Rabbids Go Home executes extremely well. It's easier than you might expect, especially if you've been following this franchise since back when Rayman was the star. But everything from the soundtrack (which features licensed tracks like "Somebody to Love" and "Me and Mrs. Jones") to the customization features to the virtual pet-style Rabbid-inside-your-Wii Remote bonus mode adds enough personality to the relatively simple platforming to make this worth playing.

B EditDelete

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Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:42:07
NWR review Rabbids Goo Home 9/10 "Rabbids Go Home leaves the party game genre behind, and the end results are amazing."

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Tue, 17 Nov 2009 13:28:07
Gamepro review Rabbids Go Home 4/5 "Rabbids Go Home is a very special game, and when I say special, I mean special like that kid in your second grade class"

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Tue, 17 Nov 2009 14:29:02

So since no one is online I am bored so I thought I'd collate all the review scores together here.

  • Nintendo World Report    9/10
  • Giant Bomb                      4/5
  • Gamepro                          4/5
  • NGamer                            86%
  • IGN                                   8.5
  • Official Nintendo Mag      83%
  • Gamesradar                      8/10
  • Eurogamer                       8/10
  • Nintendo Life                   8/10
  • 1up                                  B
  • Game Informer                7.5

Kotaku, no rating but  good review:

"It's another strong Wii game from a non-Nintendo company, adding to what's become an eclectic shelf of small 2009 Wii gems"

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Thu, 26 Nov 2009 13:21:48

So, thanks to a special half price dealio, I have Rabbids Go Home.

Should I play it or save it for Christmas?

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Thu, 26 Nov 2009 14:37:43

PLaying the first level. What the crap? It's letterboxed on an 4:3 TV!

Framerate is fine but should be rock solid IMO.

Otherwise the first level which I saw in video and hated, is actually a lot more fun to play then watch. You can tell this is no cash in game.

And the rabbids are funny as hell.

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Thu, 26 Nov 2009 17:10:36

gamingeek said:

PLaying the first level. What the crap? It's letterboxed on an 4:3 TV!


The VG Press

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Thu, 26 Nov 2009 19:31:19

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

PLaying the first level. What the crap? It's letterboxed on an 4:3 TV!


Like Madworld I had to switch the Wii settings to widescreen to get a full screen on a 4:3 TV.

And I guess I will have to do the frigging same for NSMB.

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Thu, 26 Nov 2009 20:34:14

Right impressions.

I started playing and I couldn't stop, despite being on no sleep and with a bad stomach. I find it so addictive and easy to play.

As I said for some reason on 4:3 Tvs its in letterbox mode, so set your wii to widescreen for fullscreen. Let me get the bad out of the way. There are very minor technical issues.

Screen tearing is horrible, in most games I absolutely ABHOR it. In Rabbids Go Home however it is very, very minor. But it's there and is a black spot on what could be a near faultless presentation.

If we're talking a black spot then the framerate is another. It's not bad, it doesn't occur often or make the game unplayable or anything else silly like that, but in a game which can look so good and so stylised, you just want it to be perfect like Mario Galaxy. It runs at 30 with minor dips here and there.

The reason why these very minor technical complaints are felt is because the art, lighting and more importantly, the animation is so imaginative and well lit and often gorgeously fun to watch in motion.

Les humains présentés par les Lapins Crétins

The Lyn engine is a looker.

Anyhow the game is deceptively simple. It's actually simple and repetitive but in a very good way. It's like a concept that has been distilled into something anyone can play and find instantly engaging and the rabbids are hilarious too. It's not even the obvious stuff, not blatant jokes but the way the childlike character react to new situations.

The dialogue is precious too, reminiscent of GTA when you accidently bump into someone their distressed yelps of Rabbid fear are nearly always chuckle worthy. There are even absurd touches like a re-occuring Santa character who you can savage to receive giant burgers. Some humans hide in lockers or bushes and you have to flush them out. Dogs chase you, you can bounce off pinball style or career around the place like a crazed driver, later gaining a boost mechanic. It starts off simple but gradually adds more and more elements to make the game engaging.

The levels are huge too. They almost have to be considering how fast you can move through them. It's a shame they didn't just pull off the GTA concept. I mean you have a hub world and very large levels that all cohesively exist within the world and yet rather than linking them in a large open world the hub world leads to a menu list where you select your levels. A real shame.

It's hard to describe what this game is, its not an adventure game but its not really a platform game either. This is another Wii gem, along the lines of De Blob or Endless Ocean, something completely unique that everyone should experience. But this time its not one of these love or hate it games. There's a reason why nearly every review has been over 8/10, Rabbids has an inherent quality to its production and an easy irrestible charm.

I can't wait to get back into it and chase some puny humans. Happy

Also the Rabbids channel is pretty great, its a combination of the Mii channel and Mii Contest channel, except the rabbids character editor is remarkably robust. It connects to the internet and you can submit your designs for competitions. Or view the entries and vote. But impressively like mii parade you can pick the best designs, download them and use them in game. Some of them are amazing, there was a halloween and zombie competition and the designs are extremely good.

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Fri, 27 Nov 2009 20:10:33

Played a few more hours. Game definetely shows some mario galaxy influence.

Its all in the level design which is steadily getting cleverer and more difficult (though never harder than mario galaxy).

I did this level which was in complete darkness inside a nuclear reactor, you walked into puddles of goo which makes you radioactive for a few seconds. And then they started this gauntlet of explosive balloons. And then they had this complex maze of explosive balloons that expanded and deflated. Very clever.

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Sat, 28 Nov 2009 02:42:06
Bah, why did this have to be good when so many other games just came out?

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Sat, 28 Nov 2009 10:45:35

Foolz said:
Bah, why did this have to be good when so many other games just came out?

my feelings exactly.

BUT, as it was so wisely stated in that guiness ad campaign all those years ago ... "good things come to those who wait", and cheap things too


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Sat, 28 Nov 2009 10:48:03

Game seems to be heavily discounted in the UK at £20 in the supermarkets and on amazon.

Either its selling badly or its some promotional price. The one year there is actually a decent rabbids game...

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Sat, 28 Nov 2009 10:56:20
gg those impressions are great and make the game very tempting in a way that none of the screens or reviews i had seen previously did.  look forward to reading more, as you play more


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sat, 28 Nov 2009 11:43:29

SteelAttack said:
Pretty much. They are immune to any kind of grotesque behavior by now. LOL


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