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Red Steel 2 Official Thread: "Probably the best third party wii game we've played in recent memory"
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Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:00:05

gamingeek said:

Tried it last night. Good stuff. 

Just got knocked out by that dude in the cutscene. How far from the end am I? 

Pretty close.

You need to lower the bridge then you have 2 short action packed levels,  

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Wed, 28 Apr 2010 15:33:26

French official Nintendo mag:

"Red Steel 3 in development. Whereas the second game has just released, the developers Ubisoft Paris, confirms the announcement of the third game, compatible with the vitality
Rough translation.

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Wed, 28 Apr 2010 16:13:08
Bought the game.  18 squid seems about right.


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Wed, 28 Apr 2010 16:42:12

bugsonglass said:
Bought the game.  18 squid seems about right.


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Wed, 28 Apr 2010 17:28:26
Finally finished this last night. Really good game and to me could have been great with more time and money. Great art, great controls. Unoriginal story, no decent replay value whatsoever.
I would have loved more of a stephen king 'stand' or 'dark towers' vibe or even some kind of retro b&w movie serial idea.  As interesting  as the art was, the storyline and characters were the opposite to me. Could have used some NPC's too, just for variety.
Really loved the gradually  levelling up with the powers and moves. Actually wanted a few more QTE's like the truck one at the beginning because you at least participated in the cutscene. It was funny to participate in all the  boss battle - they were all essentially slugging it out in a boxing arena(yeah I know it's a brawler)  and once you got the boss health bar down you get a cutscene where there's all this amazing action that you just watch. It was like - oh I thought "I" killed him but I guess I just triggered the more adept hero to step in and  leap around cliffs and hurtle foes to their doom - glad to have helped anyway though.
The gameplay combat is the star like everyone says. A solid 8 out of 10 for me. Multiplayer would have been so much fun.
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Wed, 28 Apr 2010 17:37:07

angrymonkey said:
Finally finished this last night. Really good game and to me could have been great with more time and money. Great art, great controls. Unoriginal story, no decent replay value whatsoever.
I would have loved more of a stephen king 'stand' or 'dark towers' vibe or even some kind of retro b&w movie serial idea.  As interesting  as the art was, the storyline and characters were the opposite to me. Could have used some NPC's too, just for variety.
Really loved the gradually  levelling up with the powers and moves. Actually wanted a few more QTE's like the truck one at the beginning because you at least participated in the cutscene. It was funny to participate in all the  boss battle - they were all essentially slugging it out in a boxing arena(yeah I know it's a brawler)  and once you got the boss health bar down you get a cutscene where there's all this amazing action that you just watch. It was like - oh I thought "I" killed him but I guess I just triggered the more adept hero to step in and  leap around cliffs and hurtle foes to their doom - glad to have helped anyway though.
The gameplay combat is the star like everyone says. A solid 8 out of 10 for me. Multiplayer would have been so much fun.

 Yeah I would love to see a more populated game world. Maybe these controls and combat in a WRPG setting. More NPCs. Caldera is so empty. There should be some people holed up in their homes and stuff. 

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Wed, 28 Apr 2010 18:42:38
Is this legit? I guess it's confirmed that vitality sensor's design has changed and you can now use the nunchuck + the vitality sensor at once? I liked that bearded dude's ideas for the vitality sensor even though it was just an off handed comment at some interview. Something about if you're able to keep yourself calm your chi recharges faster and you can do more specials or some shit. I can't remember exactly but it was simple and neat. Anyway when I first saw headlines with Red Steel 3 I thought it would be a PS3 game, lol. I guess RS2 isn't doing TOO bad then?
Edited: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 18:43:34
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Wed, 28 Apr 2010 18:53:14
Found it, it's not very old, from March.

Finally, the question that’s on everyone’s mind: as a sort of unofficial ambassador to the hardcore for Wii products, will you include Wii Vitality Sensor Support in the next Red Steel?

Duh. I intend to include a “zen” mode where if you can keep your heart-rate low, your spirit (re: mana) will regenerate faster, and, to the contrary, if you maintain a high heart-rate, you will generate more rage with each strike, which will allow you to unleash ultra combos.

Edited: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 18:53:57
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Wed, 28 Apr 2010 19:16:30

gamingeek said:

Yeah I would love to see a more populated game world. Maybe these controls and combat in a WRPG setting. More NPCs. Caldera is so empty. There should be some people holed up in their homes and stuff.

Yeah, even just to have different people give you different missions. Supremely unambitious, the route they went. I'm hoping it was a money/time issue and not an idea to keep it simplified and uncomplicated. And congrats to them for not making 'red steel - kids' like EA was doing at first with the NBA Jam game. At this point I will congratulate any developer that makes a wii game where the subtitle 'now for kids' doesn't fit.

I bet RS2 will show up the new zelda when it comes to sword fighting and Zelda will kick RS2's ass when it comes to world environments.

Agnates said:
Found it, it's not very old, from March.

Yeah, I remember that interview. One flippant off the cuff remark is enough for a mag to confirm a sequel I guess.

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Wed, 28 Apr 2010 19:21:36
Wait, are you saying they based this "confirmation" on what I quoted? That's not what I meant, I was just saying he's expressed ideas for vitality sensor before so it makes sense they use it... But if so, then lol...
Edited: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 19:21:56
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Wed, 28 Apr 2010 19:32:48
Oh - that's just my guess. Some people on gaf seemed to be indicating that this magazine can get a little speculative.  I just find it a little unlikely given that the game hasn't been out long enough for good  sales figures ( what can it be at right now - 1/10th of sales expectations?) And ubisoft had already downgraded expectations. And Ubisoft didn't quickly announce a sequel for red steel.
In fact, has there been any game for the wii that got a sequel announcement when the present game had just been out a couple of weeks?
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Wed, 28 Apr 2010 20:24:12
More like 1/5th at least. Half a million wasn't it.
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Wed, 28 Apr 2010 21:42:13
You think it's at 100 thousand copies right now? That would be nice..
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Wed, 28 Apr 2010 22:01:08
Ubisoft confirmed the 50k estimate for US sales in March was correct (after Pachter said it has done about that). Can't be a stretch to be 100k worldwide by now, a month later.

A Ubisoft spokesperson confirmed the sales figures but correctly pointed out that they are based on only a partial month's performance, as Red Steel 2 was released on March 23, less than half a month before NPD's March reporting period ended on April 3. "Considering that the NPD sales only accounted for 12 days on the store shelves and that NPD doesn't include all retailers we are looking forward to a complete month of sales data to see where we stand."

Edited: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 22:01:59
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Wed, 28 Apr 2010 22:07:35
Forgot it's been a month already. Would be great if it would do well and maybe compel other companies to try something similar. Like a good jedi game.
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Thu, 29 Apr 2010 12:35:52
Wasn't an Assasins Creed 3 game confirmed shortly after the 2nd game released?

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Thu, 29 Apr 2010 19:07:42
Yeah, I know how things work for the favorite sons of the game industry but I'm just talking about the wii.
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Thu, 29 Apr 2010 21:02:55
Ubisoft have debunked the RS3 rumours. It was a misinterpretation of that interview where Vandenberge was joking. 

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Thu, 29 Apr 2010 21:06:07
gamingeek said:
Wasn't an Assasins Creed 3 game confirmed shortly after the 2nd game released?

 There is a multiplayer game that was announced (I think that's a spin-of)

I thought at the series launch they said that this was going to be a trilogy (the usual Ubi 3-4 games per series per cycle).

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Thu, 29 Apr 2010 21:08:15

Agnates said:
Is this legit? I guess it's confirmed that vitality sensor's design has changed and you can now use the nunchuck + the vitality sensor at once? ...

 Miyamoto said he was going to use the controller and sensitivity controller at the same time in last month's GI interview.  Not sure if that counts as confirmation these days.

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